videos » Translation skills development & client services

Traduction financière: concepts comptables et terminologie connexe EN/FR

Traduction financière: concepts comptables et terminologie connexe EN/FR

Aug 1, 2019
752 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Cette session a pour objectif de constituer une introduction ciblée permettant d'avoir les outils conceptuels pour se lancer ou se spécialiser dans la traduction juridico-financière. Aux termes de ces 90 minutes, vous saurez les raisons pour lesquelles des notions a priori purement comptables vous permettront de vous positionner de manière différenciante sur ce marché de niche. Contrairement aux approches rébarbatives et aux poncifs, vous constaterez que les notions sont aisément accessibles et les glossaires fournis vous permettront d'aborde ce type de traductions plus sereinement. La comptabilité est régie par un ensemble de règles servant un intérêt à la fois juridique, fiscal mais aussi de comparaisons de performances et de compréhension d'une entreprise. Il convient d'en avoir les clés de compréhension.

Price: $ 60.00

Как преодолеть три главных препятствия на пути к профессиональному успеху

Как преодолеть три главных препятствия на пути к профессиональному успеху

Jun 13, 2019
2,259 views, Russian, uploaded by Elena Bogdanovich Werner

Узнайте, как перестать делать типичные ошибки, допускаемые начинающими переводчиками, не владеющими теорией перевода. Научитесь применять ключевые приемы переводческой трансформации, необходимые для работы в паре английский-русский. Узнайте, как избежать того, чтобы русский текст читался «как перевод». Освойте приемы саморедактирования, необходимые для того, чтобы перевод был не буквальным, а легко читаемым и понятным для целевой аудитории.

Price: $ 30.00

Introduction à la traduction des brevets

Introduction à la traduction des brevets

Jun 10, 2019
700 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Les brevets ont trait au domaine de la propriété intellectuelle. Bien souvent, ils doivent être traduits si l'inventeur souhaite faire profiter à son invention de la protection de ses droits de propriété intellectuelle dans différents pays.

Bien que des compétences techniques soient à l'évidence nécessaire, le domaine de la traduction de brevets est un domaine qui s'apprivoise.

Nous poserons tout d'abord les définitions et le cadre réglementaire des brevets.

Nous détaillerons sa décomposition et partagerons des glossaires terminologiques clés pour certaines expressions idiomatiques et propres aux brevets.

Enfin, nous produirons un extrait de brevet commenté et analysé et aborderons ensemble comment cibler des clients dans ces domaines.

Price: $ 45.00

Avoiding burnout for busy translators: the lowdown on lymphatic and muscular training

Avoiding burnout for busy translators: the lowdown on lymphatic and muscular training

Apr 30, 2019
532 views, English, uploaded by Marta Maojo

*Quick biography of the presenter, explaining the personal experience behind the information
*Why we are unbalanced - the roots of common problems
*Self assessment - students make a personal physical / health assessment based on common markers
*Step by step through the body parts explaining functions and weaknesses, and how to rebalance
*Overview of the lymphatic system and methods that are easily incorporated into a working day to keep it healthy
*Delivery of resource pack of wonderful links for deepening your knowledge.

Price: $ 30.00

Translating Diagnostic Imaging. Part 4

Translating Diagnostic Imaging. Part 4

Apr 26, 2019
745 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

At the end of this session, participants will be able:
  • To define and understand the essential concepts nuclear medicine.
  • To understand the essential terminology necessary to read and translate nuclear medicine imaging reports.
  • To identify the main terminological challenges in nuclear medicine and hybrid scanning.
  • To identify multilingual resources for nuclear medicine terminology.

Price: $ 30.00

Translating Diagnostic Imaging. Part 3

Translating Diagnostic Imaging. Part 3

Mar 22, 2019
597 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

Translators already specialising in medical translation. Translators considering crossing exploring a more specialised and technical area of medical translation. Translators with a healthcare background wishing to improve their source-target terminology skills.

Price: $ 25.00

Hebrew - English Legal Translation Pitfalls

Hebrew - English Legal Translation Pitfalls

Feb 4, 2019
2,148 views, English, uploaded by Tanya Rozanes Olevsky

Learn how to avoid typical translation pitfalls and take the challenge of translating some text samples with a catch!

In this webinar, you will get advice on legal translation from a professional lawyer as well as learn some practical steps of planning your work in order to minimize errors.

In this webinar, we will practice translating a very short, yet challenging text from Hebrew into English, and get feedback from a professional lawyer, Dr. Yaakov Gorr*, (only selected feedback will be provided live, but we will comment all the submissions in a follow-up email).

Besides, Dr. Gorr will talk about a few observations he made reading certain English translations of user agreements.

Be ready to discuss, translate, share your expertise, and, of course, get a portion of translation humor!

Price: $ 20.00

O Direito Penal brasileiro e americano

O Direito Penal brasileiro e americano

Dec 6, 2018
1,030 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Casandra Vidal

Neste webinar o participante aprenderá, através do direito comparado, como funciona o direito penal no Brasil e nos EUA, semelhanças e diferenças, tradução mais adequada para cada termo.

Price: $ 20.00

Translating "Untranslatables" in Medical Translation

Translating "Untranslatables" in Medical Translation

Nov 8, 2018
966 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

At the end of this sessions, participants will be able:

- To understand the moods and gradations of "untranslatable" terminology;
- To identify strategies to translate infrastructure- and insurance-related terms that do not match across the source and target texts;
- To develop a systematic approach to circumnavigate non-correspondence of terms.

Price: $ 30.00

Translating Diagnostic Imaging. Part 2.

Translating Diagnostic Imaging. Part 2.

Oct 24, 2018
943 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

At the end of this session, participants will be able:
- To dissect translation examples from DI reports.
- To identify terminology challenges in DI reports.
- To identify source-target resources to ensure accurate and "transparent" translations of DI reports.

Price: $ 25.00

Modern Trends in Fishery Translation

Modern Trends in Fishery Translation

Oct 17, 2018
804 views, English, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

Fishing industry including aquaculture provides employment to over 500 million people globally. It is also a stable source of potential job opportunities for translators. With growing fishing industry and international trade of fish products the involvement of translators whose services are constantly required in different sectors of this industry also increases. This webinar is an updated version of the webinar "Translating for Fishing Industry". In this webinar, the trainer who has more than 30 years of experience in fishery translation will provide an overview of modern trends in fisheries and aquaculture and their significance for translators.

Price: $ 30.00

A TAUS Webinar: Sneak peek into our Post-Editing course

A TAUS Webinar: Sneak peek into our Post-Editing course

Oct 2, 2018
1,483 views, English, uploaded by Simona Beccaletto

Would you like to add post-editing to your existing skill set? Or to find a way to stand out in the business? This webinar will introduce you to the renewed TAUS PE course, where you can learn about both the theoretical foundations and the hands-on best practices to become a confident post-editor. In this webinar, you’ll have the chance to get a preview of the course content and see how it will help you in practice to better approach your next post editing task. The course content is provided in English but exercises are available in 30 language pairs

The Mind-Body Connection: Translating Health and Wellness Trends for the Consumer Market

The Mind-Body Connection: Translating Health and Wellness Trends for the Consumer Market

Sep 14, 2018
1,011 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

At the end of this session, participants will be able:
- To identify the spectrum of documents and opportunities in the health and wellness translation market.
- To understand the primary jargon, terminology and lexical challenges in translating an intersection of medical, wellness and marketing materials.
- To learn to transfer source meaning to effective and engaging target context.
- To understand the conventions, tips and "dos" and "don'ts" for translating wellness materials that add value and authenticity to the content.

