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S'especialitza en:
Medicina: Cardiologia
Medicina: Assistència sanitària
Tèxtil / Vestit / Moda
També treballa en:
Dret (general)
Certificats, Diplomes, Llicències, Currículums
Medicina: Instrumental
Ramaderia / Cria d’animals
Informàtica (general)
Dret: Fiscalitat & Duanes
Empresa/Comerç (general)
Propietat immobiliària
Poesia & Literatura
Recursos humans
Energia / Fonts d’energia
Transport / Mitjans de transport / Transport marítim
43 projectes introduïts 13 valoració positiva dels compradors de serveis 1 valoració positiva dels col·legues
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Translation Volum: 33000 words Completat: Oct 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Biography of Algerian Statesman
A collection of articles about the life, work, ideas, faith and writings of an Algerian statesman.
Història, Poesia & Literatura, Religió
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Translation Volum: 61000 words Completat: Sep 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Computer system documentation for auto manufacturer
I was part of a team that translated the documentation of an auto manufacturer's computer system from French to English. I translated 61000 words and proofread other translators' work.
Automoció / Cotxes & Camions, Informàtica: Programes, TI (Tecnologies de la informació)
Translation Volum: 7000 words Completat: Jul 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Report of weapons testing
Technical report of artillery testing carried out in Spain in the 19th Century.
Mecànica / Enginyeria mecànica, Història, Exèrcit / Defensa
positiu James Schoenung: SUper job translating an 1880s technical paper--thanks!
Translation Volum: 8400 words Completat: Jul 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Power Point Presentation of Agricultural Marketing Group
PowerPoint presentation of an analysis of a segment of the fruit growing, packing, and marketing industry, including balance sheets and statistical charts.
Comptabilitat, Agricultura, Aliments i begudes
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Translation Volum: 6800 words Completat: Jul 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Touristic descriptions of Monaco
Description of history, culture, economy and tourist attractions of Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Translation Volum: 15500 words Completat: Mar 2007 Languages: Espanyol a Anglès
Graduate student paper on Postmodern Architecture
"Essence and Change in the Concept of Limit." A discussion of theories and examples of postmodern architecture, as part of a large academic research project with the University of Virginia.
Translation Volum: 12000 words Completat: Mar 2007 Languages: Espanyol a Anglès
Translation of a graduate student paper on the design of intelligent buildings
"The Sustainable Aspect of the Skin in Intelligent Buildings." A discussion of ways in which active and passive technology can be combined to create healthful, energy-efficient urban workplaces. Technologies discussed include multi-layered curtain wall technology, siting, interior gardens, intelligent control of windows, shades, heating, cooling, lighting, and ventilation systems.
Arquitectura, Construcció / Enginyeria civil, Medi Ambient & Ecologia
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Editing/proofreading Volum: 3600 words Completat: Mar 2007 Languages: Anglès
Paper on Arabic grammar and linguistics
Paper shows how the model of Applicative Combinatory Categorial Grammar can give an account of Arabic, in particular of certain forms of Arabic coordination.
Lingüística, Matemàtiques&Estadística
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Translation Volum: 1100 words Completat: Mar 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Press releases
Govern / Política
positiu TOP TRANSLATORS: Accurate and timely delivery is highly appreciated!Tina
Translation Volum: 1940 words Completat: Feb 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Commentary of secondary drug effects on cancer patient
Clinical case commentary of Advanced Squamous-cell Carcinoma and secondary cutaneous effects of a drug used to treat it
Medicina (general), Medicina: Farmàcia
positiu Nero Translations: Quality translation, delivered on time. Many thanks
Translation Volum: 2866 words Completat: Feb 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Technical maintenance document for power company
Standardized technical specifications for power company installations.
Energia / Fonts d’energia
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Translation Volum: 7000 words Completat: Jan 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Report of loss of shipping containers at sea
Dret (general), Transport / Mitjans de transport / Transport marítim, Embarcacions, navegació, marítima
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Translation Volum: 1592 words Completat: Jan 2007 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Web site for recruiting drug trial volunteers
Localization of a web site to recruit healthy volunteers for drug trials and medical research.
Medicina (general), Medicina: Farmàcia
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Translation Volum: 43314 words Completat: Dec 2006 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Online fashion catalog
Detailed descriptions of fashion clothing and accessories
positiu e-verba: Excellent, on time translation and followed the project through to the end! Will definitely work with again.
Translation Volum: 150 words Completat: Aug 2006 Languages: Espanyol a Anglès
Medical history of an individual
Handwritten notes from a patient consultation. Description of a back injury and treatment for same.
