8,186 registrants

CAT Tool & Software Day

Sep 29, 2014

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Results (8,189) (Members shown first)
Checked in
Jaana Hokkanen Contact directly
25 years in translation and review
Native in Finès Native in Finès
MA-University of Joensuu, Finland, 25 years of experience
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V&M Stanković Contact directly
Sci/tech/leg. translators & Court transl
Native in Serbi Native in Serbi, Serbocroat Native in Serbocroat
Minister of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, GD-University of Belgrade, Assoc. of Sci.&Tech. Transl. of Serbia, 30 years of experience
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Pavel Nikonorkin Contact directly
MD + Translator = Translation Formula💪
Native in Rús Native in Rús
Voronezh State Medical Academy, BA, 22 years of experience
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carmaj Contact directly
Reliable and motivated
Native in Francès Native in Francès
French "National Education", MA-Angers Catholic University, SFT, 42 years of experience
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Ali Yucel Contact directly
Regne Unit
Native in Turc (Variant: Standard-İstanbul ) Native in Turc
2nd Notary Public of Fethiye - Mugla/TURKEY, OTHER-Anadolu University, 17 years of experience
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Vladimír Hoffman Contact directly
30 year of professional service
Native in Eslovac Native in Eslovac
State Language School Bratislava, BA-University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovenská asociácia prekladateľov a tlmočníkov (SAPT), 32 years of experience
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Valérie KARAM Contact directly
Environment & International Development
Native in Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
Bio: French native
Degree in foreign languages (Spanish - English)
Quite a number of years working in an international environment
But all new in freelance translation !
Message: Really looking forward to this !
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Milena Dieva Contact directly
Multilingual solutions
Native in Búlgar Native in Búlgar
Bio: I am a Bulgarian translator with more than 10 years experience. I translate from English, Italian and Russian. I specialize in the fields of medical tools, automotive, marketing, agriculture, EU, etc. I mostly use Trados Studio 2009 and 2014.
Message: Hello!
Nice to e-meet you. I hope that we will be able to share valuable knowledge and experience. Enjoy the event!
Checked in
Igor Savenkov Contact directly
Ph.D. 15+ years in technical translation
Native in Rús Native in Rús
Bio: Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics, solid scientific background, ProZ.com member since 2007, ProZ Certified PRO certificate in 2008, http://www.proz.com/profile/761164
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Kalju Kartau Contact directly
M.-Eng., long practical experience
Native in Estonià Native in Estonià
32 years of experience
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Francesca Bernardis Contact directly
15+ years in science, tourism & leisure
Native in Italià Native in Italià
Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, SSLMIT (Italy), Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, MA-Università di Trieste - Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, AITI, APTRAD, 19 years of experience
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Ainara Oiarbide Labaca Contact directly
translations on time is the prime
Native in Basc Native in Basc, Espanyol Native in Espanyol
University of the Basque Country, BA-University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV), 19 years of experience
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Amy Billing Contact directly
Specialist in marketing translation
Regne Unit
Native in Anglès (Variant: British) Native in Anglès
University of Bath., MA-University of Bath, 18 years of experience
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Takako Kimura-Ude Contact directly
Specialized in art and history
Native in Japonès Native in Japonès
Bio: Freelance translator of English to Japanese, French to Japanese, Slovene to Japanese languages.
Have translated a few books in the field of history and culture, which are also my passion.
Currently living in Slovenia.
Message: It's first time for me to join the virtual conference on ProZ and I am looking forward!
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Ramesh Kulandaivel Contact directly
Beyond language barriers...