Price: $ 28.00

TBMS Protemos Enterprise: How to Pilot your Translation Business without Turbulence

TBMS Protemos Enterprise: How to Pilot your Translation Business without Turbulence

Sep 11, 2018
988 views, English, uploaded by Volodymyr Kukharenko

After the webinar, you will know:
  • How to get rid of business routine to spare time for strategic planning
  • How to control a translation business team effectively without direct supervising
  • How to keep finances under strict permanent control
  • How to follow business communication of your team with clients
  • How to keep your documents in strict order and never miss deadlines

Machine Translation Postediting

Machine Translation Postediting

Aug 23, 2018
704 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

This course will cover the different advances made in MT, and MTPE particularly, as well as the steps the linguist has to go through to accomplish the Post-editing task. Different types of post-editing will be detailed, along with the quality expectations and actions required from post-editors. Common challenges will be explained, along with potential solutions. Main post-editor's and client's complaints will be discussed, with the rationale beneath them. Post-editing examples will be provided to depict the post-editor's role clearly. Guidance on useful reference will be provided.

Price: $ 25.00

Traduction financière et juridique : les états financiers

Traduction financière et juridique : les états financiers

Jul 24, 2018
812 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Grâce à ce webinaire, les participants auront l'occasion de se familiariser avec la structure hiérarchisée de ce document, de pouvoir l'appréhender dans le contexte plus global de l'information financière et des obligations en matière de divulgation (IFRS,...). La maîtrise de ce type de documents est la porte d'entrée à un positionnement de spécialiste dans le document hautement lucratif de la traduction financière. Tous les webinaires présentés intégreront un document type traduit (EN>FR) pour référence.

Price: $ 60.00

How to Become a Sports Translator Without Being Dribbled by Messi

How to Become a Sports Translator Without Being Dribbled by Messi

Jul 6, 2018
969 views, English, uploaded by Juan Pablo Sans

I am sure we all are aware the World Cup is currently up and running, but, did you know that next year is the European Nation's League and in 2020 the European Championship? And what about the Copa America? And the Champions League and the Europa League? And this is only football! Imagine tennis, baseball, and others! I mean, the potential is huge! Let alone now the eSports! So in one hour, based on my own experience, you will learn everything you need to become a sports translator and leverage the increase in sports events to take your career to the next level.

Price: $ 20.00

Traduction juridique et financière : notions essentielles du droit des sociétés

Traduction juridique et financière : notions essentielles du droit des sociétés

Jul 2, 2018
1,112 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

L'objectif de ce webinaire est de dresser un récapitulatif des spécificités caractérisant les différents types de sociétés et leur lien avec la traduction financière et la gestion d’actifs tout en faisant prendre conscience des liens étroits qui unissent la finance et le droit et la nécessité d’en appréhender les subtilités aux fins d’une traduction précise et spécialisée.

Price: $ 60.00

Making Tourism Translation Profitable

Making Tourism Translation Profitable

Jun 6, 2018
1,164 views, English, uploaded by Lucy Williams

Interested in translating for the travel/tourism industry? Find out what you need to know to make this a profitable specialism. Whether you're just getting started as a translator or looking to expand into other fields, this webinar will give you the tools and skills to make tourism pay.

Price: $ 25.00

Translating culture-specific elements: problems, strategies and practical realities - Part 2

Translating culture-specific elements: problems, strategies and practical realities - Part 2

May 31, 2018
902 views, English, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

Part 2 will focus on a selected set of techniques and strategies that are most helpful in the process of translating culture-specific terms occurring in non-literary texts other than legal, official and scientific texts, such as texts translated for the media, newspaper agencies and advertising companies.

Price: $ 25.00

Traduction financière et juridique : le DICI (Document d’informations clés pour l’investisseur aka KIID)

Traduction financière et juridique : le DICI (Document d’informations clés pour l’investisseur aka KIID)

May 17, 2018
1,333 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

L'objet de ce webinaire est de présenter de manière approfondie la structure de ce document phare de l'information financière et régi par des directives européennes. Ce document est imposé par voie légale et sa maîtrise est cruciale dans l'approche de clients financiers et d'agences de traduction spécialisées dans la finance/le juridique.

Price: $ 60.00

Traduction financière et juridique : le prospectus et le règlement de gestion

Traduction financière et juridique : le prospectus et le règlement de gestion

Apr 12, 2018
1,337 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

L'objet de ce webinaire est de présenter de manière approfondie la structure de ces deux documents phares de l'information financière. Ces documents sont des documents volumineux dont la traduction est extrêmement rémunératrice mais dont la maîtrise des termes juridiques et financiers est fondamentale.

Price: $ 60.00

Медицинские аббревиатуры для переводчика

Медицинские аббревиатуры для переводчика

Apr 5, 2018
952 views, Russian, uploaded by Hanna Sivoplyas

Аббревиатуры и акронимы – частый камень преткновения медицинского переводчика. От правильного перевода этих нескольких букв может зависеть смысл всего текста. То есть, умение работать с медицинскими аббревиатурами повышает качество работы медицинского переводчика.

В этом вебинаре систематизированы наиболее распространенные медицинские аббревиатуры, которыми пользуются врачи и с которыми придется работать и переводчику. Материал дается вместе с основами анатомии, наиболее распространенными заболеваниями, методами лабораторной и инструментальной диагностики.

Также, рассмотрены подходы к обработке текстов с переплетенными английскими и неанглийскими акронимами и аббревиатурами и надлежащее использование медицинского жаргона на латинском и греческом языках. Даны разнообразные ресурсы и стратегии для более эффективной работы с этими трудными трех- и четырехбуквенными словами переводчикам, работающим в паре английский-русский языки.

Price: $ 20.00

Traduction financière et juridique : le rapport annuel

Traduction financière et juridique : le rapport annuel

Apr 5, 2018
1,093 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

L'objet de ce webinaire est de présenter de manière approfondie la structure de ce document phare de l'information financière. Ce document est un document volumineux dont la traduction est extrêmement rémunératrice mais dont la maîtrise des termes juridiques et financiers est fondamentale. Il renvoie à des concepts clés très variés et le suivi d'autres webinaires sur le sujet est vivement recommandée aux fins d'avoir un aperçu global de l'écosystème.

Price: $ 60.00

Основы фармакокинетики для переводчика. Фармакокинетические параметры, используемые в клинических испытаниях.

Основы фармакокинетики для переводчика. Фармакокинетические параметры, используемые в клинических испытаниях.

Mar 30, 2018
3,453 views, Russian, uploaded by Hanna Sivoplyas

Фармакокинетика - отрасль фармакологии, которая изучает всасывание, распределение, депонирование, превращения и выведение лекарственных веществ в организме. В вебинаре рассматриваются ключевые механизмы фармакокинетики, даются основные термины и их англоязычные аналоги. Знание основных принципов и понятий фармакокинетики необходимы в переводе документации клинических испытаний лекарственных препаратов, научных медицинских статей, международных руководств по диагностике и лечению, инструкций к лекарственным препаратам.

Price: $ 20.00

Основы фармакодинамики для переводчика медицинских/фармацевтических текстов.

Основы фармакодинамики для переводчика медицинских/фармацевтических текстов.

