Diccionario terminológico de las ciencias farmacéuticas / A terminological dictionary of the pharmaceutical sciences

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Posted by: Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT

ISBN: 9788434437241
Author: Real Academia de Farmacia, Domínguez-Gil Hurlé, Alcaraz Varó, Martínez Motos
Edition: Hardcover
Pages: 1092
Pairs: Anglès a Espanyol, Espanyol a Anglès
Broad fields: Medicina
Publisher: Editorial Ariel, S.A., Barcelona, Spain
Price (approx.): Eur 56
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The dictionary has the clear structure of all Alcaraz-Varó dictionaries, but with some very interesting features e.g. source and target terms embedded in the description of the term; sample sentences containing the terms; a specification of the general area of the term (pharmacology, biology, health services, general...). A very interesting dictionary, and a promising project if the Academies of the Americas join the project in the future.