Interpreters » Anglès a Francès » Tech/Engineering » Indústria pesquera

The Anglès a Francès translators listed below specialize in the field of Indústria pesquera. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

29 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

David Rorke
David Rorke
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès
early childhood development, sustainable development, international aid projects
Silvia Mendez
Silvia Mendez
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Espanyol Native in Espanyol
european union, trade unions, agriculture, food, development, human rights, NGOs, World Bank, FAO, IFAD, ...
Anne-Hélène Bernard
Anne-Hélène Bernard
Native in Francès (Variants: Swiss, Moroccan, Belgian, Cameroon, Standard-France, African, Canadian) Native in Francès
proficiency, accuracy, AI training, AI editing, MTPE, localization, transcreation, machine translation, MT optimisation, TM management, ...
Olivier Vasseur
Olivier Vasseur
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Renvi Ulrich
Renvi Ulrich
Native in Francès (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian) Native in Francès
Computers, hardware, software localization, telecoms, Internet, networks, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Huawei, ...
Lany Chabot-Laroche
Lany Chabot-Laroche
Native in Francès Native in Francès
Publicity, marketing, video games, fast service, gypsum, movies, clothing, tourism, catalogs, mining, ...
Niki Fabregat
Niki Fabregat
Native in Francès (Variants: Swiss, Belgian, Canadian, Luxembourgish, Standard-France) Native in Francès
Translation, Proofreading, Editing, Localization, Interpreting, Review, Transcreation, DTP, French translator, Spanish translator, ...
Yuriy Alatortsev
Yuriy Alatortsev
Native in Ucranià Native in Ucranià, Rús Native in Rús
agriculture, insurance, contract, equipment, electron microscope, machinery, cars, tractors, fertilizer, grain, ...
Phamanee Tougeron
Phamanee Tougeron
Native in Tai Native in Tai
traduction thaï, traduction thai, thai translation, thai interpreting, traducteur thai, thai translator, french to thai, thai to french, francais vers thai, thai vers francais, ...
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz
Native in Espanyol (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Espanyol
english, french, german, spanish, environment, ngos, renewable energies, sciences, biology, international organizations, ...
Sophie Slonka
Sophie Slonka
Native in Francès Native in Francès
French, translator, medical, science, sciences, French translator, Freelance translator, Medical field, Life science field, Cheap translation, ...
Emma Cypher-Dournes (X)
Emma Cypher-Dournes (X)
Native in Anglès 
interpreting, liaison, conference, simultaneous, consecutive, chuchotage, infrastructure development, public services, sustainable development, carbon trading, ...
Lolita Kagnia
Lolita Kagnia
Native in Francès 
French, Patents, Health and Medical, immigration related-texts, Economics & Finance, Business & Marketing, Agriculture, Ecology, Environment, General Law, ...
Native in Francès 
Hassan Achahbar
Hassan Achahbar
Native in Àrab 
translation, localization, Morocco, law, IT, business, marketing, international cooperation, video games, subtitling, ...
Camille Mather
Camille Mather
Native in Anglès Native in Anglès, Francès Native in Francès
copywriting, transcreating, english native, french native, portuguese, spanish, business, marketing, proofreading, editing, ...
Elsa de Barros
Elsa de Barros
Native in Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès, Portuguès (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguès
French, Portuguese, English, voice-over, translation, transcreation, copywriting, proofreading, teaching, conversation, ...
Native in Àrab (Variants: Lebanese, Tunisian, Saudi , Standard-Arabian (MSA), Moroccan, Iraqi, Algerian, Jordanian, Syrian, UAE, Egyptian) Native in Àrab, Francès Native in Francès
Simultaneous Interpretation, French, English, Arabic, Consecutive Interpretation, computers, technology, management, Leadership, Policing, ...
Ophelia Brunello
Ophelia Brunello
Native in Francès Native in Francès, Anglès Native in Anglès
english, anglais, français, french, francese, frans, italian, italien, dutch, néerlandais, ...
Henry Dodd
Henry Dodd
Native in Anglès (Variant: British) Native in Anglès, Francès (Variant: Standard-France) Native in Francès

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.