Mar 23, 2018
2,144 views, Russian, uploaded by Hanna Sivoplyas

В вебинаре рассматриваются ключевые механизмы фармакодинамики, даются основные термины и их англоязычные аналоги. Полученные знания в первую очередь важны для перевода документации клинических испытаний лекарственных препаратов, научных медицинских статей, международных руководств по диагностике и лечению, инструкций к лекарственным препаратам.

Price: $ 20.00

Traduction financière : la monnaie, les banques et les marchés financiers

Traduction financière : la monnaie, les banques et les marchés financiers

Mar 13, 2018
988 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Ce webinaire a pour objet de donner un cadre conceptuel permettant aux participants d'ancrer des notions de base leur permettant d'accéder simplement et de manière intuitive à des notions paraissant à première vue compliquée.

Price: $ 60.00

Le B.A-BA de la traduction financière : la gestion d'actifs

Le B.A-BA de la traduction financière : la gestion d'actifs

Mar 2, 2018
1,104 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Cette session a pour objectif de constituer une introduction ciblée permettant d'avoir les outils conceptuels pour avoir une première approche ou se spécialiser dans la traduction juridico-financière.

En 90 minutes, la traduction financière et juridique vous paraîtra démystifiée et véritablement accessible grâce aux fondamentaux que vous aurez eu l'occasion d'appréhender. Contrairement aux idées reçues, la traduction financière n'a rien d'inaccessible et vous aurez très rapidement la possibilité de cibler des clients qui vous permettront de générer un chiffre d'affaires bien supérieur à nombre d'autres domaines de la traduction.

Price: $ 60.00

Une vue d’ensemble de la révision et des contrôles qualité

Une vue d’ensemble de la révision et des contrôles qualité

Feb 2, 2018
1,169 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Ce webinaire a pour ambition de constituer un aide-mémoire reprenant l’ensemble du processus de révision et contrôle qualité grâce au recours de différents outils du marché. De la simple vérification orthographique au contrôle qualité poussé (vérification des chiffres, de la ponctuation, des incohérences internes), l’idée est de démontrer la nécessité de ces contrôles aux fins d’une qualité irréprochable de livraison. Des astuces de vérification des références seront également indiquées. Tout comme la typographie, ce sont le suivi de règles et de procédures qui permettent de limiter au maximum les erreurs donnant une impression de manque de soin final. La forme compte tout autant que le fond.

Price: $ 60.00

Les règles de typographie française

Les règles de typographie française

Jan 31, 2018
1,259 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Ce webinaire a pour ambition de reprendre les règles essentielles en matière de typographie. La typographie, à l'instar d'une orthographe et d'une grammaire parfaites, donne une impression d'ensemble à un texte. Elle en assure la lisibilité et reflète d'une certaine manière le soin apporté à la relecture. Trop souvent, les traducteurs font l'impasse sur ces notions, pensant qu'elles n'ont rien à voir avec la traduction alors que le non-respect des règles de typographie induit des contre-sens et surtout un défaut de qualité globale.

Price: $ 60.00

Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners - Part 3

Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners - Part 3

Jan 26, 2018
1,239 views, English, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

This webinar is a sequel to the webinar "Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners Part 1 and 2". Part 3 is meant to provide specific information, instruction and practice focusing on skills and competences needed for the translation of certificates, transcripts of records, diplomas, degrees, diploma supplements and similar personal documents. Based on samples and examples originating in authentic documents, Part 3 focuses on documents issued by schools and universities as well as other institutions of education. The goal is to familiarize with this demanding subfield of legal translation.

Just as with Part 1 and Part 2, this webinar does not offer templates and solutions, but advice and explanations focusing on the translation of personal documents issued by a wide range of institutions of education. Given that the process of recognition of professional and academic qualifications in a foreign country depends on the accurate translation of the original document, proper skills and competences within this subfield are a matter of proper training.

The webinar is based on authentic and original documents in US and UK English whereby UK English is presented through official documents issued by institutions of education in different member states of the European Union.

Price: $ 30.00

Fashion translation - is it the right specialism for you?

Fashion translation - is it the right specialism for you?

Jan 24, 2018
1,328 views, English, uploaded by Lucy Williams

Find out if fashion translation is a specialism that could work for you. If you're thinking about specialising, find out if fashion would be a good fit. In one hour, learn about why fashion translation is a niche worth specialising in, what's involved and the skills you need to be a success.

We'll look at the kind of texts and styles you'll need to work with and talk about how to charge for this type of translation.

There will be some interactive quizzes to give you an idea of the different kinds of texts and styles you'll have to deal with and some tips for breaking into fashion.

Price: $ 45.00

Free webinar on course series: Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners

Free webinar on course series: Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners

Jan 23, 2018
2,828 views, English, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

This free webinar is an official trailer announcing a series of webinars on the translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners. The webinars are designed in the form of interactive workshops which are expected to provide specific skills and knowledge enabling the translation of documents belonging to a very broad area. Each webinar focuses on specific subareas, such as personal documents, contracts, degrees, diplomas, court documents, etc.

Terminologie comptable et financière EN>FR et illustration concrète des concepts 2/2

Terminologie comptable et financière EN>FR et illustration concrète des concepts 2/2

Dec 6, 2017
1,409 views, English, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Introduction aux notions comptables et financières avec une approche structurée des concepts. 300 EUR par jour de chiffre d'affaires, OUI, vous avez bien lu! Les tarifs de la traduction financière sont a minima compris entre 0.10 EUR et 0.12 EUR/mot (via agences) et peuvent être bien supérieurs pour des clients en direct et l'accès à ce type de revenus peut se faire très rapidement en ciblant l'apprentissage. Familiarisez-vous avec la terminologie comptable, préalable fondamental à la compréhension des textes économiques et de la gestion d'actifs, des rapports annuels et documents économiques et juridico-financiers proposés par les agences de traduction spécialisées et clients directs que sont les banques, gérants d'actifs, institutionnels,... Les traducteurs financiers font partie des traducteurs les plus recherchés sur le marché, et bien sûr figurent parmi les mieux payés...à condition de ne pas être rebuté par un jargon a priori effrayant mais des plus logiques et simples s'ils sont appréhendés de manière simplifiée et illustrée en contexte. Il suffit de comprendre les interactions.

Price: $ 32.00

مهارات البحث على الإنترنت لأغراض الترجمة

مهارات البحث على الإنترنت لأغراض الترجمة

Nov 29, 2017
2,218 views, Arabic, uploaded by Muhammad Said

مهارة البحث على الإنترنت إحدى أهم المهارات التي تميّز المترجم المحترف عن المترجم غير المحترف. ولعل أهم عنصرين في البحث عن المعلومة عبر الإنترنت هما سرعة البحث عن المعلومة ودقتها. وفي خلال ثلاث ساعات، سيصطحبك المحاضر في جولة للتعرف على مهارات البحث عبر الإنترنت لأغراض الترجمة، وكيف للمترجم أن يزيد من معدّل إنتاجيته بالاعتماد على عاملي السرعة والدقة في البحث. سوف نتعرف في هذه المحاضرة على: 1) كيفية عمل محرّك البحث جوجل؟ 2) كيفية البحث في محرك البحث جوجل باحترافية؟ 3) ؟Google operators ما المقصود بـ 4) ما أفضل الممارسات للبحث عبر الإنترنت؟ 5) كيفية مشاركة بحثك عن أحد المصطلحات عبر الإنترنت 6) كيفية استخدام مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في البحث عبر الإنترنت 7) بعض النصائح والحيل في البحث عبر الإنترنت لزيادة معدّل الإنتاجية 8) بعض المصادر التي تفيد المترجم في معظم مجالات الترجمة

Price: $ 56.00

Terminologie comptable et financière EN>FR et illustration concrète des concepts 1/2

Terminologie comptable et financière EN>FR et illustration concrète des concepts 1/2

Nov 15, 2017
1,430 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Cette session a pour objectif de constituer une introduction ciblée à la terminologie comptable et financière de l'anglais vers le français. Au-delà de la simple traduction d'expressions hors contexte, ce webinaire vous permettra d'appréhender ces concepts en contexte et de vous sentir plus à l'aise dans la traduction de textes juridico-financiers, parmi les plus spécialisés et rémunérateurs du marché.

