Interpreters » Anglès a Francès » Tech/Engineering » General / Conversació / Salutacions / Cartes

The Anglès a Francès translators listed below specialize in the field of General / Conversació / Salutacions / Cartes. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

300 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Salman Hossen
Salman Hossen
Native in Francès Native in Francès
English, French, Turkish, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Engineering, Tourism, Travel, Machinery, ...
Clara Chassany
Clara Chassany
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Finès Native in Finès
english, spanish, finnish, french, general, subtitling, humanities, art, marketing, tourism, ...
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz
Native in Espanyol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Espanyol
english, french, german, spanish, environment, ngos, renewable energies, sciences, biology, international organizations, ...
Neddianine Toussaint
Neddianine Toussaint
Native in Crioll haitià Native in Crioll haitià
Haitian-Creole, English, Education, Business, Beauty, Marketing, Insurance, Medical, Law (general), Education, ...
Dr. Codrina Cozma
Dr. Codrina Cozma
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès
Romanian, French, Spanish, German, English, certificate, religion, business, contracts
chris farmer
chris farmer
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès
english, french, translation, interpreting, correction, proofreading, anglais, français, traduction, interpretariat, ...
Alexandra Josephi
Alexandra Josephi
Native in Holandès (Variants: Flemish, Netherlands) Native in Holandès, Francès (Variants: Standard-France, African, Canadian, Belgian) Native in Francès
dutch, french, medical, depositions, court, evaluations, litigations, insurance, legal, OPI, ...
Stephanie Amar
Stephanie Amar
Native in Hebreu Native in Hebreu, Francès Native in Francès
hebrew, french, english, translation, editing, proofreading, MT post editing, transcription, training, copywriting, ...
Alexandre Nopper
Alexandre Nopper
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Software, IT, localization, video games, electricity, electronics, computing, politics, history, tourism, ...
Raphaël-Charles Lavallée Roquebrune
Raphaël-Charles Lavallée Roquebrune
Native in Francès (Variant: Canadian) Native in Francès
Édith Koumtoudji
Édith Koumtoudji
Native in Francès Native in Francès
English to Cameroonian French, literary translation, financial translation, legal translation, liaison interpreting, proofreading, French tutoring, research, professional translator, linguistic services, ...
Youssef Chabat
Youssef Chabat
Native in Àrab (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in Àrab, Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
English, French, Arabic, subtitles, translation, transcripts, clinical certified, law, art, defense, ...
Sandrine Rutter
Sandrine Rutter
Native in Francès Native in Francès
English, French, proof reading, localisation, marketing, shopping centre, property, retail, ceramic, crisis management, ...
Antoine Robardey
Antoine Robardey
Native in Francès Native in Francès
French, Legal, Business, Real Estate, Sports, Football, Soccer, Law, Contract, Agreement, ...
Tony Brosse
Tony Brosse
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Environmental science, nutrition, education, tourism and literature translation.
Charlotte Blot
Charlotte Blot
Native in Francès Native in Francès
French, pedagogy, linguistics, health, beauty, literature, social sciences, travel, tourism, art, ...
Cristina Mazza Piccolo
Cristina Mazza Piccolo
Native in Italià Native in Italià
Abdelhalim MEKBEL
Abdelhalim MEKBEL
Native in Kabyle , Àrab (Variant: Algerian) Native in Àrab
Translation, editing; proofreading, English; Kabyle, Arabic, French, general, technical,
Eugene Antoine Aubrey Browne
Eugene Antoine Aubrey Browne
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès
Medical claims, Healthcare, Dentistry, Psychology, Family Law, Criminal Law, Legal Disputes, Legal Documents, Contracts, Insurance, ...
Anais Devenish
Anais Devenish
Native in Anglès (Variants: US, French, Australian, British, UK, Canadian, New Zealand, South African) Native in Anglès
French, Translation, translator, Humanities, travel, tourism, art, writing, literature, communication, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.