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Espanyol a Anglès - Tarifes: 0.06 - 0.11 USD per paraula / 25 - 50 USD per hora Portuguès a Anglès - Tarifes: 0.06 - 0.11 USD per paraula / 25 - 50 USD per hora Català a Anglès - Tarifes: 0.06 - 0.11 USD per paraula / 25 - 60 USD per hora Francès a Anglès - Tarifes: 0.06 - 0.11 USD per paraula / 25 - 50 USD per hora Gallec a Anglès - Tarifes: 0.06 - 0.11 USD per paraula / 25 - 60 USD per hora
El presidente Alan Garcia aprovecho las reuniones que sostuvo ayer en Palacio con la canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, y el jefe del gobierno espanol, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, para apuntalar su inciativa para que el Peru pueda avanzar –junto con Colombia, hacia la subsripcion de un TLC con la Union Europea (UE), al margen de los plantamientos en la material de Bolivia y Ecuador, los otros dos miembros de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN).
La UE prefiere firmar estos acuerdos comerciales con un bloque integrado de paises y no con naciones individuales. Asi lo hace en Asia, y asi lo planteo a la CAN. No obstante, existen, por un lado, precedentes de paises que si han firmado un TLC proprio con la UE; en America Latina, lo han hecho Mexico y Chile.
Por el otro lado, es una realidad innegable el escollo derivado de enfoques radicalmente diferentes –y, sin duda, legitimos en cada caso- en relacion con la manera como cada gobierno cree su pais debe integrarse al comercio internacional y engancharse con el fenomeno de la globalizacion.
Esto es lo que esta sucediendo desde hace un buen tiempo entre, por un lado, Peru y Colombia, y, por el otro, Bolivia y Ecuador, lo cual se convierte en un obstaculo relevante para el proceso de suscripcion de un mismo tratado commercial entre los cuatro paises con la UE.
El asunto es tan importante que Venezuela abandono la CAN, entre otros motivos, por los avances de la negociacion del TLC con Estados Unidos por parte de Peru y Colombia.
Se puede avanzar hacia un TLC entre la CAN y la UE a pesar de dicho escenario? Las opciones que se abren son diversas. La mas radical es emitir la partida de difuncion de la CAN. Pero sin tener que llegar a eso, esta la diplomacia, que es el arte de construir acuerdos no obstante las diferencias entre las naciones.
En ese sentido, se ha planteado una negociacion con ‘diferentes velocidades’ que permita llegar a acuerdos especificos, lo cual requiere de un respaldo politico que parece haber cuajado en los acuerdos en los encuentros bilaterales que se realizaron ayer en Palacio. Es una buena noticia.
Traducció - Anglès Different Speeds
A Free Trade Agreement with the EU without killing the CAN.
President Alan Garcia took advantage of meetings held yesterday in the National Palace with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, to detail his plan to move Peru –along with Colombia- towards the signing of a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union (EU), despite the opposition shown by Bolivia and Ecuador, the other two members of the Andean Community of Nations (ACN), to such an agreement.
The EU prefers to sign such commercial deals with an integrated block of countries and not with individual nations. This is how things are done in Asia, and this was the proposal made to the ACN. Nevertheless, precedents have been set by countries which have signed their own Free Trade Agreements with the EU; in Latin America, Mexico and Chile have done it.
However, it is an undeniable reality that there is a handicap created by the radically different approaches –and, without doubt, legitimate in each case- regarding the way each government believes its country should integrate itself into international trade and enter into the phenomenon of globalization.
This is what has been going on for a long time between, on the one hand, Peru and Colombia, and, on the other, Bolivia and Ecuador, which has become an ongoing obstacle in the process of signing a single Trade Agreement between the four countries.
The matter is of such importance that Venezuela abandoned the ACN due to, among other reasons, the progress being made by Peru and Colombia in the negotiation of a Free Trade Agreement with the USA.
