The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Alemany a Anglès Mitjans de comunicació / Multimèdia Translation Glossary

Alemany term Anglès translation
Huckepack auflegen piggybacking
im Backend anzusiedelnde active in the backend/back-end
Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e.V. German Audit Bureau of Circulations (IVW)
Entered by: Michael Martin, MA
intensive Fortbildung continuing professional education/development workshops
intramedial intra-media
Entered by: Peter Zauner
Kartenbeschriftung card labelling
Kaufmann/-frau für audiovisuelle Medien Audio Visual Technician in Marketing and Management
Kaufzeitung/Gratiszeitung pay newspaper / free newspaper
Kommunikationsereignis communication event
Konfektionierung customizing
Entered by: Nicole Y. Adams, M.A.
Kopierwerksleistung (film) reproduction / duplication services
Kreislinie circle of sound
Kulturland Kulturland/Cultural Heritage Centre
Kundennetto net cost
Leitmedien major media outlets
Lichtdouble lighting stand-in
Lizenzauflagen herstellen to produce editions under license
Entered by: Deborah Shannon
Magazinsendung (television) magazine program
Markenstatur brand stature
Entered by: Peter Zauner
massentauglich bulk-capable
Materialtheater object/puppet theater
Medien Media
medien- und werkneutral media and site independant
medien-affin media-related, media-affiliated, media-oriented
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Medienbeitrag media resource
Medienbruch Media disruption
mediensynchron synchronous media
Entered by: Clare Clarke
Medienwandel media in transition
medienwirksam attracting media attention / with high media impact
Meinungsmacht to influence someone's opinion
Messenke signal sink
mit dem „Video-Kauftipp“ ausgezeichnet awarded Video Magazine's "Best Buy Tip" / "Best Video Buy"
mit den multimedialen Möglichkeiten des Internets taking advantage/exploiting/through internet's multimedia support/capabilities
mitgeschnitten recorded
Mitschaumonitore viewing monitors
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Mittelwellen-Sucher MW tuning scale (long) tuning dial (circular)
mobil Nachrichten-Texte zu erstellen. to write messages with their cellphones
Monitorwand monitor wall
Moodbild (Powerpoint) Mood slide (Powerpoint)
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