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Anglès a Portuguès: History of Bonsai General field: Altres Detailed field: Botànica
Text d'origen - Anglès History of Bonsai
Although the word ‘Bon-sai’ is Japanese, the art it describes originated in the Chinese empire. By the year 700 AD the Chinese had started the art of ‘pun-sai’ using special techniques to grow dwarf trees in containers. Originally only the elite of the society practiced pun-tsai with native-collected specimens and the trees where spread throughout China as luxurious gifts. During the Kamakura period, the period in which Japan adopted most of China’s cultural trademarks, the art of growing trees in containers was introduced into Japan. The Japanese developed Bonsai along certain lines due to the influence of Zen Buddhism and the fact that Japan is only 4% the size of mainland China. The range of landscape forms was thus much more limited. Many well-known techniques, styles and tools were developed in Japan from Chinese originals. Although known to a limited extent outside Asia for three centuries, only recently has Bonsai truly been spread outside its homelands.
Traducció - Portuguès História do Bonsai
Embora a palavra ‘Bon-sai’ seja japonesa, a arte que ela descreve tem origem no império chinês. Por volta do ano 700 a.C. os chineses começaram a arte do ‘pun-sai’, usando técnicas especiais para cultivar árvores anãs em bandejas. Originalmente, apenas a elite da sociedade praticava o pun-tsai com espécimes coletadas nativas, e, assim, as árvores foram espalhadas por toda a China como presentes de luxo. Durante o Período Kamakura, período em que o Japão adotou a maior parte das marcas registradas culturais da China, a arte de cultivar árvores em bandejas foi introduzida no Japão. Os japoneses desenvolveram o Bonsai ao longo de certas regras devido à influência do zen-budismo e do fato de que o Japão tem apenas 4% do tamanho da China continental. A variedade de formas de paisagem era, portanto, muito mais limitada. Muitas técnicas, estilos e ferramentas largamente conhecidos hoje foram desenvolvidos no Japão a partir de originais chineses. Embora conhecido de forma limitada fora da Ásia por três séculos, só recentemente o Bonsai tem sido verdadeiramente difundido fora de seus países de origem.
Translator since 1994, based in STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO - BRAZIL
Founder & Owner of Grupo Editagos company, Advertising, Marketing & IT Solutions services.
I have an ear for writing, and I am extremely knowledgeable about nuances and subtleties of the Portuguese language.
Extensive vocabulary and good sense of style, grammar and flow.
Translate whole web-sites without having to worry about page layouts and HTML code.
I am able to work on different file formats (.TXT, .DOC, .PDF, .HTML, .PHP, .XML) and with most known software applications (MS Office, Adobe Acrobat, SDL-Trados Studio).
CEFET-RJ - Federal Center of Technological Education Mechanical Technician (certified) Mechanical Engineering Course (not completed)
ESPM - School of Higher Education in Advertising and Marketing Social Communication Course Qualification in Advertising and Marketing (not completed) Scholarship for Scientific Initiation
Colégio Pedro II
Ministry of the Brazilian Army CMR - Colégio Militar do Recife
Ministry of the Brazilian Army CMRJ - Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro
Other Courses / Associations
Web designer Web developer Photoshop
Mechanical Designer CAD operator Hydraulics
CREA-RJ - Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy of Rio de Janeiro Mechanical Technician Register
Speaking Engagements
Extension Week 2014 Reformulating websites for viewing on multiple devices: The Responsive Web Design and a Case Study October 17, 2014 - CEFET-RJ - Federal Center of Technological Education Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Extension Week 2012 Seeing E-Commerce as a Green Technology: Promoting sustainability and positive socioeconomic impacts October 19, 2012 - CEFET-RJ - Federal Center of Technological Education Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Extension Week 2011 The Evolution of Marketing on Internet: From Google to Facebook October 21, 2011 - CEFET-RJ - Federal Center of Technological Education Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Extension Week 2004 Your Company on the Internet: Technology, Communication and Culture September 23, 2004 - CEFET-RJ - Federal Center of Technological Education Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Extension Week 2004 Internet: Transparency and Communication with Global Reach September 22, 2004 - CEFET-RJ - Federal Center of Technological Education Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Extension Week 2004 The Internet as a Vital Communication Means for Companies September 22, 2004 - CEFET-RJ - Federal Center of Technological Education Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Professional Experience
Quaker Foods Brazil Quality Control Quality Inspector Production Leader Spreadsheets and Reports Control of Personnel
DETRAN-RJ - State Traffic Department of the Rio de Janeiro Network Operator Control Technical Assistant Spreadsheets and Reports Control of Personnel and Material
Grupo Editagos Company Advertising, Marketing & IT Solutions Services CEO, Owner & Founder English, French, Italian, Spanish to Portuguese (Brazil) Translations Web Designer / Web Development Services SEO - Search Engine Optimization Systems Developer Computer Assembly / Maintenance Computer Support Advertising Photography Editing / Proofreading Desktop Publishing
PUC-Rio - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Department of Chemistry - Graduate Studies Temporary Employment Contract Computer Assembly / Maintenance Computer Support Editing / Proofreading Desktop Publishing
Accurate, experienced and reliable. Native speaker of Portuguese (Brazilian), born and living in Brazil. Over 20 years experience as a translator to Portuguese (Brazilian).
CONFIDENTIALITY - All documents are treated with the highest degree of confidentiality. When requested, we are happy to sign a CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT before commencing any assignment.
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Gustavo Seabra English / Italian / French / Spanish Translations into Portuguese (Brazilian) Contact me
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