Rate per hour €40.00 EUR
About me
A professional copywriter and transcreation specialist since 2006. I work with brands from around the globe, helping them get their message across and reach their target audiences. Having spent 5 years in the UK I offer in-depth understanding of the English language nuances combined with my superior Polish language knowledge backed by my in-country localisation. I'm a Chartered Linguist of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and ITI Assessor of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting.
My work
I've translated hundreds of press releases for a number of brands (e.g. Rukkii, Fortum, Axalta). I'm also the person behind Polish versions of TV ads (Citroen, Nike, Goodyear), as well as press and online ads (Goodyear, Norwegian, Nike). I write and localize websites (DFSCO, Goodyear) and client-facing marketing material (NetEnt, Hilton).
I have worked for
Google, Axalta, ING, Emirates, Norwegian Airlines, Halls, Salesforce, Goodyear, Toyota, Honda, Motorola Solutions, Hilton, RayBan, PayPal, Nike, Lipton, Costa, Milka, SHL, CEB, British Council
Specializing in:
- Publicitat / Relacions públiques
- Esport / Fitness / Recreació
- Màrqueting / Estudis de mercat
- Automoció / Cotxes & Camions
- Empresa/Comerç (general)
- Informàtica: Maquinària
- Internet, Comerç electrònic
- Jocs / Vídeojocs / Jocs d’atzar / Casino
- TI (Tecnologies de la informació)
- Informàtica: Programes