Interpreters » Anglès a Francès » Tech/Engineering » Aliments i begudes

The Anglès a Francès translators listed below specialize in the field of Aliments i begudes. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

232 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Cristina Mazza Piccolo
Cristina Mazza Piccolo
Native in Italià Native in Italià
Anais Devenish
Anais Devenish
Native in Anglès (Variants: US, French, Australian, British, UK, Canadian, New Zealand, South African) Native in Anglès
French, Translation, translator, Humanities, travel, tourism, art, writing, literature, communication, ...
Alexandra Josephi
Alexandra Josephi
Native in Holandès (Variants: Flemish, Netherlands) Native in Holandès, Francès (Variants: Standard-France, African, Canadian, Belgian) Native in Francès
dutch, french, medical, depositions, court, evaluations, litigations, insurance, legal, OPI, ...
Clara Chassany
Clara Chassany
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Finès Native in Finès
english, spanish, finnish, french, general, subtitling, humanities, art, marketing, tourism, ...
Native in Francès Native in Francès
French English Italian Project Contract Legal General Website Technical
Raphaël-Charles Lavallée Roquebrune
Raphaël-Charles Lavallée Roquebrune
Native in Francès (Variant: Canadian) Native in Francès
Frederic Audebrand
Frederic Audebrand
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Anglès Native in Anglès
French, legal translation, marketing, literature, finance, localization, software,
Klara Peer
Klara Peer
Native in Hongarès Native in Hongarès
hungarian, german, english, french, ewc, english, simultaneous interpretation, RSI, remote interpretation, interpretation, ...
David Rorke
David Rorke
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès
early childhood development, sustainable development, international aid projects
Vesna Kralj
Vesna Kralj
Native in Eslovè Native in Eslovè, Francès Native in Francès
French, English, Slovene, German, francais, anglais, Slovene, allemand, francoščina, španščina, ...
Lucia Dogbeh, Ph.D.
Lucia Dogbeh, Ph.D.
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Alemany Native in Alemany
french atlanta, german atlanta, ethic, compliance, conformité, it, language classes, language instruction, tutoring, video game, ...
Laurence Auffret
Laurence Auffret
Native in Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
AREAS Industry, Technology Aerospace, Engineering, Architecture, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Computer hardware and software, Construction, ...
Alain Garnier
Alain Garnier
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Kevin Hesse
Kevin Hesse
Native in Francès (Variants: Canadian, Belgian, Standard-France) Native in Francès
English to French, Spanish to French, translation, proofreading, interpretation, medical, scientific, technical, general, English, ...
Salman Hossen
Salman Hossen
Native in Francès Native in Francès
English, French, Turkish, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Engineering, Tourism, Travel, Machinery, ...
Yuriy Alatortsev
Yuriy Alatortsev
Native in Ucranià Native in Ucranià, Rús Native in Rús
agriculture, insurance, contract, equipment, electron microscope, machinery, cars, tractors, fertilizer, grain, ...
Native in Portuguès (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguès, Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
Rami Heled
Rami Heled
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Hebreu Native in Hebreu
French, English, Hebrew, Polish, Software, IT, Computers, Legal, Financial, Technical, ...
Native in Francès (Variants: Standard-France, Belgian) Native in Francès
English, Spanish, French, interpreting, translation, proofreading, science, biology, biochemistry, genetics, ...
Veronica Montserrat
Veronica Montserrat
Native in Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
English, french, spanish, medical, environment, literature, subtitling

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.