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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Publicador del fil: QHE
pkchan  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 00:59
Mebre des-de 2006
Anglès a Xinès
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Covered Bridges Oct 29, 2015

See more


[Edited at 2015-10-29 23:46 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-10-29 23:54 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 23:59
Anglès a Xinès
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Happy Halloween! Oct 30, 2015

Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 00:59
Anglès a Xinès
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Happy Halloween! Oct 31, 2015

ysun wrote:Happy Halloween!

[Edited at 2015-10-31 00:25 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 23:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Amazing animation Oct 31, 2015


Walt Disney Studios 应该聘你去担任动画片设计师!

Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 00:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Cucurbita Oct 31, 2015

ysun wrote:


Walt Disney Studios 应该聘你去担任动画片设计师!

谢谢孙先生。我这也是现学现用, 利用论坛允许使用的 BBCode 把不同的图像重新组合一下。

BTW, 那张有雕花大南瓜的照片特别好看。记得刚来时,除了大月亮外,让我感到特别新奇的就是那些形状大小各异,五颜六色的Winter squash.

ysun  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 23:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Winter squash Nov 2, 2015

QHE wrote:

BTW, 那张有雕花大南瓜的照片特别好看。记得刚来时,除了大月亮外,让我感到特别新奇的就是那些形状大小各异,五颜六色的Winter squash.

很高興你喜歡那張雕花大南瓜的照片。你的這些 winter squash 也很漂亮。我問你一個傻傻的問題,既然 winter 是冬天,為什麼沒人把 winter squash 譯為冬瓜?

ysun  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 23:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
美國國家地理雜誌攝影記者 Nov 2, 2015

pkchan wrote:



Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 00:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
糊里糊涂 Nov 3, 2015

ysun wrote:

我問你一個傻傻的問題,既然 winter 是冬天,為什麼沒人把 winter squash 譯為冬瓜?

孙先生有所不知,这个问题曾经困惑了我好久。最后算是搞清了Summer squash 与 Winter squash 的区别;而且发现原来冬瓜和 Winter squash 都是因为可以储藏至冬季而得名的。不过呢,对具体各种 Squash, Marrows, Courgette,Melon, Gourd 等等的叫法还是一塌糊涂(瓜和葫芦有时也分不清界限); 有一次居然买回来一个 spaghetti squash.

ysun  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 23:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Summer and Winter Squash Nov 4, 2015

QHE wrote:

孙先生有所不知,这个问题曾经困惑了我好久。最后算是搞清了Summer squash 与 Winter squash 的区别;而且发现原来冬瓜和 Winter squash 都是因为可以储藏至冬季而得名的。不过呢,对具体各种 Squash, Marrows, Courgette,Melon, Gourd 等等的叫法还是一塌糊涂(瓜和葫芦有时也分不清界限); 有一次居然买回来一个 spaghetti squash.

看了下面这篇文章我才知道,不但中国人,连不少美国人对此问题也同样感到困惑。这片文章介绍了十几种最普遍、最受欢迎的 winter squash,其中也提到了 spaghetti squash。看来,我也应该买一个来尝尝。 据专家介绍,winter squash 也是最健康的食品。

Types of Squash - Summer and Winter Squash
The term summer and winter for squash are only based on current usage, not on actuality. Summer types are on the market all winter; and Winter types are on the markets in the late summer and fall, as well as winter. Thus, the terms Summer and Winter are deceptive and confusing. This terminology was never meant to confuse - it just dates back to a time when the seasons were more crucial to man's survival than they are now.

ysun  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 23:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Old Man of the Mountain Nov 4, 2015

说起 New Hampshire,就不能不提 the Old Man of the Mountain。可惜他的头像已于2003年塌落。不过在此之前,我曾有幸多次目睹他的风采。


A composite image of the Old Man of the Mountain created from images taken before and after the collapse:
... See more
说起 New Hampshire,就不能不提 the Old Man of the Mountain。可惜他的头像已于2003年塌落。不过在此之前,我曾有幸多次目睹他的风采。


A composite image of the Old Man of the Mountain created from images taken before and after the collapse:

如今,他的头像依然与 New Hampshire 州的座右铭 “Live free or die”一起,经常在许多地点和场合出现。难道他的崩溃就是因为“不自由,毋宁死”的信念?

