Idiomes de treball:
Portuguès a Anglès
Espanyol a Anglès
Català a Anglès
Català (monolingüe)

Marc Starr

Manchester, England, Regne Unit
Hora local: 16:14 GMT (GMT+0)

Nadiu en: Anglès Native in Anglès
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Tipus de compte Traductor o intèrpret autònom, Identity Verified Membre verificat
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Afiliacions This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Serveis Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription
S'especialitza en:
Dret: Contracte(s)Dret (general)
Dret: Patents, Marques registrades, CopyrightTransport / Mitjans de transport / Transport marítim
Mineria & Minerals / GemmesEnergia / Fonts d’energia
Enginyeria petroliera/CiènciaMecànica / Enginyeria mecànica
Empresa/Comerç (general)Telecom(unicacions)
Treball voluntari / pro-bono Es planteja fer treball voluntari per a una organització sense ànim de lucre registrada
Activitat a KudoZ (PRO) Preguntes respostes: 1
Experiència Anys d'experiència: 17. Registrat/ada a des de: May 2009. Membre des de: Oct 2010. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credencials Portuguès a Anglès (National Register of Public Service Interpreters, verified)
Portuguès a Anglès (Association of Police & Court Interpreters, verified)
Espanyol a Anglès (National Register of Public Service Interpreters, verified)
Afiliacions N/A
Programes Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I am a UK-born freelance interpreter and my main experience is as a Registered Public Service Interpreter in the UK's Criminal Justice System.

I am also experienced as a translator, mainly working on video material sent to me for transcription and/or translation and time-coding.

My qualifications are as follows:

BA Hons Leeds University School of Modern Languages (1996)
DPSI - Spanish (English Law category)
DPSI- Portuguese (English Law category)
NRPSI interpreter for Spanish & Portuguese (Full Status)
CIoL Diploma in Translation: Portuguese>English
CIoL Diploma in Translation: Spanish>English

I hold full membership of:
Chartered Institute of Linguists
Institute of Translation & Interpreting
Association of Police & Court Interpreters
North West Translators Network
The Professional Interpreters' Alliance - Co-Founder & Committee Member.

I worked as a freelance (and later a full-time) journalist and can offer a high standard of written English. My background as a student and in terms of my interests in the cultures of countries whose languages I speak is principally through a love of Brazilian music, which led me to study Portuguese at Leeds University, a degree that included a year at a university in Brazil in 1994-95. I later returned to Brazil in 1999 for a further six months, in which I wrote articles for the Independent on Sunday and Mojo magazine.

Última actualització del perfil
Mar 4, 2023