Is it possible to move towards a Free Trade Agreement between the ACN and the EU despite this current scenario? Diverse options are opening up. The most radical is to announce the end of the ACN. But without reaching such extremes, we have diplomacy, which is the art of building agreements despite differences between nations.
Following on from this, a negotiation of ‘different speeds’ has begun, allowing specific agreements to be reached. These require political backing that appears to have strengthened during the bilateral meetings which took place yesterday in the National Palace. This is a piece of good news.
Espanyol a Anglès: Zapatero/Chavez
Text d'origen - Espanyol Espana pide respeto mutuo
Hablando del incidente entre el rey Juan Carlos y Hugo Chavez, Zapatero dice que el objectivo que persigue es que haya respeto y cooperacion entre los mandatarios.
El mensaje que le envio el jefe del Gobierno espanol, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, al mandatario venezolano, Hugo Chavez, fue claro: entre gobernantes debe imperar el respeto.
Despues del encuentro bilateral con el presidente Alan Garcia, en Palacio de Gobierno, la autoridad Espanola no descarto que hoy, en medio de las reuniones y actividades de la V Cumbre ALC-UE, entable un dialogo informal con Chavez.
Este encuentro seria el primero despues de que, en noviembre de 2007, el rey Juan Carlos mandara callar al venezolano en la Cumbre de Santiago de Chile.
“Es previsible, deseable, que en la cumbre mantenga reuniones y dialogos con la gran mayoria de los presidentes, siempre con un principio. Y el principio que debe presidir las relaciones internacionales (…) es respeto y colaboracion (…) Respeto se nos debe exigir siempre a los gobernantes. Se debe respetar siempre a quien representa a otro pais, porque estamos respetando al pais, no a la persona. Mediante al respeto se recupera y se gana confianza”, subrayo.
Por la noche, Zapatero fue nombrado Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, como un reconocimiento a su carrera politica y a la cooperacion a esa casa de estudios por parte de Espana
Traducció - Anglès Spain asks for mutual respect
Speaking about the incident involving King Juan Carlos and Hugo Chavez, Zapatero stated that his aim is for respect and cooperation between the leaders.
The message sent by the Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Rodriguez Zapatero, to the Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez, was clear: between rulers respect must prevail. Following the bilateral meeting with President Alan Garcia, in the Government Palace, the Spanish Head of State didn’t rule out that today, in amongst the meetings and activities of the 5th LAC-EU Summit, he may have an informal dialogue with Chavez.
This meeting would be the first since November 2007, when King Juan Carlos told the Venezuelan to shut up during the Summit in Santiago de Chile.
“It is foreseeable, desirable, that during the Summit I have meetings and conversations with the vast majority of the Presidents, always with a goal. And the goals that must preside over international relations (…) are respect and collaboration (…) One must always demand respect from rulers. One must always respect the person who represents another country, because we are respecting the country, not the individual. It is through respect that we recover and win trust", he underlined.
Last night Zapatero was named Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in recognition of his political career and for Spain’s role in collaborating with the academic institution.
Formació en traducció
Bachelor's degree - University of Warwick
Anys d'experiència: 21. Registrat/ada a des de: May 2008. Membre des de: Jun 2008.
I have worked in the translation industry since 2008, with clients including the European Commission, the FAO, the UN, Facebook, Google, Credit Suisse, and the Governments of Angola and Catalonia, I translate mainly from Spanish, Portuguese and French into English, but also offer boutique services from Catalan and Galician to English upon request.
My focus as a translator is on producing
idiomatically correct and verified texts that read as if they were originally
written in English, seeking to use a perfectionist’s attention to detail,
style, grammar, and vocabulary. I currently translate/proofread approximately
75,000 words a month on average, although I have the availability to translate
up to 100,000 words per month. My areas of expertise are legal, financial,
business and tourism.
My target is always to produce the highest quality
translation for my client, and I am happy to provide short sample translations free
of charge for potential clients.