Translation glossary: Medical

Showing entries 1-18 of 18
auxiliar gerocultorgeriatric nursing assistant 
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CCEE (Consultas Externas)outpatients clinic 
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cisternes basals iliuresopen basal cisterns 
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crypte pilifèrestomatal crypt (with trichomes) 
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HSDHonestly Significantly Different 
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inflamación del esófago con hiperacidez gástrica y reflujo gastro-esofágiconflammation of the esophagus with gastric hyperacidity and gastroesophageal reflux 
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inflamación del esófago con hiperacidez gástrica y reflujo gastro-esofágicoinflammation of the esophagus with gastric hyperacidity and gastroesophageal reflux 
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intesti primsmall intestine 
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Kreislaufzusammenbruchcirculatory collapse 
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LKM(Anti-) Liver-Kidney-Microsome Antibodies / (Anti-) Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibody 
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llista d'esperawaiting list 
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pulsos pedios presentespedal pulses present 
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QIDquater in die - 4 times a day 
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trastorn bipolarbipolar disorder, manic depression 
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VLDLvery low density lipoprotein 
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