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CAT Tool & Software Day

Sep 29, 2014


Working effectively with project managers - for translation professionals

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Click here to visit the SDL Trados exhibit booth for more details and to download SDL Trados information.

The goal of this session is to clearly define the role of the project manager, explaining their daily activities and responsibilities. Based on a clear definition of this person's role in executing translation projects, the presenter will offer suggestions on how translators can become an strategic ally of the project managers they work with, and ultimately receive more volume and more professionally satisfying work from translation agencies.

The intended audience for this presentation includes:

1. translators looking to grow their translation business, by targeting translation agencies as key clients they will serve.
2. language industry professionals who aspire to work as project managers.
3. translation company owners or directors who are interested in seeing the project manager's profile as presented by another language company owner.


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Discussion for CAT Tool & Software Day session (2014): Working effectively with project managers - for translation professionals
Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 01:37
Espanyol a Anglès
+ ...
PLEASE allow time for video to load Sep 17, 2014

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