Native in Tàmil Native in Tàmil
Masters Degree from KSOU, Mysore, MA-KSOU, Mysore, Chennai Translators Group, 21 years of experience
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Elvira Alves Barry Contact directly
Professional language services
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès
BA-Trinity University, 20 years of experience
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Veneta Georgieva Contact directly
Technik-, Medizin-, Marketingübersetzung
Native in Búlgar Native in Búlgar
Kyrill und Method-Universitaet, Veliko Tarnovo, MA-Kyrill- und Method-Universitaet Veliko Tarnovo, 45 years of experience
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Jeandra Raimond Contact directly
English to German translator
Native in Alemany Native in Alemany
Institut für Fremdsprachen und Auslandskunde, GD-Institut für Fremdsprachen und Auslandskunde bei der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 11 years of experience
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Cristina Butas Contact directly
Marketing, e-commerce, IT
Native in Romanès Native in Romanès
UVT - Universitatea de Vest Timisoara, Romanian Ministry of Justice, MA-Translation and Terminology, French and English into Romanian, Faculty of Letters, West University of Timisoara, ATR, 23 years of experience
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Ieva Kupruka Contact directly
Words are the most influential power..
Native in Letó Native in Letó
Latvia: LAC, BA-Latvian Academy of Culture, 27 years of experience
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Ivana Kahle Contact directly
Tech translator & marketing transcreator
Native in Croat Native in Croat, Alemany Native in Alemany
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), MA-Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, ATA, BDÜ, 33 years of experience
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Daniela Bosco Contact directly
ATA Certified translator
Països Baixos
Native in Italià (Variant: Swiss ) Native in Italià
Freelancer and outsourcer
American Translators Association, Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Chartered Institute of Linguists, BA-Schiller International university, ATA, ITI, Institute of Linguists, 30 years of experience
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Stephanie Cordier Contact directly
EN/DE-FR Language expert
Native in Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
Message: DE/EN->FR technical translator, 9 years of experience
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Epameinondas Soufleros Contact directly
Your needs, my priority
Native in Grec Native in Grec
Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting, BA-Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting, Hellenic Society for Terminology (ELETO), 17 years of experience
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Claire-E Contact directly
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Bio: English-French freelance translator
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Juan Antonio Castán Abán Contact directly
Creative & hardworking professional
Native in Espanyol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Espanyol
Bio: I am an enthusiastic, hardworking and creative professional translator and proofreader. I graduated from my MA in Translation&Interpreting in 2008 but I had already studied an English Philology BA before. I began translating for a canmaking company in Zaragoza, before ...
Message: Hi, Proz colleagues!!
Checked in
Matt Petrowski Contact directly
ProZ.com Systems Administrator/Developer
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès
17 years of experience
Susmith Sudarsanan Contact directly
Reliable and professional since 2003!
Native in Malaialam Native in Malaialam
Freelancer and outsourcer
GD-Diploma in Software Technology, 22 years of experience
Aliaksandr Laushuk Contact directly
Synchronizing cultures
Native in Bielorús Native in Bielorús, Rús Native in Rús
MSLU, Minsk, Universidad de Salamanca, BA-Minsk State Linguistic University, ASETRAD, , 22 years of experience
Andrei Vrabtchev Contact directly
Reliable Translations. Competitive Rates
Native in Búlgar Native in Búlgar, Anglès Native in Anglès
Freelancer and outsourcer
Gettysburg College, Union of Bulgarian Translators, ATA, 27 years of experience
Daria Kaminska Contact directly
Freelance translator, Master's Degree
Native in Rús (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Rús, Ucranià (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in Ucranià
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, MA-National Taras Shevchenko University in Kiev, 14 years of experience
Zdenka Novcic Contact directly
Tech/IT/Clinical trials, SDL,Court cert.
