The Pharmacokinetics of Drugs Commonly Studied during Clinical Trials

Formats: Videos
Topics: Getting established in the translation industry
Medical translation

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

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This course is approved for three (3) American Translators Association Continuing Education points.

Duration:60 minutes
The presenter will discuss a very important area in clinical trial research and translation, i.e. pharmacokinetics, which is the effect of the body on a particular drug, for drug classes commonly studied during clinical trials: diuretics, proton pump inhibitors, sulfonylureas, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.

In addition, we will also learn how clinical trial researchers measure the pharmacokinetics of drugs. Essential pharmacokinetic metrics will be presented, and we will discuss what they can tell us about the effectiveness (or non-effectiveness) of a drug. These metrics include CMAX, CMIN, tMAX and AUC (area under the curve).

Finally, we will talk about the contradictions for the above drug classes based on their pharmacokinetic profile. Pharmacokinetics is not only very interesting but also essential for pharmaceutical translators or those wishing to enter this field. As translators, we must understand the concept(s) behind the words we translate to deliver the best translation possible.

This webinar will give you a solid foundation for pharmacokinetics as it relates to clinical drug trials and especially to the five drug classes that will be discussed.

Participants will receive a .pdf version of the presentation, a resource list and a list of the technical terms we cover during the session.
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Price: 20.00 USD

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Created by
Carmen Cross    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Carmen Cross has been a professional medical translator of German and Arabic medical documents since 2005. She holds a Bachelor's and two Master's in Arabic language and linguistics, as well as an Arabic-English translation certificate from New York University. In addition to medicine and biotechnology, she is also interested in foreign language acquisition and linguistics. Like her page on Facebook
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