En què estan treballant els traductors

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En quin projecte de traducció estàs treballant ara mateix?

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Doing what I enjoy the most these days since I got into SEO, SEO translation of a couple of articles in the Finance field -monthly assignments that every time make my week when they arrive.


I Do That

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Another SEO translation for a client! I so do LOVE working on this area more and more! What a stimulating challenge and a different way of approaching the translation process :)


1 userI Do That

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Doing a 6-month Master on Advanced Technical SEO. Hard, intense, but loving it all the way! Half way there, and only 3 months more to go!


I Do That

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Currently taking a very exciting course on Transcreation -love every minute!


I Do That

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Excited and ready for the new year! Already acquired and currently testing SDL Trados Studio 2021!


I Do That

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Taking a course in SEO Translation from English into Spanish, while I just got the fantastic news for the first time of having my name credited for a translated book that just got published. Thrilled!


I Do That

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Happily -and also very intensily- working on a 43,000-word political essay proofreading on democracy. Very interesting too! Love it!


I Do That

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Translating about essential oils and natural cosmetics -so inspiring! I also want them all!


I Do That

Anna Queralt, que publica des de, ProZ.com ha compartit:

Currently taking a course on Translation of Clothing/Fashion


I Do That