Membre desde Feb '12

Idiomes de treball:
Anglès a Espanyol
Espanyol a Anglès
Anglès a Català
Català a Espanyol
Espanyol a Català

LIVERBULA - David Balayla
Biomed/Pharma specialist, PhD

Barcelona, Cataluña, Espanya
Hora local: 08:21 CET (GMT+1)

Nadiu en: Anglès Native in Anglès, Espanyol Native in Espanyol, Català (Variants: Central, Western) Native in Català
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23 positive reviews
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1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)

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Past 5 years
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Total: 12 entries
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Technical Translations - English to Spanish or Catalan

Academic qualifications:

PhD Biology (U. of Liverpool, UK)

MRes in Ecology and Environmental Mgmt (U. of York, UK)

Bsc(Hons) Zoology (U. of Edinburgh, UK)

Professional career:

5 years in the local administration in tasks related to environmental policy enforcement in Catalonia.

3 years as researcher at the University of Barcelona (Catalonia).

2 years as senior researcher at a government research institute in Denmark.

16 years as freelance translator specialised in science and technology, for clients both in Spain and abroad.


In 2006 an associate and I established Liverbula in Barcelona, a firm specialised in offering high-end translation and communication services to corporate clients.

Liverbula has specialised in the translation of highly technical texts, particularly in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology, cell and molecular biology and pharmacology/pharmaceutics.

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Aquest usuari ha obtingut punts KudoZ ajudant a d’altres traductors a traduir termes de nivell PRO. Fes clic damunt una puntuació total per veure la traducció de termes oferida.

Total de punts obtinguts: 97
(Totes les de nivell PRO)

Idiomes més importants (PRO)
Anglès a Espanyol91
Espanyol a Anglès6
Àrees generals més importants (PRO)
Pts en més de 2 àrees >
Àrees específiques més importants (PRO)
Medicina: Farmàcia27
Biologia (-tecnologia,-química, micro-)12
Dret: Patents, Marques registrades, Copyright8
Medicina (general)6
Mineria & Minerals / Gemmes4
Enginyeria petroliera/Ciència4
Pts en més de 6 àrees >

Veure tots els punts obtinguts >
Paraules clau: patent translations, medical translations, patents, patent, technical translations, scientific translations, scientific, science, biotechnological translations, biotechnological. See more.patent translations, medical translations, patents, patent, technical translations, scientific translations, scientific, science, biotechnological translations, biotechnological, biotechnology, pharmaceutical translations, pharmaceutical, pharmacy, translation and communication, translation, communication, content localization and management, localization, localisation, localized, localised, content production, content, contents, liverbula, genetics, biotechnology, pharma, biology, biology, ecology, translation, communication, pharmacology, biomedicine, biomed, pharmaceutics, linguistics, philosophy, science, scientific, biotech. See less.

Última actualització del perfil
Jan 28