Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Melanie_Bucher
Mar 24, 2008 15:50
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
This term is used in a non-disclosure agreement to define the people who are allowed access to confidential information.

"XYZ wird die vertraulichen Informationen geheim halten und sie nur denjenigen eigenen Arbeitnehmern und Subakkordanten zugänglich machen..."

As the company XYZ provides management and coaching services in the IT secor, would a 'sub-piece worker' (or something similar) be appropriate here? Or should it be translated as 'subcontractor'?
Proposed translations (English)
3 +4 subcontractor
Change log

Mar 24, 2008 19:11: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "Law (general)" to "Law: Contract(s)"

Proposed translations

10 mins


I would use subcontractor in this context.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ken McKerrow : or independent/external (sub)contractors
12 mins
agree Peter Manda (X) : yes - to remember the legal principle of contracts think of someone with a noose around his neck: his is accord and satisfaction ... :-)
2 hrs
agree Teresa Reinhardt : Swiss/Austrian usage for Subunternehmer
2 hrs
Danke -- Swiss German is different/Austrian, too
agree Adrian MM. (X)
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to all who responded. Subcontractor it is."
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