The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Alemany a Anglès Dret (general) Translation Glossary

Alemany term Anglès translation
abschreiben stricken from/deleted/removed
Absicht vs. Vorsatz specific intent vs. intent
Absichtserklärung [some rephrasing would do]
abspringen drop (here)
Abstammungsurkunde full form birth certificate (BE)
abstellen dependent on - use as a key criterion - pls refer to context
abtrennen to sever
Abtrennungsverfügung court order to hear the cases sepàrately
Abtretung an assignment of
Abtretungsmodalitäten ways of transferring; arrangements for the transfer of
Abwassersatzung waste water ordinance / regulations
abweichende Bestimmung derogating provision
abweichende prozessrechtliche Bestimmungen vorbehalten subject to legal procedural provisions to the contrary
abweichendes Inkrafttreten This provision does not enter into force until [date]
Abwickler liquidator, receiver
Abwicklung der Geschäfte nach Möglichkeit carrying out of business if possible
Entered by: Mats Wiman
act. Aktenstelle (hier) - record ID/ position
act. file
Adaequanttheorie Theory of Adequate Causation
Adhäsionsverfahren adhesion proceedings
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Adhäsionsverfahren parallel proceedings
Admassierung tracing of estate assets
Entered by: Hannah Gunasingh
advokatorische Vorsicht erring on the side of legal professional caution
AEV (Abbuchungs- und Einziehungsverordnung) (Direct Debiting Ordinance)
AG-Bezirk district for which the local court is responsible
AGG Equal Opportunity Act
Entered by: Klaus Urban
AGg. Respondent
Ahndung der Tat punishment for the offence
AK file
Entered by: Rolf Keiser
AKostV Auslandskostenverordnung Ordinance on fees and expenses charged abroad
Akt file(s)
Aktenauszüge abstracts of record
Aktenbearbeitung vs. Akten ührung file updating vs. file management
Entered by: Karina Decke
Aktenrealität reality of the record
Aktenvervollständigung completion of files
Entered by: David Wallace
Aktenverzeichnis list of documents
aktenwidrig contrary to the record
Aktenwidrigkeit error apparent on (the face of ) the record
Aktenzeichen (AZ) reference
Entered by: Astrid Elke Witte
aktienrechtliche Spitzfindigkeiten the subtleties of public company law
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