Bòsnia i Hercegovina
Native in Serbi (Variants: serbian, Bosnia) Native in Serbi, Bosni (Variant: Cyrillic) Native in Bosni
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Srpska, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), OTHER-Cambridge ESOL University, Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE), 20 years of experience
Natalia Tarasova Contact directly
Engineering & Audiovisual Translations
Native in Rús (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Rús
IFL, BA-Institut Inostrannykh Yazykov (IFL), 28 years of experience
Iwona Szymaniak Contact directly
Changing the world one word at a time
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
STP, University of Warsaw, OTHER-Iberian Studies at the University of Warsaw, STP, 49 years of experience
English to Spanish Translator
Native in Anglès (Variants: New Zealand, US South, British, UK, South African, US, Australian, Canadian) Native in Anglès, Espanyol (Variants: Bolivian, Dominican, Venezuelan, Standard-Spain, Peruvian, Cuban, Nicaraguan, Chilean, Honduran, Guatemalan, Rioplatense, Uruguayan, Puerto Rican, Panamanian, Colombian, Latin American, Ecuadorian , Argentine, US, Salvadoran, Paraguayan, Costa Rican, Mexican) Native in Espanyol
ITESM MEXICO, MA-ITESM, 54 years of experience
Tony Bennjamin Contact directly
Native in Indonesi (Variant: Standard-Indonesia) Native in Indonesi
OTHER-ITE, HPI, 18 years of experience
Kévin Bacquet Contact directly
Translating intentions, not words
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Université Lille III, MA-M2 Specialized Multilingual Translation and Project Management, 17 years of experience
Malika El khadhri Contact directly
Professional and available.
Native in Àrab Native in Àrab, Francès Native in Francès
Arab professional translators Society, 15 years of experience
Bayasalmaa Galtsog Contact directly
Professional and accurate translations
Native in Mongol Native in Mongol, Rús Native in Rús
Medical University of Plovdiv, MA-University, Association of Mongolian Certified Translators, 19 years of experience
Baofeng Guo Contact directly
10+ years in medical translation
Estats Units d'Amèrica
Native in Xinès (Variant: Simplified) Native in Xinès
Freelancer and outsourcer
BA-Nankai University, 18 years of experience
Jennifer Miethe Contact directly
Experienced and highly committed
Native in Alemany (Variant: Germany) Native in Alemany
25 years of experience
Ana Vozone Contact directly
Will do!
Native in Portuguès (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguès
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Instituto Superior de Linguas e Administração , OTHER-ISLA - Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração (1973), ITI, 46 years of experience
Giedre Asin Marco Contact directly
Lithuanian, Spanish & English Translator
Native in Lituà Native in Lituà
Vilnius University, OTHER-Vilnius University, ASETRAD, ASETRAD, ASATI, 16 years of experience
Emanuela Galdelli Contact directly
Rapid and Accurate
Native in Italià Native in Italià
Congo Embassy in Rome, Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, OTHER-Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori, Rome, Italy (University Diploma of Translator and Interpreter (English and French), 1987 - University Certificate of Interpreter (French), simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, SSIT, Rome, 1987, IATI, Int. Assoc. Translators and Inter., SFT, ANITI, 36 years of experience
Lorena H Borges Contact directly
Language Localization Specialist
Native in Portuguès (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguès
Proz.com Certified PRO Translator, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), GD-Prolingua Online Course, 17 years of experience
Natália Mazzilli Pereira Contact directly
Marketing and advertising specialist
Native in Portuguès (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguès
Universidade Gama Filho, GD-Universidade Gama Filho, ABRATES, 10 years of experience
Trinh Do Contact directly
M.Sc., attention to detail, quality
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Vietnamès Native in Vietnamès
Message: Hello, I'd like to meet everyone here (on-line).
Elena Ivanova Contact directly
Language is a powerful tool
Native in Búlgar Native in Búlgar
Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski), MA-Sofia University "St. Kliment OHhridki", 31 years of experience
Karol Kawczyński Contact directly
Expertise in law, finance and accounting
Native in Polonès Native in Polonès
University of Cambridge, Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Warsaw, Uniwersytet Gdański / Universität Danzig / University of Gdańsk, MA-University of Gdańsk + PgDip in Legal and Business Translation, CIOL, 17 years of experience
Natasha Jankovic Contact directly
over 20 years of experience
Native in Serbi Native in Serbi
OTHER-Diploma - translation, 23 years of experience