Interpreters » Anglès a Francès » Tech/Engineering » Telecom(unicacions)

The Anglès a Francès translators listed below specialize in the field of Telecom(unicacions). For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

214 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Sasa Kalcik
Sasa Kalcik
Native in Croat (Variant: Bosnian) Native in Croat, Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
croatian, french, german, translator, english, bosnian, serbian, slovenian, travel, turism, ...
Adrian Dunskus
Adrian Dunskus
Native in Alemany (Variants: Namibian, Platt / Nieder (Low German), Luxembourgish, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy), Saxon (Upper), Belgian, Swiss, Swabian, Bavarian, Alsatian, Austrian) Native in Alemany, Anglès Native in Anglès, Francès (Variants: Belgian, Canadian, Swiss, Luxembourgish, Standard-France) Native in Francès
english, german, french, translation, interpretation, simultaneous
traduction, espagnol, allemand, espagnol latino-américain, anglais, traducteur, traductrice freelance, traducteur indépendant, traductrice indépendante, traductions, ...
Patrick Hawran
Patrick Hawran
Native in Francès , Anglès Native in Anglès
Organitzacions internacionals / Desenvolupament / Cooperació, Dret (general)
Pierrick LE GOFF
Pierrick LE GOFF
Native in Francès , Espanyol Native in Espanyol
translate, dictionary, translator, translate, translation, translate english to english, english to english translation, translator english to english, english translation, translation to english, ...
Dominique Stiver
Dominique Stiver
Native in Francès Native in Francès
technical translation, french, english, german, italian, japanese, portuguese, spanish, chinese, technology, ...
Ashraf Balash
Ashraf Balash
Native in Àrab Native in Àrab
Ashraf, Ashraf Balash, Ashraf Gamal Tawfeek Balash, Translator, English Arabic Translator, Arabic English Translator, computers, technology, software, localization, ...
Anna Boshyan
Anna Boshyan
Native in Armeni Native in Armeni, Anglès Native in Anglès
russian, armenian, expert, fast, freelance, English, CAT, TM, Trados, MemoQ, ...
John Garside
John Garside
Native in Anglès (Variants: US, Canadian, UK) Native in Anglès, Francès (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian) Native in Francès
general translation, advertising and marketing, legal translation, translation computers and software, localization, business and finance, traduction, traduction technique, traduction marketing, traduction finance, ...
Sabine Allouche
Sabine Allouche
Native in Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
English to French, translator, transcriber, proofreader, MTPE, post-edit
Karen Riggio
Karen Riggio
Native in Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès
translation, translation services, english to french translation, english to french translator, english to french freelance translator, italian to french translation, italian to french translator, italian to french freelance translator, editing, proofreading, ...
Véronique Thomas
Véronique Thomas
Native in Francès (Variants: Swiss, Standard-France) Native in Francès
traduction, interprétariat, français, allemand, anglais, italien, technique, droit, économie, marketing, ...
Jonathan Cohen
Jonathan Cohen
Native in Francès (Variants: Canadian, Standard-France) Native in Francès
French, Computers, Manuals, Engines, Certification, Financial Translations, Website Localization, Patent Translations, Subtitiling & Voice-over, Life Science Translations, ...
Carole Salas
Carole Salas
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Espanyol Native in Espanyol
French, Spanish, Italian, English, Portuguese, French native, French mother tongue, Spanish native, Spanish mother tongue, technical translations, ...
Federico D'Amore
Federico D'Amore
Native in Italià Native in Italià
English, French, Italian, business, technical translations, engineering, e-commerce, IT, subtitling, legal translations, ...
Umberto Menon
Umberto Menon
Native in Italià Native in Italià
business, tourism, marketing, finance, user manuals, general knowledge, italian, french, english, italiano, ...
S.Paramesh Kumar
S.Paramesh Kumar
Native in Anglès (Variants: US, UK) Native in Anglès, Hindi (Variant: Indian) Native in Hindi
simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, court interpreter, video remote interpreter, vri, Kannada, Hindi, English, Tamil, Telegu, ...
Yordan Vasilev
Yordan Vasilev
Native in Búlgar Native in Búlgar, Francès Native in Francès
Patents, Dret: Fiscalitat & Duanes, Dret (general), Dret: Patents, Marques registrades, Copyright, ...
Marthe Nnoko
Marthe Nnoko
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Francès Native in Francès
Organitzacions internacionals / Desenvolupament / Cooperació, Dret: Contracte(s), Dret (general)
Nkoukou Rose
Nkoukou Rose
Native in Francès Native in Francès

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.