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Preparing for a feminist forum where participants will express themselves in Greek, German, Portuguese, French, Spanish and English. Excited to enjoy a mostly relay-free session with the exception of Greek-just for now. Biactive booth EN<>ES (s'ha editat) Writing: content creation and development at easyorganic, in the form of monthly collaboration. Check it here: https://easyorganic.es/bienestar/petalos-de-yoga/yoga-y-asana-asana-componente-del-yoga/ Preparing thoroughly for a High-Level Event aimed to reflect upon and strive towards the Elimination of Every Form of Violence Against Women. German-French-English-Spanish. Last week EN<>ES interpreting revolved around finance. Intense prior study and thorough learning of new terminology. The kind of meetings that have a work-out effect, where you come out even stronger.
1 user
(s'ha editat) Remote Interpreting at the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies providing expertise in the English booth working with Portuguese, French, and Spanish. 1 user
(s'ha editat) Back in the booth for the week of the European Regions and Cities. EN<>ES<DE
(s'ha editat) Deutsch ins Katalanische Übersetzung: Tier-Ernährung
(s'ha editat) Preparing a(n) RSI meeting on Food Security. 1 user
(s'ha editat) Thoroughly preparing for a RSI 50 people meeting on ZOOM dealing with the European Recovery Package DE/FR>ES<>ES
(s'ha editat) Proud of having contributed to the EN>ES subtitling of this delicate short video on Ammaji, better known as Swamini Premananda. A blast from the past: back in 2012! See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnil5TJ-qBQ
(s'ha editat) Preparing for another remote interpretation (EN<>ES): a series of International Webinars on Water and Sanitation.
(s'ha editat) Preparing for a RSI EN<>ES webinar on Social Entrepreneurship :)
(s'ha editat) Last service: EN<>ES<FR/DE interpretation at a Migration and Inclusion Committee (intra-European level).
(s'ha editat) |