Idiomes de treball:
Espanyol a Anglès
Alemany a Anglès
Català a Anglès

MCIL-certified/Chartered Linguist

Hora local: 03:29 GMT (GMT+0)

Nadiu en: Anglès (Variants: UK, British) 
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Tipus de compte Traductor o intèrpret autònom, Identity Verified Usuari del lloc verificat
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Afiliacions This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Serveis Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription, Software localization, Subtitling, Interpreting
S'especialitza en:
Dret: Contracte(s)Dret (general)
Educació / PedagogiaDret: Patents, Marques registrades, Copyright


Payment methods accepted MasterCard
Mostrari Traduccions de mostra trameses: 1
Experiència Anys d'experiència: 23. Registrat/ada a des de: Apr 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credencials Espanyol a Anglès (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified)
Alemany a Anglès (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified)
Afiliacions N/A
Programes Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Trados Studio
Lloc web
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training

I'm a professional translator with full Chartered Institute of Linguist (CIoL) Membership, as well as a Chartered Linguist. I have worked during the entirety of my career in languages, and consider myself a meticulous and conscientious specialist in translation. My career previously included several years as Secondary Teacher within the UK education system. Beyond translation and education, I also have professional experience within the IT sector. 

Spanish is the language that I speak at home, and in normal times (i.e. pre-Covid) I lived between the UK and Barcelona, Spain. I have always been extremely passionate about language-learning, and speak and have taught myself numerous other languages. Beyond my interest in languages and education, I am also very interested in technology and have undertaken quite a lot of training in relation to programming languages, machine learning, statistics etc. For these reasons, I consider myself a specialist in these topics.

I have lived both in Spain and Germany, frequently visit both countries, and am very proactive in maintaining my level in my languages.

Paraules clau: Spanish, translation, catalan, german

Última actualització del perfil
Apr 27, 2021