En 90 minutes, les concepts comptables clés et leurs mécanismes vous paraîtront démystifiés et l'approche vous permettra de confirmer qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir fait des hautes études de finance pour s'imposer dans le monde de la traduction financière.

Vous aurez dès lors très rapidement la possibilité de cibler des clients qui vous permettront de générer un chiffre d'affaires allant jusqu'à 300 EUR par jour au minimum au bout de quelques mois (tarif au mot de 0.12 EUR environ, plus via des clients en direct, à raison de 2500 mots journaliers minimum)
Ce module est le premier d'une série plus étendue et donnera lieu à des ateliers d'application.
Ce webinaire est décomposé en deux modules

Price: $ 45.00

A Lucrative Sideline: Editing Non-Native English Scientific Writing

A Lucrative Sideline: Editing Non-Native English Scientific Writing

Nov 1, 2017
1,742 views, English, uploaded by Karen Tkaczyk

“The manuscript is poorly written and has too many grammatical and syntax errors. The results are very interesting from a practical standpoint but the paper needs a thorough revision to make it suitable for publication in The Journal of Astounding Scientific Developments” Enter the native English speaking editor. The measure of success is that the text is accepted after I have worked on it. Even better, the author sends me subsequent manuscripts before submission to avoid the painful step of receiving criticism. I become a trusted partner.

This course will cover two different aspects. First it will describe how to find this type of client, how to price this work, how to justify changes and handle authors’ egos as you return revised texts, and what sets this work apart from translation or from editing texts written by native speakers. The second area is the mechanics of the editing process itself. The speaker will use specific “before” and “after” examples to show a stepwise editing method that produces texts that look as if they have been written by a native speaker, and what is more, a native speaker who writes well.

Price: $ 35.00

Terminologie de la finance d'entreprise (corporate finance) EN>FR et illustration concrète des concepts 2/2

Terminologie de la finance d'entreprise (corporate finance) EN>FR et illustration concrète des concepts 2/2

Oct 26, 2017
1,434 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Cette session a pour objectif de constituer une introduction ciblée à la terminologie bancaire et financière de l'anglais vers le français. Au-delà de la simple traduction d'expressions hors contexte, ce webinaire vous permettra d'appréhender ces concepts en contexte et de vous sentir plus à l'aise dans la traduction de textes juridico-financiers, parmi les plus spécialisés et rémunérateurs du marché. En 90 minutes, l'univers bancaire et sa terminologie ainsi que les mécanismes connexes vous paraîtront démystifiés et l'approche vous permettra de confirmer qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir fait des hautes études de finance pour s'imposer dans le monde de la traduction financière. Vous aurez dès lors très rapidement la possibilité de cibler des clients qui vous permettront de générer un chiffre d'affaires allant jusqu'à 300 EUR par jour au minimum au bout de quelques mois (tarif au mot de 0.12 EUR environ, plus via des clients en direct, à raison de 2500 mots journaliers minimum) Ce module est le premier d'une série plus étendue et donnera lieu à des ateliers d'application. Ce webinaire est composé de deux modules dont celui-ci est le second.

Price: $ 20.00

Medical Devices Translation Life Cycle II: To-Market and Post-Market Regulatory Requirements

Medical Devices Translation Life Cycle II: To-Market and Post-Market Regulatory Requirements

Oct 20, 2017
1,523 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

Medical device translation not only requires expert medical and linguistic knowledge, but also an understanding of the strict industry standards and regulatory framework. In a sector that is undergoing constant technological advancements, even the definition of a “medical device” continues to expand – now even including software, in vitro reagents and tissue engineered medical products.

In part II of this presentation, we will delve into to-market translation materials, such as website content, internal and sales training materials (including e-learning) as well as manufacturing documentation and SOPs. Finally, we will address post-market requirements, including post-market clinical follow-up (PMCF) documentation field safety notices (FSN) and regulations on medical device disposal, recycling and waste prevention.

Price: $ 25.00

How to Translate a Summary of Product Characteristics

How to Translate a Summary of Product Characteristics

Oct 13, 2017
1,665 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

Clinical trial documentation translation is increasingly growing in popularity. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for translators, especially those with no formal clinical training or experience, to have a solid understanding of the relevant concepts and terminology to provide an accurate translation of such documentation in their native language(s). The Summary of Product Characteristics is a definitive description of a medicinal product’s properties and uses, including its chemical composition, indications and contraindications, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic properties, pharmaceutical form. This document is required by the European Commission before any medicinal product can receive marketing authorization. This webinar will present the fundamental concepts and terminology for successfully translating a Summary of Product Characteristics, as well as relevant translation strategies. The course materials include a pdf version of the PowerPoint presentation and a handout.

Price: $ 20.00

Express Scribe: programa gratuito para a transcrição de áudio

Express Scribe: programa gratuito para a transcrição de áudio

Oct 11, 2017
1,498 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Rafa Lombardino

Vamos falar sobre o Express Scribe, um programa gratuito para a transcrição de arquivos de áudio e inclusão de marcação de tempo, podendo assim o material ser preparado para tradução.

Price: $ 20.00

Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners - Part 2

Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners - Part 2

Oct 5, 2017
1,602 views, English, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

This webinar is a sequel to the webinar "Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners". Part 2 is meant to provide additional information, instruction and practice related to the rather specific translation of legal documents. Based on samples and examples originating in authentic documents, Part 2 focuses on specific issues translators may encounter when translating legal texts. The goal is to further develop skills and competences necessary to meet the demanding standards of legal translation.

Price: $ 28.00

Terminologie de la finance d'entreprise (corporate finance) EN>FR et illustration concrète des concepts 1/2

Terminologie de la finance d'entreprise (corporate finance) EN>FR et illustration concrète des concepts 1/2

Oct 4, 2017
1,538 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

Cette session a pour objectif de constituer une introduction ciblée à la terminologie bancaire et financière de l'anglais vers le français. Au-delà de la simple traduction d'expressions hors contexte, ce webinaire vous permettra d'appréhender ces concepts en contexte et de vous sentir plus à l'aise dans la traduction de textes juridico-financiers, parmi les plus spécialisés et rémunérateurs du marché.

Price: $ 32.00

Medical Devices Translation Life Cycle I: Pre-Market and Regulatory Requirements

Medical Devices Translation Life Cycle I: Pre-Market and Regulatory Requirements

Oct 2, 2017
1,611 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

Medical device translation not only requires expert medical and linguistic knowledge, but also an understanding of the strict industry standards and regulatory framework. In a sector that is undergoing constant technological advancements, even the definition of a “medical device” continues to expand – now even including software, in vitro reagents and tissue engineered medical products.

