Rate per word €0.07 EUR
Rate per hour €25.00 EUR
- Avid reader since a young age.
- Highly qualified EN-ES-FR>AR linguist with 10+ years of experience.
- BA in English Language and Literature.
- Doctoral studies in History of Theatre.
- Highly qualified EN-ES-FR>AR linguist with 10+ years of experience.
- BA in English Language and Literature.
- Doctoral studies in History of Theatre.
Interested in :
Specializing in:
- Medicina (general)
- Periodisme
- Empresa/Comerç (general)
- Esport / Fitness / Recreació
- Turisme & Viatges
- Govern / Política
- Construcció / Enginyeria civil
- Educació / Pedagogia
- Informàtica (general)
- Enginyeria: Industrial
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