Medicina: Assistència sanitària
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Translation Volum: 11000 words Completat: May 2006 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Manual of multiplexing technology
TI (Tecnologies de la informació)
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Translation Volum: 3000 words Completat: Apr 2006 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Localization of Web Page
Empresa/Comerç (general), Informàtica: Programes, Mitjans de comunicació / Multimèdia
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Translation Volum: 450 words Completat: Mar 2006 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Instructions for use of child carrier
Venda al detall
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Translation Volum: 4000 words Completat: Feb 2005 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Methods of locking breakers at a power plant
Energia / Fonts d’energia
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Translation Volum: 3300 words Completat: Sep 2004 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Quality control manual for aluminum casting plant
Metal·lúrgia / Fundició
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Translation Volum: 2000 lines Duration: Aug 2006 to Sep 2006 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Ongoing translation of descriptions of occupations
Recursos humans
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Editing/proofreading Volum: 14 pages Completat: Aug 2006 Languages: Francès a Anglès
Directions for installing back-up camera on vehicle
Automoció / Cotxes & Camions
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Editing/proofreading Volum: 14 pages Completat: Aug 2006 Languages: Espanyol a Anglès
Instructions for installing back-up camera on vehicle
Automoció / Cotxes & Camions
Sense comentaris.
Payment methods accepted
PayPal, Xec, Transferència electrònica
Traduccions de mostra trameses: 9
Francès a Anglès: CAD model--Bezier triangle Detailed field: Matemàtiques&Estadística
Text d'origen - Francès 2. Reconstruction du modèle CAO à partir des résultats éléments finis : Algorithme général développé
2.1. Utilité de la reconstruction
La reconstruction du modèle CAO à partir des résultats de l’analyse Éléments Finis [Dhatt 81] [Batoz 90] est devenu de plus en plus importante en conception intégrée, notamment pour la simulation en temps réel des processus de conception et/ou fabrication de produit mécanique (simulation du processus d’emboutissage par exemple). En effet, lorsque l’on simule un comportement élasto-plastique d’une pièce dans un mécanisme ou bien un contact entre deux pièces, les déformations permanentes inhérentes à ces études entraînent une déformation du maillage qui peut devenir non valide ou de mauvaise qualité. La convergence de la solution numérique est alors bloquée parce que les données ne sont plus valides (Fig. 1.). Pour mener l’étude à son terme, le maillage doit être recalculé entre certaines étapes de la simulation. Autour des déformations permanentes, non seulement le maillage doit être recalculé mais les conditions aux limites doivent aussi être repositionnées sur la nouvelle forme du modèle. Dans un contexte de conception intégrée, les conditions aux limites sont saisies sur le modèle CAO, c’est pourquoi les déformations du modèle éléments finis doivent être transmises au modèle CAO pour repositionner les conditions aux limites.
Traducció - Anglès 2. Reconstruction of the CAD model from the results of finite elements : General algorithm developed
2.1. Utility of the reconstruction
The reconstruction of the CAD model from the results of Finite Element analysis [Dhatt 81] [Batoz 90] has become more and more important in integrated design, notably by the simulation in real time of the design process and/or the manufacture of a mechanical product (cupping process simulation, for example). In fact, when one simulates an elastic-plastic behaviour of a part in a mechanism or a contact between two parts, the permanent deformations inherent in these studies bring about a deformation of the mesh which can become not valid or of poor quality. The convergence of the numeric solution is then blocked because the data are no longer valid (Fig 1.). To conclude the study, the mesh must be recalculated between certain stages of the simulation. Around the permanent deformations, not only the mesh must be recalculated but the conditions at the limits must also be repositioned on the new version of the model. Within a context of integrated design, the conditions at the limits are captured on the CAD model, and for that reason, the deformations of the finite element model must be transmitted to the CAD model in order to reposition the boundary conditions.
Francès a Anglès: Contract for work Detailed field: Dret: Contracte(s)
Text d'origen - Francès
3.1 Compte tenu de la vulnérabilité de ABC à des dommages qu'il peut lui
causer, l'employé convient que, tant qu'il sera à l'emploi de ABC et par
la suite, dans les trois années de la date de la cessation de l'emploi et
ce, dans un rayon de 100 kilomètres du siège social de ABC, l'employé,
directement ou indirectement, ne pourra faire concurrence à ABC ni
participer à quelque titre que ce soit à une entreprise qui lui ferait
concurrence en travaillant dans le champ de compétence pour lequel il est ou
fut à l'emploi de ABC.
