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Faster way to translate subtitles?
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José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:05
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In memoriam
A few agencies seem to think otherwise :-) Jun 13, 2010

Joanna Hald wrote:

No CATs for this kind of translations!

If you have any respect for audiovisual translations you don't even think about using CAT to this kind of translation.

What is really good for "common" translations is bad for film and literature.

It's not frequent, but I've seen a few job ads where agencies preclude non-Trados owners (yep, they won't accept WordFast instead) from contacting them, in spite of the job requiring translation from script-less video. (I've seen this more often for interpreting jobs!)

It seems that these gullible people read somewhere that Trados owners translate anything better and cheaper.

Txeca, República
Local time: 09:05
Anglès a Txec
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Sub workshop Jul 28, 2010

I use Subtitle workshop for all my subs. I think it’s the best you can find. You can load any srt file, change texts, and, if needed, change timings for each subtitle (you do have to change timings when translating because the original and translated text differ in length). You can set timings for a specific number of characters, and subtitling with sub workshop is just a piece of cake.

Estats Units d'Amèrica
Translating subtitles Mar 27, 2019

This might not be the speediest way to translate subtitles if it's a once-off project, but if you're translating a lot of similar content repeatedly and want high-quality subtitles, this could save you time in the long-run: https://www.pairaphrase.com/best-way-translate-subtitles-professional-videos/

Hope this helps!

Pasodina Miler
Pasodina Miler
Pasodina Miler
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Danès a Anglès
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Automatic translator Jun 14, 2019

I agree with you guys but I am working as a subtitles translator with Netflix and I am using https://translatesubtitles.com to translate and then I manually correct words and that can save you a lot of time then translating subtitles via voice or something else.

reed chiu
Subtitles Translator Tool Feb 6, 2020

With this tool https://www.subtitlestranslator.com/ you can translate up to 20 subtitles files at once and then manually make the corrections you want. It also support the main subtitles formats such as srt, vtt, sub and others.

Pasodina Miler
Pasodina Miler
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Danès a Anglès
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Subtitles translator Jun 3, 2020

well now I am using this new website to translate subtitles, it is a combination of these two websites and has a multi subtitle translator and it is a very fast website: https://translatesubtitles.co

Ghulam Akbar
Ghulam Akbar
Online Subtitle Translator (syedgakbar.com) Sep 16, 2020

Another alternative would be https://www.syedgakbar.com/projects/dst , which supports Google, Yandex and Microsoft translators, and also support editing of translated content for further fine tuning.

reed chiu
reed chiu
Hong Kong
Local time: 16:05
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I'm working for some asian streamline agency, and I think the current AI tools not too bad Dec 20, 2024

I've tried most of the products in the posts, and for non-specialized content, I can perform well in 80% or more of the cases, but I still need human intervention to proofread and edit the translation to make it even better.
Undoubtedly, technological development is making this process more efficient. I have been using https://subtitlesdog.com recently, which offers a variety of pre-set roles.

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Faster way to translate subtitles?

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