The Anglès a Alemany interpreters listed below specialize in the general field of Other. To find a more specialized service provider, choose a more specific field on the right. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.
310 results (paying members)
Freelance Interpreter native in |
Specializes in |
21 |
German, Italian, English, tedesco, italiano, inglese, Deutsch, Italienisch, Englisch, translation, ...
22 |
Videogame Localisation, User Guides, Terms&Conditions, Agreements, Policies, Best Practices, IT, Spieleübersetzer
23 |
code of conduct, hr, human resources, personnel, PeopleSoft, eHR, incentive schemes, competency models, employee surveys, marketing, ...
24 |
Norms, standards, localisation, railway, automotive, medical, tenders, IT
25 |
suewNative in Anglès 
Lagebericht, SLA, Vertrag, Handelsvertretervertrag, Bankbürgschaft, PR-Mitteilung, Website, Konzernanhang, Leasing, Leasingvertrag, ...
26 |
english-german translator, german-english translator. General translations, medical translations, medical/pharmaceutical market research. website translations. general/conversational translation, technical translation.
27 |
Übersetzungen Französisch-Deutsch, Übersetzer Französisch-Deutsch, Französisch-Deutsch, vereidigter Übersetzer Französisch-Deutsch, beglaubigte Übersetzungen Französisch-Deutsch, Recht, Gesellschaftsrecht, juristische Texte, Verträge, Urkunden, ...
28 |
Poker, Music, Gaming, Online Poker, Localization, Project Management, CAT tools, Trados, MemoQ, XTM, ...
29 |
Aliments i begudes, Esport / Fitness / Recreació, Història, Cinema, Pel·lícules, Televisió, Teatre, ...
30 |
french atlanta, german atlanta, ethic, compliance, conformité, it, language classes, language instruction, tutoring, video game, ...
31 |
Ana KrämerNative in Alemany (Variants: Swiss, Austrian, Germany)  , Espanyol (Variants: Argentine, Standard-Spain) 
experienced medical, pharmaceutical, technical, scientific, mathematics, IT, and electronic and mechanical engineering
32 |
THX 1138Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany) 
Accounting, accuracy, accurate, adaptation, adhoc, Aktien, Allocation, alpha, Anlegerinformationen, Annual Report, ...
33 |
Spiel, Spiele, Übersetzung, Übersetzer, Spielübersetzung, Spieleübersetzung, englisch, deutsch, english, german, ...
34 |
Medi Ambient & Ecologia, Patents, Certificats, Diplomes, Llicències, Currículums, Periodisme, ...
35 |
Art, Manualitats & Artesania, Pintura, Cinema, Pel·lícules, Televisió, Teatre, Aliments i begudes, General / Conversació / Salutacions / Cartes, ...
36 |
English, French, German, translations, translator, lectorate, language training, teaching, coaching, economics, ...
37 |
life science, life sciences, biology, molecular biology, medicine, biomedicine, biotechnology, drug development, genetics, molecular genetics, ...
38 |
German, English, French banking, banking software, audit, business, marketing/commerce, certificates others, translation, consecutive interpretation, ...
39 |
Cosmètica, bellesa, Tèxtil / Vestit / Moda, Certificats, Diplomes, Llicències, Currículums, Química; Quim Ciència/Eng, ...
40 |
german, english, french, translation, localization, editing, interpreting, germany, canada, IT, ...
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Related sections: Freelance translators
Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.
Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.
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