The Polonès a Anglès interpreters listed below specialize in the general field of Science. To find a more specialized service provider, choose a more specific field on the right. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

66 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Bartosz Pelka
Bartosz Pelka
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès, Anglès Native in Anglès
polish, english, spanish, french, espanol, francais, polski, angielski, francuski, hiszpanski, ...
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
sworn translator, translation agency, sworn translations, Arletta Różańska, English, Dialekt, French, Spanish, medical translations, clinical trials, ...
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
Polish translator, translator, translation services Edinburgh, translation services, professional translation, professional translation services, translation, freelance translation, translation services UK, translation service UK, ...
Teresa Adelson
Teresa Adelson
Native in Polonès (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polonès, Anglès (Variants: US, UK) Native in Anglès
translation, interpreting, translator, polish, english, legal, marketing, politics, education, management, ...
Pawel Gromek
Pawel Gromek
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Polonès Native in Polonès, polish translations, polish translator, polish translations, polish, english, pc, html, website, proofreading, ...
Kamil Krzywicki
Kamil Krzywicki
Native in Polonès (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polonès
Tłumacz języka fińskiego, tłumacz języka angielskiego, tłumacz języka niemieckiego, tłumacz symultaniczny, tłumacz konsekutywny, Conference Interpreter, Consecutive Interpreter, Finnish Language Interpreter, Dolmetscher
Razut Karol Dobryniewski
Razut Karol Dobryniewski
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès, Anglès Native in Anglès
technical translation, technical translator, polish technical translator, technical translator polish, polish english technical translator, cnc, controller, CAD/CAM, heavy industry, Patents, ...
Rafal Kwiatkowski
Rafal Kwiatkowski
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès, Anglès Native in Anglès
Polish, translation, pharmaceutical, protocol, medical, telecommunications, Information technology, contracts, securities, funds, ...
Natalia Ludewig
Natalia Ludewig
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
Medicina: Farmàcia, Nutrició, Transport / Mitjans de transport / Transport marítim, Botànica, ...
Witold Hrycyk
Witold Hrycyk
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
it, information technology, pc, computers, localization, hardware, software, marketing, corporate, corporate communication, ...
Witold Walecki
Witold Walecki
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Polonès Native in Polonès, Alemany Native in Alemany, Ucranià Native in Ucranià
Medicina: Farmàcia, Ciència (general), Transport / Mitjans de transport / Transport marítim, Química; Quim Ciència/Eng, ...
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Polonès Native in Polonès
Medical: Product information (SmPCs, package leaflets, surveys, insurance forms, Law Division, Criminal
Janusz Mosson
Janusz Mosson
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
translation into Polish, sworn translation into Polish, conference equipment rental in Poland, conference equipment in Poland, automotive Polish translator, technical Polish translator, simultaneous equipment rental in Poland, Polish translation, into Polish, Polish translator, ...
Jakub Olearski
Jakub Olearski
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
polski tłumacz Cork, tłumacz Cork, tlumacz Cork, tłumaczenia Cork, profesjonalne tlumaczenia Cork, tlumaczenia Cork, tłumacz przysięgły Cork, tlumacz przysiegly Cork, tłumaczenia przysięgłe Cork, tlumaczenia przysiegle Cork, ...
Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès
Medicina: Farmàcia, Ciència (general), Vins / Enologia / Viticultura, Genètica, ...
Stanislaw Semczuk
Stanislaw Semczuk
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Polonès Native in Polonès
property, law, software, accounting, finance
Clinton Muoto
Clinton Muoto
Native in Anglès (Variants: US, British) Native in Anglès
Polish - English Freelance Translator, English Native Speaker, Medical and Pharmaceuticals.
Elzbieta Kulon
Elzbieta Kulon
Native in Anglès (Variants: UK, US) Native in Anglès, Polonès (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in Polonès
Polish-English technology, health care, education, social sciences
Joanna Rączka
Joanna Rączka
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
translation, interpreting, simultaneous, consecutive, metallurgy, engineering, technical, patents, operating and maintenance manuals, science and technology, ...
Mateusz Brandys
Mateusz Brandys
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
translation into Polish, sworn translation into Polish, conference equipment rental in Poland, conference equipment in Poland, automotive Polish translator, technical Polish translator, simultaneous equipment rental in Poland, Polish translation, into Polish, Polish translator, ...

Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.