Interpreters » Polonès a Anglès

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139 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Ewa Nalepa
Ewa Nalepa
Native in Polonès (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polonès
Polish, English, Italian, Spanish, law, business, marketing
Alexandra Piwonska
Alexandra Piwonska
Native in Polonès (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polonès
Polish, translation, interpreting, conference interpreting, legal, business, local government, marketing, proofreading, language consultation, ...
Jakub Morawa
Jakub Morawa
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
Polish translations, Polish translator, Polish, English, technical translations, technical, IT, tłumaczenia techniczne, English-Polish translations, Polish translations, ...
Octavio Fajardo
Octavio Fajardo
Native in Anglès (Variant: US) Native in Anglès, Espanyol (Variants: US, Latin American, Standard-Spain) Native in Espanyol
subtitles, spanish, captions, english
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
Polish translator, translator, translation services Edinburgh, translation services, professional translation, professional translation services, translation, freelance translation, translation services UK, translation service UK, ...
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Polonès Native in Polonès
My primary interest are literary and legal translations. I also translate personal, historical, medical, Latin and Greek, French and Italian as well as Spanish and Portuguese.
Adam Homsi
Adam Homsi
Native in Àrab Native in Àrab, Txec Native in Txec
[email protected], Translation, Arabic, Czech, Slovak, Dutch, computer, IT, software, localization, ...
Marta Pasińska
Marta Pasińska
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
english, polish, espanol, subtitles, localization, czech, audiovusual translation
Witold Hrycyk
Witold Hrycyk
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
it, information technology, pc, computers, localization, hardware, software, marketing, corporate, corporate communication, ...
Mateusz Kiecz
Mateusz Kiecz
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
Finances (general), Dret: Fiscalitat & Duanes, Certificats, Diplomes, Llicències, Currículums, Jocs / Vídeojocs / Jocs d’atzar / Casino, ...
Katarzyna Müller
Katarzyna Müller
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
english, spanish, polish, galician, portuguese, e-commerce, website, localization, games, financial, ...
Matt Stewart
Matt Stewart
Native in Anglès (Variant: British) Native in Anglès
French to English translation, Polish to English translation, French to English translator, Polish to English translator, French translator, Polish translator, sport translator, football translator, CSR translator, marketing translator, ...
Natalia Ludewig
Natalia Ludewig
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
Dret: Contracte(s), Internet, Comerç electrònic, Govern / Política, Mobiliari / Parament de la llar, ...
Justyna Zhang
Justyna Zhang
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
przekład, Advertisement, branding, english, google translate app, language, language translation, language translator, localisation, localization, ...
Dariusz Hanusiak
Dariusz Hanusiak
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
Polish, English, French, interpreting, conference interpreting, cognitive debriefing, simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, medical translation, questionnaires, ...
Joanna Wons
Joanna Wons
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
freelance Polish translator, freelance English-Polish translator, freelancer, experienced translator, agreements, contracts, business, marketing, business correspondence, commercial correspondence, ...
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
Polish, sport, immigration, community interpreter, literature, tourism, travel, documents, journalism, art, ...
Magda Dziadosz
Magda Dziadosz
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
translator, interpreter, accounting, auditing, banking, finance, EU integration, government, insurance, law, ...
Elzbieta Kulon
Elzbieta Kulon
Native in Anglès (Variants: UK, US) Native in Anglès, Polonès (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polonès
Polish-English technology, health care, education, social sciences
Yulia Rose
Yulia Rose
Native in Alemany Native in Alemany, Rús Native in Rús
Enginyeria (general), Psicologia, Nutrició, Medicina (general), ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.