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SEO Japanese Specialist required

Treball publicat el: Mar 11, 2025 13:40 GMT   (GMT: Mar 11, 2025 13:40)

Job type: Treball de traducció/edició/revisió
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, Summarization, Native speaker conversation

Idiomes: Anglès a Japonès, Japonès

Descripció del treball:

My name is Juan and I am Vendor manager,

I work for the Wolfestone Group. We're looking for a Japanese SEO expert to collaborate with us on a project from one of our clients.

They have a list of Japanese keywords that they would like to optimise, you should check their website and the JA version we have and see if there are better options for each of them. We have 59 key terms total.. Is this a service you offer?

Please can you share your CV with SEO related experience?

Could we discuss your pricing and a possible quote for this?

How do you normally organise in terms of how many hours it takes to work on this type of volume? Just for me to have a better idea when we discuss internally and with the client.

Please email me at: [HIDDEN]

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards.

Selecció de proveïdors de serveis (especificats pel publicador del treball)
Adhesió: Els que no són membres podran contestar després de 12 hores
Camp del treball: Market Research
Data límit per a contestar: Mar 12, 2025 08:13 GMT
Data límit de l'entrega: Mar 14, 2025 08:13 GMT
Sobre el comprador de serveis:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.6 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Contact person title: Vendor Manager

Contestacions rebudes: 7
Anglès a Japonès:4