The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Alemany a Anglès Medicina: Cardiologia Translation Glossary

Alemany term Anglès translation
Wasserprobe water test
WBS abnormal wall movements
Wbstrg. Wandbewegungsstörung - wall motion abnormality
Wechselshunt bidirectional shunt
Entered by: David Tracey, PhD
weit die (Herz)spitze umgreifend widely extending around the apex (of the heart)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Wenckebach-Periodik Wenckebach period / phenomenon
Widerstandsbelastung (des Herzens) pulmonary vascular resistance
Entered by: Samira Goth
WKB Wenckebach
Entered by: Neal Allen
Wundverschluss wound closure
WUR reduction in the arterial circumference
WUR Wandunregelmäßigkeiten/wall irregularities
z.A. Vitium cordis List
Entered by: Hannah Gunasingh
Zählwerk calculator
zeitlich in terms of time
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
ziehend extending
Entered by: Sibylle Gray
zu liegen kommen extend
Zwerchfelle gerundet well-defined domes of the diaphragm
Entered by: Stephen Old
\"Herzkranzschlagader teilweise doppelt angelegt\" partially duplicated circumflex branch of left coronary artery
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