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Title Cover Author Language pair Description Feedback
Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy Anglès
A major reference grammar offering the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of spoken and written English based on real everyday usage. The Camb...
5 (1 entry)
Cambridge International Dictionary of English with CD-ROM (Collective) Anglès
This pack contains a major learner's dictionary together with a CD-ROM version of the dictionary, updated for 2000. The dictionary offers over 50,000 ...
Can Theory Help Translators: A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface Andrew Chesterman, Emma Wagner Anglès
This book is a dialogue between a theoretical scholar and a professional translator, about the usefulness (if any) of translation theory. Andrew Chest...
5 (1 entry)
Chambers Reference Online Chambers Harrap Anglès
Anglès a Francès
Francès a Anglès
Unlimited access to the full text of Harrap's Unabridged French Dictionary (425,000 words and phrases + 700,000 translations) plus The Chambers Dictio...
ChatDico Philippe REGALL Find the right translation for your term in your domain: – Translation of term ordered by frequency of use, – Bilingual sentences examples, –...
Chinesische Chemiefachsprache Rainer von Franz Xinès a Alemany
Alemany a Xinès
In keinem wissenschaftlichen Fachgebiet ist die Nomenklatur einer derart weitgehenden Systematisierung und Vereinheitlichung unterzogen worden wie in ...
Collins Concise Thesaurus A-Z Collins Anglès
Now in colour, this new edition of the "Collins Desktop Thesaurus" is a must-have reference book for all the family. Not only does it provide a genero...
Collins German dictionary [senior editors, Maree Airlie, Joyce Littlejohn] Alemany a Anglès
Anglès a Alemany
Recommended by the Open University. Includes 2006 German spelling rules. Digital data also available for licensing as an enterprise solution.
5 (1 entry)
Collins Italian dictionary Collins Italià a Anglès
Anglès a Italià
Over 50,000 copies sold in print of current edition. Most user-friendly Italian/English dictionary on the market. Data also available for licensing as...
Collins Robert French Dictionary Collins Robert Anglès a Francès
Francès a Anglès
Collins, in partnership with prestigious French dictionary publisher Le Robert, is proud to present the latest edition of the Collins Robert Comprehen...