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Espanyol a Anglès: CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT FOR THE WORKERS OF SPANISH RED CROSS General field: Empresa/Finances Detailed field: Dret: Contracte(s)
Los datos de caracter personal recogidos en el contrato asi como cualesquiera otros resultantes de la relaciOn seran incorporados a nuestros ficheros automatizados y/o manuales. Estos datos seran objeto de tratamiento con el fin de: (i) mantener Ia relacion contractual establecida; y (ii) recibir informacion sobre servicios propios de Cruz Roja.
En caso de que se proporcionen datos de caracter personal referentes a personas fisicas distintas de Ia que efectua Ia declaracion, el abajo firmante debera informarles de los extremos contenidos en los parrafos anteriores y recabar su consentimiento. Circunstancia que se compromete a realizar mediante Ia firma del presente documento.
El abajo firmante garantiza la veracidad de los datos proporcionados durante toda Ia relacion y se compromete a comunicar cualquier modificacion que pudiera acontecer sobre sus datos de caracter personal.
Segun dispone la LOPD, se podran ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificacion, cancelacion y oposici6n, mediante un escrito dirigido al Secretario General de Cruz Roja (Av. Reina Victoria 26 , 28003 - MADRID - MADRID), adjuntando fotocopia de su Documento Nacional de Identidad o Pasaporte.
El abajo firmante, durante el desemperio de su actividad se compromete a:
1. No crear ficheros que conlleven el tratamiento de datos de caracter personal, sin contar con la preceptiva autorizacion de la Secretaria General de conformidad con la Resolucion de la Presidencia de Cruz Roja Espanola nOrnero 2/2001, de 12 julio,
ordenadora de los ficheros de la Institucion que contengan datos de caracter personal.
2. No utilizar los recursos del sistema de informaci6n a los que tenga acceso para use privado o para cualquier otra finalidad diferente de las estrictamente laborales.
3. No revelar a persona alguna información ni utilizar con otras finalidades la
información a que hubiera podido tener acceso en el desempeño de sus funciones.
4.Trasladar, a la mayor brevedad, cualquier solicitud de ejercicio:derhos de los afectados al Secretario de su ambito provincial.
5. No esta permitido instalar ninguna aplicacion ni ningun producto informatico en los equipos de Ia Institucion. Todos las aplicaciones necesarias para el desemperio de la actividad laboral seran instaladas previa autorización del Responsable de los sistemas de información en cada ambito territorial.
Todos los compromisos señalados deben mantenerse, incluso despues de extinguida Ia relación laboral con la sociedad.
Personal data collected in the contract as well as any other resulting from the relationship will be incorporated into our automated and/or manual files. These data will be object of treatment with the purpose of: (i) maintain the established contractual relationship; and (ii) receive information about Red Cross services.
In case of providing personal data relating to individuals other than the one doing the statement, the down signatory shall inform them of the contents above and obtain their consent. Circumstance that he is committed to create by signature of the present document.
The down signer guarantee the veracity of the data provided during all relationship and undertakes to communicate any modification that may occur on their personal data.
According to LOPD disposal, you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by writing addressed to the Secretary General of the Red Cross (Av. Queen Victoria 26, 28003 - MADRID - MADRID), enclosing a photocopy of your national identity card or passport.
The undersigned, during the performance of their activity undertakes to:
1. Do not create files that involve the processing of personal data, without the required authorization of the General Secretariat in accordance with the resolution of the President of Spanish Red Cross, Number 2/2001 of July 12, ordering the institution files containing personal data.
2. Do not use the resources of the information system, to which they have access, for private use or for any other purpose other than the strictly labor.
3. Do not disclose any information to person or use for other purposes the information that had been able to access in the performance of their duties.
4 Transfer, as soon as possible, any request for exercise of rights by the affected to his provincial Secretary.
5. It is not allowed to install any applications nor any software on the computers belonging to the Institution. All the applications necessary for work performance will be installed prior authorization of the information systems Manager in each territorial area.
All mentioned commitments should be kept, even after the working relationship with the society is extinguished.
Italià a Anglès: Itinerario turistico in Puglia General field: Art/Literatura Detailed field: Arquitectura
Text d'origen - Italià ITINERARIO 1 GIALLO
1. Palazzo del Principe (XVI sec.) – Piazza del Popolo
Ti trovi in piazza del Popolo, il suggestivo cuore della città dove puoi ammirare lo scenario davvero singolare descritto da meravigliose architetture.
Ammira come il pregevole intaglio della dorata pietra leccese si adagia sulle chiese barocche, sul Palazzo del Principe e sulla colonna dei Quattro Evangelisti.
Prima di raccontarti le vicissitudini che hanno caratterizzato il Palazzo del Principe voglio rivelarti una breve storia su questo affascinante territorio.
Devi sapere che nel periodo angioino tra il XIII e il XV secolo intorno all’attuale città si svilupparono dei piccoli villaggi chiamati Brongo, Miggianello, Misciano (l’attuale Miggiano) e Polisano. In questi casali medievali dimoravano pochi abitanti e la loro economia era basata esclusivamente sull’agricoltura. La tranquillità di questi piccoli borghi era però minacciata dai briganti e dai turchi che funestavano soprattutto le zone remote e poco controllate del regno. Fu così che nella seconda metà del XV secolo i contadini abbandonarono i villaggi per trasferirsi in un nuovo nucleo abitativo protetto da sistemi difensivi, "Borgo Terra", che corrisponde in parte all’attuale centro storico della città.
Recenti studi riferiscono che la piccola borgata era costituita da circa un ettaro di terreno su cui sorgevano piccole abitazioni collocate lungo un fitto tessuto di vie, protetto da un maniero medievale e da un profondo fossato che circondava l’intero borgo.
You are in Popolo Square, the suggestive heart of the city where you can admire the truly singular scenery described by marvellous architecture.
Admire how the exquisite carving of the golden local limestone lays down the baroque churches, the Prince’s Palace and the Four Evangelists column.
Before telling you about the troubles that have characterized the Prince Palace I want to tell you a brief story about this fascinating territory. You have to know that during the Angevin era, between the 13 th and 15 th century, around the present city developed small towns called Brongo, Miggianello, Misciano (the current Miggiano) and Polisano. In this medieval farmhouses dwelt few inhabitants and their economy was based exclusively on agriculture. The Turks,, who devastated mostly the remote and poorly controlled areas of the reign, threatened the tranquillity of these small villages. So it was, that at the end of the 15 th century, the peasants left the villages to move in a new settlement protected by defence systems, “Borgo Terra”, which partially corresponds to the current historic centre of the city.
Recent studies report that the small village consisted of about one hectare of land, in which were allocated small residences along a dense web of streets, protected by a medieval manor house and by a deep moat, which surrounded the entire village.
Formació en traducció
Master's degree - Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
Anys d'experiència: 19. Registrat/ada a des de: Aug 2012.
Espanyol a Italià (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Anglès a Italià (Università per Stranieri di Perugia) Francès a Italià (Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale) Italià a Anglès (Università per Stranieri di Perugia) Espanyol a Anglès (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Adobe Illustrator, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, Trados Studio, Wordfast, XTM
My name is Paola Alem, I am a native Italian freelance translator, interpreter and editor. I work with English, Spanish and French. I have more than 15 years of experience in the field of Mechanics, Automotive, Metallurgy, Chemistry, Finance, Marketing, Linguistic, Editorial. I gained my Master in Publishing at Pompeu
Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain (2009) and a University degree in International Communication
from the University for Foreigners in Perugia, Italy (2005).
I'm proactive, flexible, and always open to learn about new topics.
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