3.2 Compte tenu des intérêts de l'employé, dans l'éventualité ou la
cessation d'emploi de l'employé pour ABC serait attribuable à une cause
autre qu'une faute de l'employé mais excluant le départ volontaire de
l'employé, notamment une mise à pieds par ABC pour manque de travail ou
la cessation de ses activités par ABC, les clauses 2.1, 2.2 et 3.1
ci-dessus seraient réputées nulles et non avenues;
3.3 L'employé reconnaît que la clause ci-dessus ne restreint pas indûment sa
liberté de travailler et d'ainsi gagner sa vie.
3.1 In consideration of the vulnerability of ABC to the damages that could be brought about by such an activity, the employee promises that, during the term of his employment and for a period of three (3) years after the end of that term, within a radius of 100 kilometres of the headquarters of ABC, the employee, directly or indirectly, will neither compete with ABC nor participate in any capacity whatsoever in an enterprise that could compete with ABC by working in the field of competence for which he is or was employed by ABC.
3.2 In consideration of the interests of the employee, in the event that the termination of employment by ABC be attributable to a cause other than a fault of the employee but excluding the voluntary departure of the employee, notably a layoff by ABC for reasons of lack of work or the cessation of activities by ABC, clauses 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1 above shall be deemed null and void;
3.3 The employee recognizes that the above clause does not unduly restrain his freedom to work and to thereby earn a living.
Francès a Anglès: Building permit Detailed field: Construcció / Enginyeria civil
Text d'origen - Francès Article Unique: La déclaration de travaux visée au cadre ci-dessus est
acceptée. Toutefois la prescription suivante devra être respectée:
Les houteaux seront conservés et des chassis à tabatière en fonte seron
installés si besoin, ils seront identiques à celui existant à concurrence de
2 par versants (pas dans les croupes).
Traducció - Anglès Article One (and only) : The declaration of proposed work whose scope is
described above is accepted. However, the following stipulation must be
The dormer (or gable) will be conserved and cast iron hinged skylights will
be installed if needed, they will be identical to the existing ones up to
the limit of 2 per roof slope (not in the hipped end).
Espanyol a Anglès: Contract paragraph Detailed field: Dret: Contracte(s)
Text d'origen - Espanyol "Llevaremos un registro de desempeño y cumplimiento de condiciones de contrato de los consultores y contratistas que ejecutan los diferentes Proyectos del Programa, con el objeto de ser considerado este historial en futuros procesos de Preselección, Licitación o Concursos."
Traducció - Anglès
We will keep a record of duties and performance of the conditions of the contract for the consultants and contractors that carry out the different Projects of the Program, for the purpose of using this record in future processes of Preselection, Tender, or Competition.
Francès a Anglès: IT text
Text d'origen - Francès L’objectif de cette phase est de constituer le cahier des spécifications techniques détaillées d’intégration et de recette de la prestation pour la mise en œuvre de l’infrastructure.
Ces spécifications serviront de base à la définition fonctionnelle puis technique de la solution, i.e. quelles opérations de configuration et de paramétrage appliquer aux matériels et/ou logiciels à mettre en oeuvre pour s’adapter au contexte et besoins.
Traducció - Anglès The objective of this phase is to set up the journal of detailed technical specifications for integration and of the formula for the payments for the implementation of the infrastructure.
These specifications will serve as a basis for the functional and technical definition of the solution, i.e. those operations of configuration and parameterization applied to the hardware and/or software to be implemented in order to adapt them to the context and the needs.
Espanyol a Anglès: Narrative
Text d'origen - Espanyol Hace algo más de hora y media que los tres bandidos están agazapados entre los matorrales, a orillas del camino. Aunque son individuos de mala catadura, se encuentran vestidos correctamente.
Traducció - Anglès The three bandits have been crouching among the bushes, by the side of the road, for a little over an hour and a half. Although they are shady-looking characters, they are neatly dressed.
Espanyol a Anglès: Accounting
Text d'origen - Espanyol Mensualmente, el jefe de contabilidad elabora un checklist con todas las actividades a realizar durante el análisis de cuentas así como de los apuntes contables referentes al proceso de cierre a fin de verificar que se ha realizado cada uno de ellos. Dicho arcivo se archivara en la documentación de cierre de la sociedad. Quedará constancia de la realización de cada una de las actividades y asientos contables relacionados con la firma de quien realiza la actividad (el contable designado por el jefe de contabilidad) y la firma de quien lo revisa (el jefe de contabilidad) así como la fecha de realización y revisión.
Traducció - Anglès Monthly, the director of accounting prepares a checklist with all the activities to be carried out during the analysis of accounts as well as the accounting notes referring to the process of closing so as to verify that each step has been done. Said archive will be filed in the closing documentation of the company. It will serve as proof of the realization of each one of the activities and entries related to the signature of the person who performs the activity (the accountant designated by the director of accounting) and the signature of the person who reviews it (the director of accounting) as well as the the date of performance and of review.
