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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Espanyol a Holandès, Català a Holandès, Anglès a Holandès, and 2 more.
Specializes in
Empresa/Comerç (general), Recursos humans, Gestió, and 2 more.
Native in
Holandès Native in Holandès profile photo
Kitty Brussaard
Jan 03, 2018

Average WWA rating given: 5.00

(3 entries) Blue Board BusiText
Avg. LWA : 5 (3 entries)
We've used Hans's services multiple times in the past year and he has never disappointed us. High quality, timely delivery, and professional and friendly communication. Highly recommended!
Johannes is a very reliable and responsive linguist. He always follows the instructions, has attention to detail and delivers high quality translations. It is a pleasure working with him!
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Hans Geluk (this provider)

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