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[View Powwow Report] powwow: La Merced festival

September 23, 2007, 10:00 am
EspanyaBarcelonaIn personAnglès
Dear All,

I asked staff to change my status to "organizer". This allows me to post useful information here in this space, as well as recording powwow attendance (to award 200 BrowniZ points to each attendant).

Here is what Gabriela wrote about practical details:

Bracafé - Ronda Universitat, 35.

You can find a map here

The closest metro station is Catalunya but you can also get off at Universitat.

It's a smoking place but they will set our table aside and declare it the non-smoking section. We'll have a table in the cafeteria, they have the usual breakfast promotions for less than 2 €: pastry or baguette (warm or cold) and coffee, as well as regular tapas and beverages. They also have a cocktail lounge downstairs in case some people decide to extend brunch into appetizers.

I think we'll be there from 10. As far as I know, the corner table is reserved for us from 10 am to 1 pm.

As usual with powwows, everyone will pay for their own consumption.

See you soon
Event Organizer:

Csaba Ban

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (23) / Confirmed: 11 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Csaba Ban  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I'll come with my wife Zita. We both speak English, yo tambien un poquito castellano  y
Agnès Mayol  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Me encantaria compartir este momento !!! Soy traductora francesa de origen española. Traduzco de catalàn y Castellano a francés !!! hecho de meno a la vida barcelonesa y este festival es una maravilla !!!  
Stefanie Guim Marce   Me gustaría venir - a ver....  
Sergio Martín Acosta   ...  n
Victoria Romero   Nosotros seremos dos. ¡Hasta pronto!  y
Elena Sepúlveda   Something else came up and I'll be out of town that day. Saludos a tod@s y que vaya bien la reunión!  n
Etienne Muylle Wallace  \"Host\" Etienne Muylle i Wallace, maybe I can give a room or two at home, 25 km from BCN (to be confirmed)  y
Cosmonipolita   Acabo de volver a Barcelona. Estaré con vosotros domingo. Me alegro mucho. Hasta domingo, entonces. Abrazos a todos.  y
Berni Armstrong   Love to meet you in person Csaba... and everyone else...  
Konrad Dylo   Nosotros también nos apuntamos. Un saludo para tod@s!  y
Nadia Zamboni   Nadia Zamboni  y
SKYE Language Solutions   Os espero en mi preciosa ciudad! traed paraguas :) es una larga historia... bien, ¿qué planes tenéis?   y
Carine Dubois   ok! what time, please?  y
XAndrea Macarie (X)   Hola a todos, me encantaría ir pero justo esos días estaré de vacaciones a mi tierra (Transilvania).  
Daniel Greuel   allí estaré  y
Olga Furmanowska   Me encantaría participar, si puedo, allí estaré.  
Gabriela Abraham   A nosotros también nos gustaría ir. Saludos. :)  y
castellnou   Lo siento, me ha surgido un contratiempo de ultimísima hora. Que vaya bien el encuentro y saludos a todos.  n
Christian R.   Holaa!! Ya nos veremos ese dia..hasta pronto!  
smorales30   Sorry, last minute setback :(  n
Irma Urrutia Cutiño   Me parece muy buena idea, además la fiesta de la Mercè es muy divertida  m
David Girón Béjar   I'll come with a friend of mine, so we'll be 2.  y
Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà   Sorry, can't make it at the end this time... Have fun on Sunday!  n

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Barcelona - Spain
Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Mebre des-de 2002
Anglès a Hongarès
+ ...
Can some of you propose a place to meet? Sep 4, 2007

Can someone local in BCN propose a good place to meet?
As for us, we'll be staying in the Northern part of Raval, not too far from the Ramblas. I think any centrally located restaurant / bar / café would be OK.

Berni Armstrong
Berni Armstrong  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
+ ...
Preferably non-smoking... Sep 4, 2007

addicts can always go outside every five minutesicon_wink.gif

Carine Dubois
Carine Dubois
Local time: 15:07
Espanyol a Francès
+ ...
al final, qué hacemos?? Sep 10, 2007

hola a tod@s,
el día se acerca, y tenemos que concretar una hora y un lugar! en principio, el domingo 23.
Alguna idea? almuerzo o chocolate con churros en alguna parte del barrio gótico?
hasta pronto!

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Mebre des-de 2002
Anglès a Hongarès
+ ...
hay alguien que conoce la ciudad bien? Sep 11, 2007

Entiendo el castellano mas o menos, pero no puedo bien escrivir.

I'd like to ask someone who actually lives in Barcelona to find a suitable place for us to meet. I'll be arriving with my wife on Saturday (22nd), and stay until the 26th. I thought it would be nice to meet up with fellow translators on the weekend. I read that the Mercé festival is a big hit, that's why I thought a late breakfast / café / brunch would be a better idea than meeting for a dinner.

What is a go
... See more
Entiendo el castellano mas o menos, pero no puedo bien escrivir.

I'd like to ask someone who actually lives in Barcelona to find a suitable place for us to meet. I'll be arriving with my wife on Saturday (22nd), and stay until the 26th. I thought it would be nice to meet up with fellow translators on the weekend. I read that the Mercé festival is a big hit, that's why I thought a late breakfast / café / brunch would be a better idea than meeting for a dinner.