Francès a Anglès: Electrical
Text d'origen - Francès L'alimentation électrique du projet demandée est de 12KW en tétrapolaire 400 V avec terre qui reste à votre charge. Les cables d'alimentation des spots immergés seront de nature HO7 RNF 4mm². La protection des biens se fera par différentiel 30 ma avec disjoncteur approprié à la puissance.
L'alimentation électrique du projet demandée est de 12KW en tétrapolaire 400 V avec terre qui reste à votre charge. Les cables d'alimentation des spots immergés seront de nature HO7 RNF 4mm². La protection des biens se fera par différentiel 30 ma avec disjoncteur approprié à la puissance.
Traducció - Anglès L'alimentation électrique du projet demandée est de 12KW en tétrapolaire 400 V avec terre qui reste à votre charge. Les cables d'alimentation des spots immergés seront de nature HO7 RNF 4mm². La protection des biens se fera par différentiel 30 ma avec disjoncteur approprié à la puissance.
The electrical supply required for the project is grounded 12 KW four-phase 400 V which is your responsibility. The supply cables for the submerged spotlights will be of the type H07 RNF 4mm². The protection of the goods will be done by 30 ma differential with a breaker suitable for the power.
Espanyol a Anglès: Contract/Legal
Text d'origen - Espanyol En la ciudad de Melbourne, Australia, el día _______de _____________, 2006, comparecen ante mí Sr. Chris Ogilvy, Sr Danny Reid y Sr. Brian Hood, quienes actúan en representación de Note Printing Australia, en adelante, la “Empresa ”, una empresa organizada y existente en virtud de las leyes de Victoria, Australia. A los fines del presente documento, ambos comparecientes se encuentran domiciliados en Victoria, Australia.
Traducció - Anglès In the city of Melbourne, Australia, on the _____ of ________, 2006, there appeared before me Mr. Chris Ogilvy, Mr. Danny Reid and Mr. Brian Hood, who act as representatives of Note Printing Australia, hereafter referred to as the "Company", a company organized and existing in virtue of the laws of Victoria, Australia. For the purposes of the present document, both (all) of the persons reside in Victoria, Australia.
Note: First jobs with new clients are limited to 500 words or fewer. After the assignment has been completed and payment has been received, larger assignments will be considered.
My former careers in data processing (in the banking, health insurance, and employment service sectors, as well as for Siderrurgica del Orinoco, in Venezuela), agriculture, textile production, typesetting, and education (instructor of French, Spanish, and English) inform my working vocabulary.
I translated "Adorable Fruits and Vegetables to Crochet: Delicious Decorations for your Table" by Marie Clesse (ISBN-10:0486842770), as well as "Adorable Houseplants to Crochet," and "AdorableAnimal Families to Crochet" by the same author. Spin-Off magazine published my article about handspinning and weaving. Other literary projects include translation of Lucia Canovi's "Marre de la vie?" Fed up with life? Volume 1: a question of depression, Les Phares Editions (May 24, 2013) ASIN: B00D09WB28 Volume 2: Depression is not a disease! Les Phares Editions (Oct. 25, 2013) ASIN: B00G757BMM
My translations from French to English include handwritten medical reports, legal briefs, medical journal articles, informed consent forms for drug research, an insurance policy for inland navigation of a pleasure craft, contracts of real estate sales for the island of Jersey, an online fashion catalog, maritime shipping reports, CVs, a web site for recruiting volunteers for drug trials, technical descriptions of water-quality testing equipment and multiplexing technology, safety regulations for workers in the power generation and chemical industries, publicity for art exhibitions, press releases, documentation for a computerized inventory system, the biography of an Algerian statesman, and brochures for a theme park.
My translations from Spanish to English include handwritten medical reports, legal briefs, informed consent forms for drug research, medical journal articles, a group term life insurance policy and accompanying application forms (Mexico), two graduate student papers on the topics of postmodernist trends in architecture and intelligent buildings, a partial novel, and documentation of a computer-based accounting system.
My proofreading and editing projects include a cookbook, advertising copy, publicity, press releases, scholarly research papers, and an agenda for a meeting of a truth and reconciliation commission.
Feedback from clients includes these comments:
You got praised by the QM for your translation in this file, she said you’re Excellent…. But we already knew that!
Thanks for doing this so quickly!
I cannot thank you enough for your detail, your quality and your conscientiousness. You are fabulous role model for translators worldwide (including me!).
Looking forward to working again in the near future – you’re a gem!
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