In part I of this presentation, we will take a closer look at translation requirements for pre-market documents, including the content of pre-market submissions, regulatory clearance requirements and the compendium of approval documentation. We will also examine the main regulatory standards for medical devices and some more recent updates to requirements for device traceability, disposal and non-traditional medical devices.

Price: $ 25.00

Letteratura in traduzione: La strategia traduttiva di un romanzo

Letteratura in traduzione: La strategia traduttiva di un romanzo

Sep 15, 2017
1,326 views, Italian, uploaded by Emilia De Paola

Il webinar si concentrerà sulle tendenze attuali della lingua nella traduzione letteraria e sulle questioni grammaticali in generale, sulle sfide specifiche dei romanzi in particolare e sul trasferimento di realia e materiale culturale e della terminologia tecnica. La presentazione mostra come la terminologia venga utilizzata non solo nella letteratura scientifica ma anche nei romanzi per designare cose relative a diversi settori e sfere per aumentare il livello di realismo, e come il ruolo del traduttore sia anche quello di verificare la correttezza dei dati. Il corso si propone quindi di presentare la soluzione trovata ai problemi principali incontrati nella traduzione di un romanzo in particolare.

Price: $ 20.00

Authentication of Official Documents II

Authentication of Official Documents II

Sep 14, 2017
1,485 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

The “Authentication of Official Documents II” course is designed to provide official documents translators with an understanding of their role in the translation and preparation of official documents, including learning about the following topics:

  • Option 1: The “Apostille” System:1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents
  • Option 2: Notarization/Certification – Authentication - Legalization Process
    5. The Role of Notaries Public, Notaries, Lawyers, and Commissioners of Oaths
    6. How to Add Additional Income Streams from Providing Authentication-Related Services

    At the end of this course, official document translators will have learned about their role in the authentication of official documents process, as well have in-depth knowledge as to how official documents must be prepared in order to be accepted in foreign countries.

    Price: $ 79.00

  • Letteratura in traduzione: La strategia traduttiva di un romanzo

    Letteratura in traduzione: La strategia traduttiva di un romanzo

    Sep 12, 2017
    1,386 views, Italian, uploaded by Emilia De Paola

    Il webinar si concentrerà sulle tendenze attuali della lingua nella traduzione letteraria e sulle questioni grammaticali in generale, sulle sfide specifiche dei romanzi in particolare e sul trasferimento di realia e materiale culturale e della terminologia tecnica. La presentazione mostra come la terminologia venga utilizzata non solo nella letteratura scientifica ma anche nei romanzi per designare cose relative a diversi settori e sfere per aumentare il livello di realismo, e come il ruolo del traduttore sia anche quello di verificare la correttezza dei dati.

    Il corso si propone quindi di presentare la soluzione trovata ai problemi principali incontrati nella traduzione di un romanzo in particolare.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Prevođenje za farmaceutsku

    Prevođenje za farmaceutsku

    Sep 8, 2017
    1,799 views, Serbian, uploaded by Biljana Stojanovic

    Postoji velika potreba za prevodima tekstova iz oblasti farmaceutske industrije, od regulatorne dokumentacije do kliničkih ispitivanja i patenata. To zahteva širok spektar znanja, koja najčešće obuhvataju nazive hemijskih jedinjenja, analitičke metode, različite farmaceutske oblike i odgovarajuće dodatne supstance, kao i zakonsku regulativu.

    Price: $ 22.00

    Soluções e estratégias para traduzir provérbios e expressões idiomáticas

    Soluções e estratégias para traduzir provérbios e expressões idiomáticas

    Jun 9, 2017
    1,842 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Reginaldo Francisco

    Provérbios e expressões idiomáticas são itens lexicais complexos, cristalizados na língua e de sentido conotativo. Por essas características, sua tradução sempre apresenta alguma dificuldade e exige uma tomada de decisão por parte do tradutor. Neste curso são apresentadas e discutidas, com uma grande quantidade de exemplos reais, as diversas estratégias disponíveis para lidar com esses fraseologismos na tradução. Ao final, os participantes serão capazes de ver como existe uma variedade de possíveis soluções, decisões e efeitos criativos muito maior do que geralmente se pensa para traduzir esses elementos.

    Price: $ 30.00

    Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners

    Translation of official documents, contracts and certificates for beginners

    Jun 1, 2017
    2,137 views, English, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

    The objective of this webinar is to learn how to handle the translation of official documents, contracts and certificates by means of carefully selected examples and thoroughly prepared training steps. The goal is to develop the expertise to submit a translation that is a TRUE TRANSLATION OF THE ORIGINAL pursuant to clearly outlined standards.

    Price: $ 28.00

    Become a proficient biomedical translator through the life cycle of a new drug - Part II

    Become a proficient biomedical translator through the life cycle of a new drug - Part II

    May 15, 2017
    2,033 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    How to create from scratch a free professional website for Translators – no need to know any difficult HTML, ASP or PHP language

    How to create from scratch a free professional website for Translators – no need to know any difficult HTML, ASP or PHP language

    May 12, 2017
    1,874 views, English, uploaded by Paolo Sebastiani

    Duration: 120 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 60.00

    Express Scribe: Free Audio Transcription Software

    Express Scribe: Free Audio Transcription Software

    Apr 28, 2017
    1,850 views, English, uploaded by Rafa Lombardino

    We'll discuss Express Scribe, a free program that you can use to transcribe time-coded audio files and prepare them for translation.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Начинающему медицинскому переводчику: перевод документации клинических испытаний

    Начинающему медицинскому переводчику: перевод документации клинических испытаний

    Apr 20, 2017
    2,247 views, Russian, uploaded by Hanna Sivoplyas

    Какие документы в клинических испытаниях существуют.
    Какими базовыми знаниями в медицине нужно обладать, чтобы переводить документацию клинических испытаний.
    Где получить такие знания, если нет медицинского образования.
    Самые распространенные термины в документации клинических испытаний.
    Специфика перевода медицинских терминов.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Become a proficient biomedical translator through the life cycle of a new drug - Part I

    Become a proficient biomedical translator through the life cycle of a new drug - Part I

    Apr 20, 2017
    1,776 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Learning about the process that a drug has to go through till it can reach market is a complex web that the translator needs to know to address the translation task successfully. It takes on average 12 years and over US$350 million to get a new drug from the laboratory onto the pharmacy shelf. Once a company develops a drug, it undergoes around three and a half years of laboratory testing, before an application is made to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to begin testing the drug in humans. Only one in 1000 of the compounds that enter laboratory testing will ever make it to human testing.

    If the FDA gives the green light, the "investigative" drug will then enter three phases of clinical trials. The company then submits an application (usually about 100,000 pages) to the FDA for approval, a process that can take up to two and a half years. After final approval, the drug becomes available for physicians to prescribe. At this stage, the drug company will continue to report cases of adverse reactions and other clinical data to the FDA.

    Understanding this cycle is vital for medical translators and, once digested, it can become an endless source of reference, reliable sources of information and terminology, and a valuable self-catering training tool.

