CAT Tool & Software Day Sep 29, 2014 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (8,189) (Members shown first) |
 | Laura Friend  Certified translator of RU & FR > EN Estats Units d'Amèrica Native in Anglès  Freelancer | Bio: Russian and French to English translation
30 years' translation experience
5 years as a full-time free-lancer
|  | | OTHER-South Thames College |
|  | Petr Hurtik  EN-CS translation, subtitles&transcripts Txeca, República Native in Txec  Freelancer | OTHER-State language school, 28 years of experience |
|  | KARTIN MILADIYAH  timely, trustworthy, reliable Indonèsia Native in Indonesi (Variant: Standard-Indonesia)  Freelancer | OTHER-self taught, 15 years of experience |
|  | | Bio: I'm a psychologist from Santiago, Chile, currently studying a Ph.D. in Psychology at Pontificia Universidad Católica. I'm working on my Thesis which deals with Artificial Intelligence, its echoes in other human cultural manifestations such as art, myth, religion, magic... and literature, and its importance for answering some of the crucial questions in Psychology. I also developed a therapeutic program which blends self-discovery and personal development through writing with actually perfecting literary skills. I write narrative and translate academic articles. I love getting to enjoy the structure of different languages and am up to this point varyingly competent in five of them (Spanish, English, German, French and Italian).More Less Message: As a non-professional, I welcome the opportunity to meet and talk people whose lives are centered around languages and how to turn one into another. |
|  | SRLeger  27 Years of Expert Tagalog Translation Canadà Native in Tagalog  Freelancer | Ontario Ministry of Attorney General; Canada Immig, Asociación Argentina de Traductores e Intérpretes, BA-University of the Philippines, 31 years of experience |
|  | Carolina Suevo  EN>PTBR Legal, Business, Social Sciences Brasil Native in Portuguès (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | OTHER-Universidade Gama Filho, 12 years of experience |
| |  | Ky_Ky  Canadà Native in Anglès  | |
|  | Darka Regvar (X)  Turkish and Polish translator Croàcia Native in Croat (Variant: Bosnian)  Freelancer | Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER, University of Zagreb , 13 years of experience |
|  | | Bio: Translator/Interpreter in following pairs: Hebrew<Portuguese [BR]>Hebrew; English<Port>English; English<Hebrew>English; Spanish<Port; Spanish<Hebrew: Spanish<English. Fluent in (basic Hungarian and French).
Born in Hungary, live in Brazil, lived 18 years in Israel. Cer...tified public translator in Brazil (Hebrew); experience in legal, finance and politics.More Less Message: Hi,
I look forward to exchange experiences and ideas about furthering our trade |
| |  | | Bio: Freelance translator English-Spanish/Spanish-English/Editing
Academic background in Religious Studies (historical track). MA in Asian Religions, ABD in Religion in Colonial Mexico/Latin America.
15 years of experience as a freelance translator.
Training in other lan...guages: English, Latin, Japanese, French, and German.
Interested in history, genealogy, and literature.More Less |
|  | Abdul Wahab km  Certified Translator (ARABICENGLISH) Índia Native in Àrab Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: I am Abdul Wahab based in Kerala, India. and working as Full time freelance Translator for many years. I am member of Indian Translators Association and certified by Arab professional translators Society (ATN / APTS). Message: Wish everyone a happy international Translation Day. |
|  | | Instituto de Cervantes, MA-Instituto Superior de Estudios Lingüísticos y Traducción (Seville), 15 years of experience |
|  | Cristal RO (X)  Make yourself crystal clear! Romania Native in Alemany  , Anglès  Freelancer and outsourcer | Message: Happy Translator's Day!!! |
|  | Livn  Rússia Native in Rús  Freelancer | Minsk State Linguistic University, 34 years of experience |
|  | MashaTs  Rússia Native in Rús Freelancer | Novgorod State University , OTHER-Novgorod State University , 19 years of experience |
|  | Marta Mariño Cisa  EN/ZH-ES Localization and Testing Xina Native in Espanyol (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | University of Granada, Instituto Superior de Estudios Lingüísticos y Traducción, BA-Universidad de Granada, 10 years of experience |
|  | Aleksandar Stanković  architect, court interpreter Macedònia (ARIM) Native in Macedonià  , Serbi  Freelancer | Ministry of Justice, Dimitrija Cuposki 9, Skopje, 20 years of experience |
|  | Daniel Meier  Translation - Transcription - Voiceover Native in Alemany  , Txec  Freelancer | SJS, Prague, Czech Republic, OTHER-Statni jazykova skola Praha, 1995 (State examination), JTP, 32 years of experience |
