Idiomes de treball:
Francès a Portuguès
Portuguès a Francès
Espanyol a Portuguès

Tony Conde
EN, FR, PT, ES and CAT

Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Espanya
Hora local: 04:01 CET (GMT+1)

Nadiu en: Portuguès Native in Portuguès, Francès Native in Francès
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Thank you for visiting my profile.

My name is Tony Conde, 39 years old. I was born in Paris and moved to Portugal at the age of 14, in 1994. Since 2012 I live in Spain.

I have studied translation (French, Spanish and Portuguese) and graduated in 2008 with a final grade of 16 out of 20 at Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH) and have 12 years of experience in this professional area.

My main translation fields of expertise are:


Business/Commerce (general)

Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs

Cinema, Film, Scripts, TV, Drama (Plays)

Computers (general)

Computers: Hardware

Computers: Software

Computers: Systems, Networks

Education / Pedagogy

Engineering (general)

Engineering: Industrial

Fashion / Clothing

Finance (general) / Economics / Accounting

General / Conversation / Greetings / Letter

Human Resources

Internet, e-Commerce

IT (Information Technology) / Telecom

IT Governance (Process Modelling, Quality)

Law (general) / Legal

Law: Contract(s)

Marketing / Market Research

Mechanics / Mech Engineering / Machinery

Music and Musical Instruments / Audio Software

Poetry & Literature


Quality Management

Technical Manuals (general / TI)

Tourism & Travel


Wine / Oenology

In parallel, I work in the Intellectual Property domain (trademarks and industrial designs)
Do not hesitate to mail me in case you need any further information. My cv is available on request.

My best regards,

Tony Conde

Aquest usuari ha obtingut punts KudoZ ajudant a d’altres traductors a traduir termes de nivell PRO. Fes clic damunt una puntuació total per veure la traducció de termes oferida.

Total de punts obtinguts: 100
Pts nivell PRO: 86

Idiomes més importants (PRO)
Anglès a Francès32
Francès a Anglès12
Francès a Espanyol10
Anglès a Espanyol8
Anglès a Portuguès8
Pts en més de 4 parells >
Àrees generals més importants (PRO)
Àrees específiques més importants (PRO)
Empresa/Comerç (general)16
Dret (general)10
Finances (general)10
Transport / Mitjans de transport / Transport marítim8
General / Conversació / Salutacions / Cartes8
Enginyeria (general)4
Construcció / Enginyeria civil4
Pts en més de 7 àrees >

Veure tots els punts obtinguts >
Paraules clau: portuguese, brazilian, french, IT Governance, Information Technology, IT, Law, legal, Litterature, Advertising. See more.portuguese, brazilian, french, IT Governance, Information Technology, IT, Law, legal, Litterature, Advertising, Cinema, Marketing, Business, Internet, Education, Psychology, Engineering, Geography, Finance, Technical manuals, Health, Medicine. See less.

Última actualització del perfil
Nov 25, 2019