What is a good time to meet on a Sunday morning? 10 am? 11 am?

It's easy to find a good place to meet. It should be easily accessible, preferrably have a separate room or a place that we can have to ourselves. Someone should actually make a reservation at this place, explaining that we will be about 20 people, and everyone will pay for their own consumption.

Personally, we would prefer a non-smoking place.

hope to see you all soon


Gabriela Abraham
Gabriela Abraham  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Mebre des-de 2004
Anglès a Espanyol
Proposal Sep 12, 2007

Hi, we've never been to this place but it's centrally located and it takes reservations for breakfast/brunch: What do you say? We don't know if we can still make a reservation with so short notice but if you agree we can call and find out. We would also prefer it it to be non-smoking since we'll bring our 2-month-old baby... See more
Hi, we've never been to this place but it's centrally located and it takes reservations for breakfast/brunch: What do you say? We don't know if we can still make a reservation with so short notice but if you agree we can call and find out. We would also prefer it it to be non-smoking since we'll bring our 2-month-old babyicon_wink.gifCollapse

Nadia Zamboni
Nadia Zamboni  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Anglès a Italià
+ ...
Ok the café Opera Sep 12, 2007

Hello everyone, I just confirmed my participation. I think that the café Opera is ok. I think it has a separate room. I also agree on a breakfast/bruch. People coming from outside BCN preferably suggest the hour (for me it's easier to adjust). See all of you, NADIA

Berni Armstrong
Berni Armstrong  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
+ ...
Let's do it for Pavarotti ;-) Sep 13, 2007

As no-one else seems to have made a counter suggestion, who is in favour of Abraham ringing the Cafe Opera and booking a space for us?


BTW is this place connected to the Liceu? I don't know it. I live out in the "sticks" 60kms from the big city.

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Mebre des-de 2002
Anglès a Hongarès
+ ...
let's go for it Sep 13, 2007

If this café has a separate room, that would be perfect. Even a semi-separate corner would be OK.
Let's count with about 20 people. In my experience, about 2/3 or 3/4 of the people who sign up actually come, plus we will have some spouses.
How about setting the times from 10 am to 1 pm?

Victoria Romero
Victoria Romero  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Mebre des-de 2004
Anglès a Espanyol
+ ...
Café Opera Sep 13, 2007

Hi everybody! I heard that Café Opera is quite nice, so I vote for it too.

We better start confirming the attendances, don't you think?
We'll be two people.

Nadia Zamboni
Nadia Zamboni  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Anglès a Italià
+ ...
I vote for Abraham Sep 13, 2007

Hello, I also agree for Abraham to call! For Berni: café Opera is just in front of teatre Liceu, crossing the rambla. It is very easy to find. Bye, see you, NADIA

Gabriela Abraham
Gabriela Abraham  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Mebre des-de 2004
Anglès a Espanyol
Bad news :( Sep 14, 2007

Hi everyone! I called and they said that they don't take reservations during weekends, especially during that weekend when it's already pretty full. Any other suggestion?

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Mebre des-de 2002
Anglès a Hongarès
+ ...
somewhere else Sep 14, 2007

How about a less popular area, away from the Ramblas? Maybe cafés there are not that full...

Berni Armstrong
Berni Armstrong  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
+ ...
Local Knowledge? Sep 14, 2007

Those of you living in BCN might want to come up with a suggestion (quickly).
I think a central location is NOT essential. So, if anyone has a local bar that would lend us a room that morning in Gracia, or somewhere else easily accessible by Metro, please organise it. Other than that we could all arrange to meet next to the Francesc Masia monument in Plaça Catalunya and just descend, en masse, on some bar. The important thing now is to arrange to meet, isn't it Csaba? Which bar is cherry
... See more
Those of you living in BCN might want to come up with a suggestion (quickly).
I think a central location is NOT essential. So, if anyone has a local bar that would lend us a room that morning in Gracia, or somewhere else easily accessible by Metro, please organise it. Other than that we could all arrange to meet next to the Francesc Masia monument in Plaça Catalunya and just descend, en masse, on some bar. The important thing now is to arrange to meet, isn't it Csaba? Which bar is cherry on the cake, isn't it?

Elena Sepúlveda
Elena Sepúlveda  Identity Verified
Anglès a Espanyol
potential meeting place Sep 14, 2007

Hola a tod@s! Uno rapidito para decir que no podré asistir al Evento, pues no estaré en Barna ese fin de semana. Pero... hoy pasé por la librería Laie en Pau Claris que tiene un café muy agradable arriba. Y me acordé de vosotros. Mi única duda es si está abierta los domingos. Good luck and good Powwow! Elena

Etienne Muylle Wallace
Etienne Muylle Wallace
Local time: 15:07
Francès a Català
+ ...
Rambla Sep 14, 2007

Why not ask at the Restaurant LA POMA (hotel ROYAL) if we can sit all together upstairs in hjte bar to have breakfast, or something like that.
If I can, on Monday I will go and ask.

Etienne Muylle i Wallace.
I will ( almost surely) be there on Sunday.


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