A student's take on what makes a good or a bad teacher, a good or a bad course, based on a decade of learning. Teaching English as a second language can sometimes be a challenge, especially in areas where multilingualism is not common. Having studied English for more than 10 years in a province striving to preserve its cultural heritage (especially on the language front), I have had the occasion to witness several methods and approaches, some better than others. Here is a student's take on the good and the bad ways to teach English to foreign students.
Aspect #1: Speaking English in the classroom To make sure that your students are providing their best efforts at all times, forbidding the use of their mother tongue may be your priority. Having to speak exclusively in English will encourage them to develop a basic vocabulary and set of idioms that will be useful for any common conversation and improve their pronunciation. However, do not be too hasty in enforcing this rule. Students who have not learned the basics of the language yet will struggle so much when trying to express themselves that they might lose their motivation. A good landmark would be to wait until they know most conjugations, irregular verbs and a good amount of school-related and everyday life vocabulary. Do not hesitate to help them out if you see that they can't find a particular word or expression, as it is part of the learning experience and they need your support. Don't overreact if they have to compensate with a few foreign words to get their thoughts across. Aspect #2: Knowing your own language This may seem obvious, but one of the biggest challenges for anyone learning a new language is to understand the structure behind it. This is of the utmost importance when your students' mother tongue is drastically different in its logics than English. For instance, how would you explain the fine differences between simple past, past perfect and past progressive to individuals who only know one way to describe events in the past? You have to make sure that your pupils not only know how to conjugate verb tenses, but also why they should choose one in particular. Actually, this goes for everything in your curriculum, from verb tenses to syntax, pronouns and punctuation. After all, you do not want your students to mechanically recite studied sentences without understanding their true meaning; you want them to think and live in English. Never overestimate their knowledge of grammar and how their own language works! Aspect #3: Learning activities Theory is fine, and necessary of course, but let's face it: memorizing rules and conjugations is mostly useful for the day before an exam. For your students to truly assimilate the language, you need to get them interested in it. Copying conjugation charts does not appeal to them in any way, just as you would probably not enjoy reciting your town's complete phone book. You have to teach them that English is not only a set of rules, but also a new way to think. To achieve this, you can choose among a wide array of activities. Here are some of those that worked best for me.
Again, this is only a student's take on what second language teaching should be like, but after all, I would think that a student who became a translator would know a bit on this topic. As a last word of advice, I would like to point out that although professionalism and discipline are required in a learning environment, the teacher's personality and attitude toward their students play a very important role in their willingness to learn and their motivation. Being true to yourself while preserving balance and order in the classroom is the best advice I can give as far as that goes. Copyright ProZ.com, 1999-2006. All rights reserved.