    This training course is divided into 2 parts, in order to cover broader content.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Как переводить фармацевтические тексты с русского на английский

    Как переводить фармацевтические тексты с русского на английский

    Apr 18, 2017
    2,746 views, Russian, uploaded by Elena Melnik

    Благодаря вебинару:
    • Вы узнаете, что такое русский канцелярит, и как с ним бороться при переводе на английский язык. Что сделать, чтобы ваш перевод был понятен и легок для чтения, даже если английский язык для вас не родной.
    • Вы научитесь применять принципы Concise Medical Writing и Plain English при переводе на английский язык. Узнаете, зачем нужны активные глаголы, как бороться с цепочками родительных падежей и переводить так, чтобы ваши фразы понимали и дочитывали до конца.
    • Вы сможете превращать самые запутанные русские фразы в стройные и логичные английские предложения.
    • Вы получите ссылки на книги и видео, которые помогут вам улучшить качество перевода.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Translation techniques in non-literary translation

    Translation techniques in non-literary translation

    Apr 12, 2017
    1,622 views, English, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

    The area of non-literary translation has grown considerably and is now used as a label referring to texts covering a wide range of topics including governmental, legal and diplomatic affairs, business administration, scientific research, manuals, commercial offers, advertisements, catalogues, web sites, textbooks, encyclopaedia, film and television scenarios, documentaries, newspaper and magazine articles, news reports, restaurant menus, official letters, etc.

    Obviously, the translation of non-literary texts follows different rules than the translation of literary texts. Most techniques used in literary translation might not be applied in non-literary translation and various techniques will be applied within different language pairs and areas of expertise. Basic translation techniques include: borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation. Apart from these seven basic techniques, additional techniques may be used, the most important ones being: compensation, concentration, dissolution, amplification, economy, reinforcement, condensation, explicitation, implicitation, generalization, particularization and inversion.

    Since the translation of a text is much easier if based on a certain set of methods, techniques and strategies, familiarizing with available solutions is of utter importance. This webinar focuses on those translation techniques that may provide the translator with equivalents and corresponding translations when facing problematic terminology or particular phrases.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Introduction to transcreation - basic approach, tools and requirements

    Introduction to transcreation - basic approach, tools and requirements

    Apr 11, 2017
    1,650 views, English, uploaded by Unbounded Arts

    This webinar will introduce you to the basics of transcreation and copywriting. It is suitable for trained and experienced translators who have decided to branch out into creative translation and graduate translation students thinking of launching a freelance career for themselves in marketing translation. The webinar will also touch on what a good project manager in the sector should provide to the linguists, and what a good creative brief looks like.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Beyond false friends: Как избежать типичных ошибок при переводе с русского на английский

    Beyond false friends: Как избежать типичных ошибок при переводе с русского на английский

    Mar 24, 2017
    3,098 views, Russian, uploaded by Sofia Gutkin

    Данный тренинг поможет Вам:

    1. Лучше понимать структуру построения предложений в английском языке.

    2. Научиться составлять предложения на английском языке, которые бы четко передавали смысл и звучали естественно.

    3. Научиться избегать типичных ошибок русскоязычных переводчиков при переводе на английский язык.

    4. Лучше понимать особенности грамматики и лексики британского и американского английского языка.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Translator's Toolbox: Documentation for Your Business

    Translator's Toolbox: Documentation for Your Business

    Feb 28, 2017
    1,408 views, English, uploaded by Tanya Rozanes Olevsky

    In this training session you will learn how to organize an absolutely necessary set of documents for your freelance translation business.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Buying and selling property in France - terminology

    Buying and selling property in France - terminology

    Feb 15, 2017
    1,581 views, English, uploaded by sue leschen

    Terminology used by notaires and agents immobiliers whose clients are buying and selling property in France.

    Course program:

    - Introduction to the residential French property market
    - How French property is sold
    - Who is involved in selling French property?
    - How French property is sold
    - Terminology in property particulars of agents immobiliers and notaires
    - Terminology in inventories

    Price: $ 25.00

    Gestion de projets de traduction – 3e partie : Tarifs et grilles de prix

    Gestion de projets de traduction – 3e partie : Tarifs et grilles de prix

    Feb 7, 2017
    1,821 views, French, uploaded by Nancy Matis

    Dans le milieu de la traduction, les tarifs varient en fonction de très nombreux paramètres et ne sont pas toujours aisés à définir. Ce cours propose diverses méthodes permettant de déterminer les tarifs à communiquer aux clients pour différents types de projets de traduction et selon les services proposés. L'approche axée sur la productivité fera l'objet d'une étude approfondie afin de permettre à chaque intervenant d'optimiser son calcul de rentabilité.

    Price: $ 45.00

    Traduction financière: introduction à la finance islamique

    Traduction financière: introduction à la finance islamique

    Dec 28, 2016
    1,673 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

    Voila une discipline dont la simple évocation en fait frémir certains, en fascine d'autres, mais ne laisse personne indifférent. Que ce soit les néophytes, les fervents convaincus idéologiques, et surtout les places financières.

    Cette session a pour objectif de constituer une introduction ciblée à la discipline de la finance islamique en précisant les fondamentaux et les produits financiers spécifiques.

    La grave crise économique qu'a connu la finance conventionnelle n'a pas produit les mêmes effets pour les capitaux investis dans les fonds dits de finance islamique que ceux des fonds traditionnels. Les pays du Moyen-Orient, regorgeant de liquidités, ont dans le même temps observé un développement concomitant de la finance conforme aux principes de la loi islamique. Les grands places financières ont dès 2007 compris tout l'intérêt d'attirer ces capitaux et s'en est suivi un énorme développement.

    Ce sous-marché est un pan de la finance éthique et est actuellement couvert par peu de traducteurs financiers en raison d'une terminologie a priori compliquée et d'une réalité très mal connue.

    En 90 minutes, nous ferons le point des fondements idéologiques clés, des particularités, de la terminologie de base et des points clés à maîtriser pour aborder une traduction économique/financière/juridique impliquant l'un de ces produits particuliers.

    Price: $ 29.00

    Why should we help our competitors? – On giving and receiving constructive feedback

    Why should we help our competitors? – On giving and receiving constructive feedback

    Dec 6, 2016
    1,657 views, English, uploaded by Robin Joensuu

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    Как начать переводить тексты медицинской и фармацевтической тематики

    Как начать переводить тексты медицинской и фармацевтической тематики

    Oct 7, 2016
    2,688 views, Russian, uploaded by Hanna Sivoplyas

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    French property sales contracts (Compromis de vente) - legal terminology

    French property sales contracts (Compromis de vente) - legal terminology

    Sep 29, 2016
    2,014 views, English, uploaded by sue leschen

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    Tradutores e escritores autopublicados ― Uma parceria para a nova era da publicação digital

    Tradutores e escritores autopublicados ― Uma parceria para a nova era da publicação digital

    Sep 29, 2016
    2,655 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Rafa Lombardino

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 30.00

    Gestion de projets de traduction – 2e partie : Volumes et décomptes divers

    Gestion de projets de traduction – 2e partie : Volumes et décomptes divers

    Sep 15, 2016
    2,655 views, French, uploaded by Nancy Matis

    Duration: 150 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Veuillez noter que les chiffres indiqués sur la diapositive 95 concernant le nombre de captures d’écran par langue devraient être « 4 » et « 2 » et non « 5 » et « 0 ». Une capture ayant été modifiée entretemps, le contenu du fichier d’exercice était légèrement différent. Merci pour votre compréhension.

