Freelance translator security practices   

Use the following list for reference, and to indicate which security practices you offer. (The practices listed have been derived from data entered by translators in SecurePRO cards in free text form.) Discuss these practices in the forum.

Handling and ownership of content/files   (16 practices)

  • Safeguarding of content: I take care to prevent confidential project files and content from being accessed by unauthorized parties.

    This is one of the fundamental security practices: files received from clients, or content to be translated, is handled in such a way that people not involved in a project are prevented from accessing it.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer will take commercially reasonable steps to protect confidential project files and content against unauthorized access.

  • No discussion: I do not discuss confidential project content with unauthorized parties.

    One way in which confidential information can be disclosed is by people involved in a project discussing the contents with outside people.

    Example NDA term: Confidential aspects of the project will not be discussed with others.

  • File deletion: I delete project files upon completion of work, or am willing to do so upon request.

    Some end-clients want to know that copies of their confidential material will be destroyed after the translation process is complete.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer will delete project files upon completion of project, within three working days of client request.

  • No paper copies: I either do not create paper copies, or am willing to agree to shred them upon project completion.

    Secrets can be divulged when printed copies of confidential content are left unsecured, or when they are discarded without being rendered unreadable.

    Example NDA term: Any printed copies of content will be shredded or otherwise destroyed upon project completion.

  • Encrypted file storage: I understand how to, and am willing to agree to, store files only in encrypted form.

    It is possible, using certain operating systems or third-party tools, to encrypt files and file folders, so that even if they are obtained, they can not be understood easily without knowing the decryption password.

    Example NDA term: Confidential files will be stored by freelancer only in encrypted form.

  • Password-protected folders: I understand how to, and am willing to agree to, password-protect file folders.
  • Encrypted file transfer: I understand how to, and am willing to agree to, send and receive project files in encrypted format.

    "Encrypted file transfer is the process of encrypting a file before transmitting it over a network, Internet and/or remote server. It is done to secure a file and hide its content from being viewed or extracted by anyone except the receiver or sender." (Techopedia)

    Example NDA term: Confidential files will be transferred between client and freelancer only in encrypted form.

  • Dedicated project folder: I am willing to agree to keep separate file folders for separate clients.

    Some clients, and some LSPs, want to be assured that a given client will have its own dedicated folder in a freelancer's hard drive. This may help to prevent the unintentional mixing and disclosure of content from one client to another.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer will store project files in a dedicated folder that contains no content from other clients.

  • Remote backup: I have a regimen, available upon request, for backing up files remotely while work is underway.

    To reduce the risk of translated content being lost due to local hardware failure, etc., some clients would like to know that a freelancer is backing up files outside of the local machine.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer will regularly back up project files, in a location other than the local machine, during the work period.

  • Archiving: I have a regimen, available upon request, for maintaining copies of project files after completion of work.

    Some clients like to have freelancers archive the files they have created for some period of time after work is completed.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer will retain project files, after completion of the work, for a period of time to be mutually agreed upon.

  • No cloud storage: I am willing to agree to store content only locally on my own machine(s), i.e., not in "the cloud".

    Some clients want to be sure that their content is not uploaded to "the cloud", that is, web-based storage, where it might be accessible to unauthorized parties (including a company administering such a cloud service.) To comply with this practice, make sure cloud backups are not automatically being taken of project materials.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer will store files only locally, not using third-party cloud storage solutions.

  • No unauthorized sampling: I use samples from completed translations (in portfolios, or otherwise to market my services) only with client permission.

    Excerpts from past translation work are commonly used in portfolios and other marketing material. However, it is generally accepted that such samples should be used only if permission has been obtained from the client.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer may not create portfolio samples from work performed without permission from client.

  • Confidential collaboration: I do not disclose confidential information when obtaining assistance from fellow translators on term selection, etc.

    When using KudoZ or otherwise conferring with colleagues concerning term selection, care must be taken not to disclose confidential information while sharing content. Remember that among those viewing a term discussion may be individuals who are already familiar with the material, and who may otherwise be able to guess the client or deduce information when too much detail has been shared.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer will take care not to disclose confidential information when discussing term selection with outside professionals.

  • No term discussions: I am willing to agree not to obtain assistance from fellow translators on term selection, etc., at all.

    Some clients may prefer that freelancers not enter into discussions on term selection with external parties at all.

    Example NDA term: Freelancer may not seek assistance on term selection from outside parties.

  • No ownership claims: I am willing to agree that completed translations are the property of the client or client's client, and waive any personal rights thereof.

    Some have argued that legally speaking, a freelancer may have some intellectual property rights to a translation that he or she creates. This practice says that the freelancer is willing to waive such rights and acknowledge complete ownership of the material by the buyer of the service.

    Example NDA term: Completed work is the property of the client.

  • Reference material confidential: I consider reference materials to be confidential; I do not share such materials, and would not use them on other client's projects, without permission.

    It is not just the material to be translated that may contain confidential content; accompanying reference material may also be sensitive. A client may wish to have explicit reassurance that the reference materials, including glossaries, translation memories, previously translated documents, etc., will not be disclosed to other parties, and not be used on other clients' work.

    Example NDA term: Reference materials (glossaries, TM's, previously translated documents) will not be disclosed or used in connection with other clients' work.

» Next section: Productivity solutions (TM / MT / OCR / TMS) (6 practices)

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