Interpreters » Francès a Alemany » Bus/Financial » Venda al detall

The Francès a Alemany translators listed below specialize in the field of Venda al detall. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

33 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Francès Native in Francès
English, Français, Deutsch Business, Art, Technology
Karl Galgana Schimkowski
Karl Galgana Schimkowski
Native in Alemany Native in Alemany
German, English, French, interpreter, interpreting, translator, translating, Berlin, sworn, nutrition, ...
Michael Spohn
Michael Spohn
Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany) Native in Alemany
german, translation, hotel, tourism, destination, sports, healthy lifestyle, localization, computer, software, ...
Patricia Morin
Patricia Morin
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Impressió & Edició, Telecom(unicacions), Informàtica: Maquinària, Informàtica (general), ...
Jean-Pascal Nkuibo
Jean-Pascal Nkuibo
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Construcció / Enginyeria civil, Electrònica / Enginyeria electrònica, Enginyeria (general), Enginyeria: Industrial, ...
Véronique Thomas
Véronique Thomas
Native in Francès (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss) Native in Francès
traduction, interprétariat, français, allemand, anglais, italien, technique, droit, économie, marketing, ...
Valeska Nygren
Valeska Nygren
Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany) Native in Alemany, Anglès Native in Anglès
law, medicine, business, humanities, children's books, translating, writing, editing, proofreading, summarizing, ...
Michael Marsch (PhD)
Michael Marsch (PhD)
Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany) Native in Alemany, Italià (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italià
history, literature, medicine, pharmacology, film, cinema, art history, motorcycles, cars, business, ...
Vera Wilson
Vera Wilson
Native in Alemany Native in Alemany
English to German, French to German, francais vers l'allemand, englisch, französisch, deutsch, anglais, français, allemand, allemande, ...
Andreas Assmann
Andreas Assmann
Native in Alemany Native in Alemany
30 years experience, technical, editorial, social sciences, politics, littérature, french-german translations, english-german translations,
Andrea Jarmuschewski
Andrea Jarmuschewski
Native in Alemany Native in Alemany, Francès Native in Francès
traduction, traducteur, traductrice, bilingue, édition, romans, littérature, livres d'enfants, localisation, oenologie, ...
Mohammad Khalid
Mohammad Khalid
Native in Àrab (Variants: Yemeni, Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Algerian, Tunisian, Saudi , Libyan, Jordanian, Standard-Arabian (MSA), UAE, Sudanese, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Egyptian) Native in Àrab, Anglès (Variants: Wales / Welsh, UK, Scottish, Irish, Canadian, US, Singaporean, Jamaican, French, Australian, US South, South African, New Zealand, Indian, British) Native in Anglès
Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Training, Subtitling, Project management, localizing, Proofreading, translation, localization, ...
Steffen Walter
Steffen Walter
Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany) Native in Alemany
English, German, French, Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, anglais, allemand, français, translator, ...
Dorothee Lainck
Dorothee Lainck
Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany) Native in Alemany
german, EWC, interpreter, simultaneous, meeting, phone conference, conference organizer
Native in Alemany (Variants: Swiss, Alsatian, Swabian, Germany) Native in Alemany
simultaneous interpreter, conference interpreter, consecutive interpreter, interpreter teams, interpreting, consultant interpreter, written translations, English, German, Deutsch, ...
Alicia POP
Alicia POP
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Anglès Native in Anglès
french, english, italian, spanish, portuguese, german, dutch, arabic, japanese, chinese, ...
Verena Milbers
Verena Milbers
Native in Alemany 
German, economics, finance
Eva Stoppa
Eva Stoppa
Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany) 
translation from English, French, and Polish into German, translation, translate, translating, languages, foreign languages, linguistics, Übersetzen, ...
Maria Heffernan
Maria Heffernan
Native in Alemany (Variants: Germany, Austrian) Native in Alemany
English, French, Spanish, Italian, German native speaker, Chinese, social studies, art and literature, education, linguistics, ...
Marina Faffelberger
Marina Faffelberger
Native in Alemany 
french, spanish, german, Französisch, français, español, allemand, alemán, Deutsch, Spanisch, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.