|  | Roman Levko  Professionelle technische Übersetzungen Ucraïna Native in Rús (Variant: Standard-Russia)  , Ucranià  Freelancer | Master’s degree. German Language and Literature, MA-Ivan Franko National Univercity of Lviv, 19 years of experience |
|  | jutop  Lituània Native in Lituà  Freelancer | Vilnius University, Lithuania, OTHER-London Princ'es College, UK, Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English |
|  | gesbon  Noruega Native in Àrab  , Noruec  Freelancer | 15 years of experience |
|  | CFournier  Ingénieur-docteur / Engineer & PhD França Native in Francès  Freelancer | INSA de Lyon, OTHER-PhD, Univ. Lyon, France, Association des Ingénieurs INSA, APROBI (FR), SFT, 28 years of experience |
|  | Leon Ivanihin  Native Russian technical translator Native in Rús (Variants: Standard-Russia, Moscow) Freelancer | Bio: Just good EN>RU technical translator with 14 WWA Message: Nice to e-meet you here, colleagues! |
| |  | | Monash University - Faculty of Arts. School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, BA-Monash University, Victorian Institute of Language Teachers, 11 years of experience |
| |  | Apeace03  Fine Language Dimensional Transition Malàisia Native in Anglès (Variant: US)  , Malai (Variant: Malaysian)  Freelancer | Message: Good day all. |
|  | | Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Übersetzen, German Courts, Universität Heidelberg, PHD-Dr. phil. und Dipl.-Übersetzerin (Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen, Universität Heidelberg), M.A. English (Southern Connecticut State University, USA), 22 years of experience |
|  | Vitali Rogonski  Translating and Interpreting (RusEng) Bielorússia Native in Rús  Freelancer | 23 years of experience |
|  | ykoga  Japó Native in Japonès Freelancer | |
| |  | Roland Schade  Alemanya Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | 38 years of experience |
|  | Maria Poleschuk  EN-RU translator, 9-yr experience Estats Units d'Amèrica Native in Rús Freelancer | TPU, GD-Tomsk Polytechnic University, 20 years of experience |
|  | BettyCR  Portugal Native in Portuguès (Variant: European/Portugal)  , Espanyol (Variant: Venezuelan)  | Bio: Mi nombre es Beatriz Eugenia Ramirez Cabrera. Tengo 22 años, nací en Caracas (Venezuela) pero desde mia 9 años resido en Portugal. Estudié Traducción entre los años 2009-2012 y entre el 2011-2012 realicé practicas como Traductora. Trabajé el año lectivo 2012-20...13 como lectora de portugués en Francia y este año lectivo 2013-2014 realicé funciones similares en España. Durante el verano del 2013 fui voluntaria en Polonia y realicé actividades en inglés y portugués con jóvenes polacos. Este conjunto de experiencias y el mundo de la traducción me han llevado a interesarme bastante por los idiomas y la difusión de los mismos, siendo que lo que quiero es seguir aprendiendo y afinando métodos de enseñanza y de trasmisión lingüística y cultural. Empecé hace poco una maestría en Traducción y cuento con seguir aprendiendo y afianzando mi actividad traductoria.More Less Message: ¡Buenas a todos! Como estudiante de traducción estoy interesada en aprender más de este mundo y de técnicas traductorias. Cuento aprender de ustedes y con ustedes. Gracias. |
|  | Mario Athanasiou  Grècia Native in Anglès (Variant: US)  , Grec (Variant: Modern)  Freelancer | 16 years of experience |
|  | VALERIA VAZQUEZ (X)  Mèxic Native in Espanyol (Variants: Latin American, Mexican)  Freelancer | Bio: I graduated from Marketing at ITESM Toluca Campus, but have been working in translation of technical material, manuals and security data sheets for industrial coatings companies during the last 9 years. Message: Best regards to all translators/ colleagues |
|  | dwinters  Exceptional quality, cultural knowledge Estats Units d'Amèrica Native in Anglès  Freelancer and outsourcer | American Translators Association, ATA, 25 years of experience |
|  | Ανδρέας Γέγιος  Attention to detail Grècia Native in Grec (Variant: Modern)  Freelancer | Bio: Full time in-house translator for 8 years, now willing to work as a freelancer Message: Hello fellow translators, if you have any propositions feel free to contact me |
|  | Evelise Scapol  Interpreter and Translator Brasil Native in Portuguès  Freelancer | |
| | |  | | SNEVT, OTHER- HOCTV / ITV, SENSE, 32 years of experience |
|  | | Plovdiv University "Paisiy Hilendarski", MA, 17 years of experience |
| |  | mihaela moldovan  Experienced EN/FR-RO translator Romania Native in Romanès Freelancer | Romanian Ministry of Justice, 26 years of experience |
|  | Mróz de León  Polònia Native in Espanyol (Variant: Standard-Spain)  , Polonès (Variant: Standard-Poland)  Freelancer | British Council, Universidad de Sevilla, OTHER-Master in German-Spanish translations, SELM (Sociedad Española de Lenguas Modernas), 18 years of experience |
|  | Lingua DK  Business, advertising, marketing, Denmark Native in Danès Freelancer | ATA, 15 years of experience |
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