    Price: $ 45.00

    Environmental translation: Environmental Organizations, Programs and Geographic names

    Environmental translation: Environmental Organizations, Programs and Geographic names

    Aug 25, 2016
    1,821 views, English, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    Authentication of Official Documents

    Authentication of Official Documents

    Jul 1, 2016
    2,463 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 69.00

    Create your marketing machine to sell translation and localization services

    Create your marketing machine to sell translation and localization services

    Jun 22, 2016
    1,567 views, English, uploaded by Andrew Lawless

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Le B.A.-BA de la traduction financière et juridique

    Le B.A.-BA de la traduction financière et juridique

    Jun 15, 2016
    2,018 views, French, uploaded by Laetitia ZUMSTEIN

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 40.00

    Gestion de projets de traduction – 1re partie : Analyse d’un projet de traduction

    Gestion de projets de traduction – 1re partie : Analyse d’un projet de traduction

    May 12, 2016
    3,206 views, French, uploaded by Nancy Matis

    Duration: 130 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 39.00

    An International Overview: Privacy and Confidential Information

    An International Overview: Privacy and Confidential Information

    May 4, 2016
    1,627 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 35.00

    An International Overview: Public International Law

    An International Overview: Public International Law

    Apr 27, 2016
    1,675 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 30.00

    SEO e traduzione nel settore turistico

    SEO e traduzione nel settore turistico

    Apr 26, 2016
    1,744 views, Italian, uploaded by Sara Colombo

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    An International Overview: Civil Litigation

    An International Overview: Civil Litigation

    Apr 26, 2016
    1,848 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 30.00

    Взаимоотношения редактора и переводчика в контексте обеспечения качества

    Взаимоотношения редактора и переводчика в контексте обеспечения качества

    Mar 10, 2016
    3,063 views, Russian, uploaded by Iryna Lebedyeva

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 26.00

    SEO in tourism translation

    SEO in tourism translation

    Mar 9, 2016
    1,970 views, English, uploaded by Sara Colombo

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 25.00

    Tradurre i culturemi in ambito turistico

    Tradurre i culturemi in ambito turistico

    Mar 4, 2016
    1,709 views, Italian, uploaded by Irene Acler

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Translating Credentials Your Clients Can Use

    Translating Credentials Your Clients Can Use

    Jan 26, 2016
    1,591 views, English, uploaded by Carolyn Yohn

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Chasing terms online

    Chasing terms online

    Dec 15, 2015
    1,650 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Duration: 17 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Corrispondenza tra la terminologia inglese e italiana nei certificati anagrafici.

    Corrispondenza tra la terminologia inglese e italiana nei certificati anagrafici.

    Dec 4, 2015
    2,788 views, Spanish, uploaded by Antonella Bova

    Duration: 100 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 30.00

    Claves para que la traducción de los textos turísticos sea un viaje de cinco estrellas

    Claves para que la traducción de los textos turísticos sea un viaje de cinco estrellas

    Dec 1, 2015
    3,167 views, Spanish, uploaded by Paula Sepúlveda (X)

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Terminología: Cómo buscar términos en línea (#T/E19V-90)

    Terminología: Cómo buscar términos en línea (#T/E19V-90)

    Nov 27, 2015
    3,027 views, Spanish, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 35.00

    Mercados financieros: los mercados de acciones

    Mercados financieros: los mercados de acciones

    Nov 5, 2015
    1,636 views, English, uploaded by Roser Bosch Casademont

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    This video is a part of the self-paced training. For more information please follow this link:

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 55.00

    Terminologia italiana e spagnola del Diritto Internazionale

    Terminologia italiana e spagnola del Diritto Internazionale

    Oct 30, 2015
    1,995 views, Italian, uploaded by Angie Garbarino

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 29.00

    Copywriting per traduttori

    Copywriting per traduttori

    Oct 30, 2015
    1,782 views, Italian, uploaded by Sara Colombo

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Copywriting for translators

    Copywriting for translators

    Oct 27, 2015
    3,046 views, English, uploaded by Sara Colombo

    Duration: 120 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Translating for Fishing Industry

    Translating for Fishing Industry

    Oct 27, 2015
    1,767 views, English, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 25.00

    Translating for the EU Industry: Working with Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

    Translating for the EU Industry: Working with Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

    Oct 23, 2015
    1,895 views, English, uploaded by Elisa Farina

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    This video was recorded in February 2016.

    Price: $ 30.00

    Tradurre: strumenti, consigli e idee per lavorare come traduttori professionisti

    Tradurre: strumenti, consigli e idee per lavorare come traduttori professionisti

    Sep 10, 2015
    2,289 views, Italian, uploaded by Sara Colombo

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Where Regulatory Rules: Translating Drug Leaflets, Packaging and Labelling

    Where Regulatory Rules: Translating Drug Leaflets, Packaging and Labelling

    Aug 11, 2015
    2,999 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Free Webinar on Upcoming 4 Series Course "Anatomy for Pharmaceutical Translators"

    Free Webinar on Upcoming 4 Series Course "Anatomy for Pharmaceutical Translators"

    Aug 6, 2015
    1,508 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 56 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

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    Początkujący tłumacz freelancer na rynku — praktyczne wskazówki

    Początkujący tłumacz freelancer na rynku — praktyczne wskazówki

    Jul 31, 2015
    2,294 views, Polish, uploaded by Anna Fitak

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Preparing documents for translation — simple rules for beginners

    Preparing documents for translation — simple rules for beginners

    Jul 30, 2015
    1,930 views, English, uploaded by Anna Fitak

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Translating for Food Industry. Part Two: Terminology

    Translating for Food Industry. Part Two: Terminology

    Jul 24, 2015
    2,012 views, English, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    The Pharmacokinetics of Drugs Commonly Studied during Clinical Trials

    The Pharmacokinetics of Drugs Commonly Studied during Clinical Trials

    Jul 24, 2015
    2,110 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    What's your angle? Transcreation as a specialisation

    What's your angle? Transcreation as a specialisation

    Jul 24, 2015
    2,629 views, English, uploaded by Sara Colombo

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Medical Journals: Translating Like A Writer, Not A Scientist

    Medical Journals: Translating Like A Writer, Not A Scientist

    Jul 14, 2015
    2,118 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Перевод текстов по природоохранной тематике. Часть 2: Работа с терминами

    Перевод текстов по природоохранной тематике. Часть 2: Работа с терминами

    Jun 19, 2015
    2,432 views, Russian, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 17.00

    SOAP Notes and Medical Charts: The Nitty Gritty of Medical Reports

    SOAP Notes and Medical Charts: The Nitty Gritty of Medical Reports

    Jun 17, 2015
    2,784 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 35.00

    Technische Redaktion und Übersetzung in IT-Projekten

    Technische Redaktion und Übersetzung in IT-Projekten

    Jun 17, 2015
    2,061 views, German, uploaded by bgrossmann

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Spanish-English Copyright Terminology

    Spanish-English Copyright Terminology

    Jun 16, 2015
    1,651 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 50.00

    Tips for Managing Long-Term or High-Volume Projects as a Freelancer or Team?

    Tips for Managing Long-Term or High-Volume Projects as a Freelancer or Team?

    Jun 16, 2015
    3,877 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 40 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    To work with training materials follow this link.

    Is an MA in translation the right choice for me?

    Is an MA in translation the right choice for me?

    Jun 16, 2015
    4,362 views, English, uploaded by Gwenydd Jones

    Duration: 43 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Download the presentation here.

    Lifelong Education for Translators – Requirements & Options

    Lifelong Education for Translators – Requirements & Options

    Jun 12, 2015
    4,087 views, English, uploaded by Irene Koukia

    Duration: 30 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Download the presentation here.

