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Feb 21 (posted Prepping for interpreting at a corporation in Serbia, topic: Social Accountability and auditing of SA8000 internation standard. Reading about many conventions of the ILO (International Labour Organization)...more, + 4 other entries »
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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Italian to Serbian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 10 - 20 EUR per hour Serbian to English - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 10 - 20 EUR per hour English to Serbian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 10 - 20 EUR per hour Serbian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 10 - 20 EUR per hour Italian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 10 - 20 EUR per hour
Serbian to Italian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 10 - 20 EUR per hour
Serbian to English: Part of translation of the book 'Tri' written by Goran Segedinac General field: Art/Literary
Source text - Serbian MAJOR
Ni bluz više nije mogao da ga prevari, da ga nakratko ubedi da postoji izbor. Magija u njemu prodirala je duboko u dušu i izvlačila na površinu poslednje ostatke dobrog - samo što to više nije bilo dovoljno. Ili je postao potpuno prazan, ili će morati da primeni drugačiju terapiju za svoju nevolju.
Ostao je samo još jedan način.
Sve do večeras se nadao da neće morati da potraži Sandru. Razlog iz kog je odlagao susret bio je praktičan koliko i sebičan: ukoliko ne uspe, neće mu preostati apsolutno ništa. Da je imao makar jednu dodatnu soluciju, samo nagoveštaj alternative koja će mu ponuditi svrhu ako omane, prekratio bi čekanje.
Srećom, tu su bili košmari.
Lekovi za smirenje nisu odavali prisustvo u organizmu, nakon popodnevnog sna iz kog se probudio drhteći. Možda je pretpraznična atmosfera imala loš uticaj na njega, možda bi postalo lakše ukoliko izdrži do februara, hiljadu možda mu se rojilo u slepoočnicama, ali je konačno doneo odluku i odustao od bekstva. Više se nije moglo.
Ako već nije.
Translation - English MAJOR
The Blues could no longer deceive him, to convince him that he has a choice. The magic inside him was pushing further into his soul, dragging the last remnants of good to the surface - only it wasn't enough anymore. He has become completely empty, and will need to try some different treatments for his troubles.
There was only one way left.
Until tonight, he hoped he wouldn't have to search for Sandra. The reason for this was as practical as it was selfish: if he fails, he will be left with absolutely nothing. If only he had another option - just a hint of an alternative - that will give him purpose if he fails, it would stop him from waiting.
Luckily, he had nightmares.
The drugs did not remain in his body after he woke up, trembling, from the afternoon nap. Perhaps the holiday spirit reacted badly with him; perhaps it would become easier if he could resist until February. He had a thousand maybes swarming in his head. Finally, he made a decision: give up and run away. There was no escape.
He will go mad.
If he has not already.
English to Serbian: Rulebook General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Livestock / Animal Husbandry
Article 1
The purpose of this rulebook is to establish specific provisions regarding the classification of beef carcasses in the Republic of Serbia.
Article 2
Certain terms used in this rulebook shall have the following meaning:
"Carcass" means the whole body of a slaughtered animal as presented after bleeding, evisceration and skinning.
"Half-carcass" means the product obtained by separating the carcass symmetrically through the middle of each cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral vertebra and through the middle of the sternum and the ischiopubic symphysis.
“Classifier” means qualified technician authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in accordance with the provisions of this rulebook, who performs the classification of carcasses.
“Control body” means an independent third party to which the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management has delegated the control tasks referred in this rulebook, following the requirements of the article 9 of the Law on Organization of Agricultural Products Market.
“Cold weight” means the carcass weight to be taken into account for reporting the market price and shall correspond to the weight at the moment of the classification, “warm weight”, less 2 %. The following formula can be used: “cold weight” = 0,98* “warm weight”.
Члан 1
Сврха овог правилника је да се утврде специфичне одредбе у вези са класирањем говеђих трупова у Републици Србији.
Члан 2
Одређени појмови који се користе у овом правилнику имају следеће значење:
1) "труп" се односи на цело тело заклане животиње, након искрварења, вађења унутрашњих органа и одстрањивања коже.
2) "полутка" се односи на оно што се добије симетричним раздвајањем трупа кроз средину сваког вратног, дорзалног, лумбалног и сакралног пршљена и кроз средину грудне кости и исхиопубичне симфизе.
3) “класификатор” се односи на квалификованог техничара овлашћеног од стране Министарства пољопривреде, шумарства и водопривреде у складу са одредбама овог правилника, а који обавља класирање трупова.
4) “контролно тело” се односи на независну трећу страну којој је Министарство пољопривреде, шумарства и водопривреде поверило контролу наведену у овом правилнику, пратећи услове који су изложени у члану 9 Закона о уређењу тржишта пољопривредних производа.
5) “маса хладног трупа” се односи на масу трупа која се узима у обзир при извештавању о тржишним ценама и одговара тежини у тренутку класирања, односно “маси топлог трупа” умањеној за 2%. Може се користити следећа формула: “маса хладног трупа” = 0,98 * “маса топлог трупа”
Translation education
Master's degree - Faculty of Philology - Conference Interpreting, Professional and Audio-Visual Interpeting
Years of experience: 16. Registered at May 2008. Became a member: Jun 2018.
Italian (Tor Vergata - Università degli studi di Roma , verified) Italian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) Serbian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) Italian to Serbian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) Serbian to English (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified)
English to Serbian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) Italian to Serbian (Sapienza - Università degli Studi di Roma) Italian to Serbian (Roma Tre - Università degli Studi)
Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemoQ, MemSource, Trados
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Other - to became an EU accredited conference interpreter
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✨ Certified
Conference Interpreter / Court Interpreter / Sworn Translator
(Serbian, Italian and English) | Transform your language barriers
into opportunities to grow 🪴 📈
a strong academic background and over a decade of experience in
translation and interpreting, I specialize in
providing precise, high-quality language services tailored to
professional and legal contexts. I hold a degree
in Italian and English and three master's
degrees, including one in Conference Interpreting
and Professional Translation.
a certified
court interpreter and sworn translator,
I assist law firms, businesses, and individuals with accurate legal
and official translations. My expertise spans multiple industries,
including finance, legal, and technical fields, ensuring that clients
receive linguistically and culturally accurate translations.
of my clients include FIIAPP and the Ministry of Agriculture of
Serbia, USAID, OSCE, EY (former Ernst and Young), RWL (former
SDL Trados), Google and many others.
completed a one-year EU-funded project where I worked as a translator
and an interpreter for the Ministry of Agriculture of Serbia. During
this project, I translated around 125k words and interpreted 350
hours (simultaneous and consecutive).
Keywords: languages, computer, skype, online interpreting, skype language lessons, English to Italian, Italian to English, Serbian to Italian, Italian to Serbian, Serbian to English. See more.languages, computer, skype, online interpreting, skype language lessons, English to Italian, Italian to English, Serbian to Italian, Italian to Serbian, Serbian to English, English to Serbian. See less.
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