Translation glossary: printing/Druckerwesen

Showing entries 1-44 of 44
art workErzeugnis 
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coil fedmit Rollenzufuhr 
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coil feederRollenzufuhr (f) 
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coiled materialRollenmaterial 
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color printer, colour printerFarbdrucker 
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commercial printerDruckereibetrieb 
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continuous run coiled materialEndlosrollenmaterial 
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converting machineVerarbeitungsmaschine (f) 
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creaseFalte (f), Falz (f) 
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cutting dieSchneidplatte (f), Stanzkopf (m) 
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diePrägestempel (m) 
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die cut sectionStanzwerk (nt) 
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die cut sheetStanzbogen (m) 
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die cutterStanzmaschine (f) 
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die cutterStanzer (m) 
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die cutting systemStanzmaschinensystem (nt) 
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die-cutterStanzmaschine (f) 
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digital print technologyDigitaldrucktechnik 
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digital print technologyDigitaldrucktechnik 
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digital technologyDigitaltechnik 
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hard toolSpezialmaschine (f) 
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hard toolingSpezialmaschinenfertigung (f) 
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in-linedirekt, in Reihe (mit einem anderen Gerät) 
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in-linein Reihe geschaltet 
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kiss-cutKiss-Cut-Verfahren (nt) 
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long runhohe Auflage 
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optically-registered die cutteroptisch gesteuerte Stanze 
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print shopDruckerei 
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printing dieDruckplatte (f) 
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punching systemStanzsystem (nt) 
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rotary cutting machineRotationsstanze (f) 
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rotary die cutterRotationsstanze (f) 
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rotary die pressRotationsstanzmaschine (f) 
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sheet fedmit Bogenzufuhr 
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sheet feederBogenzufuhr (f) 
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sheeted materialBogenmaterial 
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short runkleine Auflage 
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squeegeeRakel (f) 
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steel rule dieMetallstanze (f) 
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steel rule die toolingBandstahlschnitt (m) 
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to die cutstanzen 
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toolingAusrüstung, Gerät, Maschine, Werkzeug 
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turnaround timeDurchlaufzeit 
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