The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Alemany a Anglès Enginyeria (general) Translation Glossary

Alemany term Anglès translation
blockiermoment stall(ing)/static torque
BMW Federdomstrebe strut brace
Bock- und Lenkrollen fixed castor and steering rollers/swivel castors
Boden in der Produktion factory floor
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Bodendurchschlagraketen Piercing Tools, compaction boring projects,
Bodenplattenunterstandsveränderung change to the base plate cover
bodenseitig on the base/bottom/underside/bottom-mounted
Bogenförderer circular conveyor
Bohrerhalm shank
Bohrspülwässer drilling water
Bohrwandverfestigung bore (wall) stabilisation
Bolzen- und Buchseneinpressen Press fitting of bolt (or stud) and sleeve
Bolzensätze sets of studs
Entered by: Paula Price
Bolzenverbindung bolted joint
Bottich outer tub
Bottichwaschmaschinen tub-type washing machine
Branchenentsorgung sector-specific, trade waste disposal
Brandabschnitt fire compartment
Entered by: jccantrell
Brandgaskompensator flue duct expansion joint
Brandkanal fire conduit, fire corridor
Brandmeldeunterzentrale Fire alarm system sub-control unit/sub-controller
Brandriss heat check
Brandschutzüberprüfungsinstitut Fire safety institute or laboratory
Brandschutzprüfung fire test
Brandwache stellen to post a fire watch
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Braunkohleveredelung brown coal / lignite beneficiation
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Brückenbildung bridging
Entered by: Karin T
Brüdenwäscher (exhaust) vapour scrubber
Brüstungsfelder parapet areas
Brüstungsgeräte sill units
breiter Glanzstreubereich wide scattering range/band with respect to the brightness/burnishing/polishing
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Bremsleitrechner brake control computer
Brennerhalssohle base of the torch neck
Brennertulpen burner tips
Brennkastenversuch combustion chamber test
Brennstempelung hot stamped or branded
Brille retainer ring / collar bracket
Bromschleuse bromine dispenser, brominator
Bruchausgang fracture starting point
bruchkritisch critical for failure
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