New Hampshire State Emblem

[Edited at 2015-11-04 21:59 GMT]

Meixia Jordan
Meixia Jordan  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
四合院儿里最舒畅! Nov 4, 2015

QHE wrote:

ysun wrote:

我問你一個傻傻的問題,既然 winter 是冬天,為什麼沒人把 winter squash 譯為冬瓜?

孙先生有所不知,这个问题曾经困惑了我好久。最后算是搞清了Summer squash 与 Winter squash 的区别;而且发现原来冬瓜和 Winter squash 都是因为可以储藏至冬季而得名的。不过呢,对具体各种 Squash, Marrows, Courgette,Melon, Gourd 等等的叫法还是一塌糊涂(瓜和葫芦有时也分不清界限); 有一次居然买回来一个 spaghetti squash.

有意思!我一直使用pumpkin,winter squash 就是pumpkin吧?去年的万圣节前我还为孩子做了个南瓜灯,今年种的南瓜长得太小,就一只,只够做一次南瓜浓汤。这里从10月份开始就可在面包房买到新鲜的南瓜面包,也非常可口!

Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 00:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Got Squash? Nov 4, 2015

Meixia Jordan wrote:

有意思!我一直使用pumpkin,winter squash 就是pumpkin吧?去年的万圣节前我还为孩子做了个南瓜灯,今年种的南瓜长得太小,就一只,只够做一次南瓜浓汤。这里从10月份开始就可在面包房买到新鲜的南瓜面包,也非常可口!


我想你这次是沿着 Die Seidenstrassen 跋涉而来的。

Pumpkin 是属于 winter squash,可是在美语中好像 winter squash 所指的范围要更广泛。BTW, 你那只珍贵的南瓜就作为装饰品好了。还是 Zucchini 最好养,在花盆里就能长得不错。

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

The Health Benefits of Winter Squash

Winter Squash is a highly nutritious and alkaline food which rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. Varieties of Winter Squash include Butternut, Acorn, Delicata, Kabocha, Kuri, Buttercup, Spaghetti, Hubbard, Golden Nugget, and Sweet Dumpling. Each one is unique. Have some fun trying the different varieties and finding the ones that you love most.

Winter Squash is easy to digest and is an excellent remedy for acidosis and conditions of the stomach, spleen, liver, and blood. It is wonderfully high in Vitamins A, E, C, B-complex, and beta carotene, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, and potassium which are vital for a healthy and strong immune and nervous system. The carotenoids are especially beneficial for protection against heart disease, breast cancer, and macular degeneration. Winter Squash is also known to help reduce inflammation which is excellent for conditions such as asthma, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. Winter Squash is a low in calorie, fat-free food, yet it is rich in nutrients making it an ideal choice for any weight loss or nutritional program.

[Edited at 2015-11-04 23:56 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 23:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Pumpkin Nov 5, 2015

Meixia Jordan wrote:


我种过冬瓜,却没种过南瓜,因为不怎么爱吃。既然南瓜以及 winter squash 如此有益于健康,我今后还是要尽量多吃些。QHE 照片上的那些 winter squash,我以前以为只有观赏价值,还真没尝过它们的滋味呢! 我们这里也有许多用南瓜做的面包、蛋糕以及 pumpkin pie,甚至还有 pumpkin pie 冰淇淋呢:

Meixia Jordan
Meixia Jordan  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Zucchini Nov 5, 2015

QHE wrote:

我想你这次是沿着 Die Seidenstrassen 跋涉而来的。

Pumpkin 是属于 winter squash,可是在美语中好像 winter squash 所指的范围要更广泛。BTW, 你那只珍贵的南瓜就作为装饰品好了。还是 Zucchini 最好养,在花盆里就能长得不错。

[Edited at 2015-11-04 23:56 GMT]


Estats Units d'Amèrica
Local time: 00:59
Anglès a Xinès
+ ...
Circleville Pumpkin Show Nov 6, 2015


2015 Winners: 1,666 lbs.- Rusty Ortman. Pumpkinshow.com

The Ohio State Marching Band @ Pumpkin Show

The Ohio State Marching Band @ London

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