    Letteratura e strategie per tradurre poesia

    Letteratura e strategie per tradurre poesia

    May 14, 2015
    1,956 views, Italian, uploaded by Emilia De Paola

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    The Patient's Perspective: Best Practices for Translating ICFs and PILs

    The Patient's Perspective: Best Practices for Translating ICFs and PILs

    May 12, 2015
    2,421 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Understanding different medical contents and formats for translation

    Understanding different medical contents and formats for translation

    Apr 22, 2015
    2,088 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    La traduzione di testi finanziari: il linguaggio delle notizie

    La traduzione di testi finanziari: il linguaggio delle notizie

    Apr 1, 2015
    2,254 views, Italian, uploaded by Francesca Airaghi

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Traducción para el mundo del petróleo

    Traducción para el mundo del petróleo

    Mar 11, 2015
    2,510 views, Spanish, uploaded by Clarisa Moraña

    Duration: 150 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 30.00

    How to Become an Efficient Proofreader

    How to Become an Efficient Proofreader

    Mar 5, 2015
    3,194 views, English, uploaded by Francesca Airaghi

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Tradurre l’arte culinaria: i menù

    Tradurre l’arte culinaria: i menù

    Jan 19, 2015
    2,511 views, Italian, uploaded by Elisa Farina

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    Translating for Food Industry

    Translating for Food Industry

    Dec 16, 2014
    2,735 views, English, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    Translating for Food Industry

    Translating for Food Industry

    Dec 12, 2014
    1,960 views, English, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Перевод текстов по природоохранной тематике

    Перевод текстов по природоохранной тематике

    Nov 26, 2014
    1,892 views, Russian, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 17.00

    Web localisation: techniques and tips

    Web localisation: techniques and tips

    Nov 26, 2014
    2,119 views, English, uploaded by Sara Colombo

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Wprowadzenie do tłumaczeń technicznych

    Wprowadzenie do tłumaczeń technicznych

    Nov 25, 2014
    2,410 views, Polish, uploaded by Anna Fitak

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Translating Screenplays

    Translating Screenplays

    Nov 25, 2014
    2,235 views, English, uploaded by Elizabeth Adams

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Terminología de fabricación: Comprensión de términos principales y su traducción (inglés al español)

    Terminología de fabricación: Comprensión de términos principales y su traducción (inglés al español)

    Nov 21, 2014
    3,293 views, Spanish, uploaded by Diana Llorente

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 18.00

    Zaawansowane funkcje programu Microsoft Word wspomagające pracę tłumacza

    Zaawansowane funkcje programu Microsoft Word wspomagające pracę tłumacza

    Nov 19, 2014
    2,602 views, Polish, uploaded by Anna Fitak

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 17.00

    Shirts, Shorts und Schuhe: Modeübersetzungen leicht gemacht

    Shirts, Shorts und Schuhe: Modeübersetzungen leicht gemacht

    Nov 19, 2014
    2,376 views, German, uploaded by Rea Gutzwiller

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Tradurre siti web: cos'è la localizzazione e come si crea e traduce un sito.

    Tradurre siti web: cos'è la localizzazione e come si crea e traduce un sito.

    Nov 19, 2014
    3,480 views, Italian, uploaded by Sara Colombo

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Conversion of PDF and image files to editable formats for beginners

    Conversion of PDF and image files to editable formats for beginners

    Nov 19, 2014
    4,037 views, English, uploaded by Anna Fitak

    Duration: 100 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    Come diventare un buon revisore

    Come diventare un buon revisore

    Nov 18, 2014
    2,331 views, Italian, uploaded by Francesca Airaghi

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Spanish-English Civil Litigation Terminology

    Spanish-English Civil Litigation Terminology

    Nov 6, 2014
    1,761 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 50.00

    Advanced Microsoft Word for Translators: The Powerful Find-Replace Feature

    Advanced Microsoft Word for Translators: The Powerful Find-Replace Feature

    Nov 4, 2014
    2,908 views, English, uploaded by Reginaldo Francisco

    Duration: 85 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 29.00

    Improve your written English: 50 of our favourite mother-tongue mistakes

    Improve your written English: 50 of our favourite mother-tongue mistakes

    Nov 4, 2014
    2,146 views, English, uploaded by Gwenydd Jones

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Dansk retsplejeterminologi: Almindelig del

    Dansk retsplejeterminologi: Almindelig del

    Oct 31, 2014
    2,132 views, Danish, uploaded by Jørgen A. Andersen

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Spanish-English Intellectual Property Law Terminology

    Spanish-English Intellectual Property Law Terminology

    Oct 30, 2014
    2,165 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 50.00

    Traduzione di testi finanziari: i mercati e gli strumenti di investimento

    Traduzione di testi finanziari: i mercati e gli strumenti di investimento

    Oct 30, 2014
    2,368 views, Italian, uploaded by Francesca Airaghi

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 25.00

    Patient Surveys: Diversity in Medical Translation

    Patient Surveys: Diversity in Medical Translation

    Oct 24, 2014
    2,228 views, English, uploaded by Erin Lyons

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Spanish-English Corporate/Commercial Law Terminology

    Spanish-English Corporate/Commercial Law Terminology

    Oct 23, 2014
    2,337 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 50.00

    Traduzione di testi finanziari: i fondi di investimento

    Traduzione di testi finanziari: i fondi di investimento

    Oct 23, 2014
    2,497 views, Italian, uploaded by Francesca Airaghi

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Shirts, shorts and shoes: fashion translation at a glance

    Shirts, shorts and shoes: fashion translation at a glance

    Oct 17, 2014
    2,556 views, English, uploaded by Rea Gutzwiller

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 19.00

    Traduzione di testi finanziari: i bilanci

    Traduzione di testi finanziari: i bilanci

    Oct 15, 2014
    2,257 views, Italian, uploaded by Francesca Airaghi

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Practical Spanish to English translation quality assurance 2 - Style

    Practical Spanish to English translation quality assurance 2 - Style

    Oct 14, 2014
    2,198 views, English, uploaded by Gwenydd Jones

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Moda y traducción

    Moda y traducción

    Oct 10, 2014
    2,113 views, Spanish, uploaded by Diana Jiménez Vallejo

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Spanish to English translation quality assurance 1 – Terminology

    Spanish to English translation quality assurance 1 – Terminology

    Oct 7, 2014
    3,171 views, English, uploaded by Gwenydd Jones

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Terminology Lists for Finance & Business - Level 3 (#T16V-90)

    Terminology Lists for Finance & Business - Level 3 (#T16V-90)

    Oct 1, 2014
    2,412 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Duration: 100 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 49.00

    Pharmaceutical Document Translation in Practice: Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) (German to English)

    Pharmaceutical Document Translation in Practice: Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) (German to English)

    Sep 30, 2014
    2,935 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Quality Explained: how to have better and more satisfied customers

    Quality Explained: how to have better and more satisfied customers

    Sep 26, 2014
    2,610 views, English, uploaded by Paula Dana Szabados

    Duration: 40 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 15.00

    Technical writing and translation in STE (Simplified Technical English)

    Technical writing and translation in STE (Simplified Technical English)

    Sep 18, 2014
    4,503 views, English, uploaded by Irene Koukia

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 15.00

    Is simultaneous interpretation for you?

    Is simultaneous interpretation for you?

    Sep 17, 2014
    2,397 views, English, uploaded by Philippe Locquet

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Advanced Microsoft Word for Translators: Gaining Productivity With A Basic Tool

    Advanced Microsoft Word for Translators: Gaining Productivity With A Basic Tool

    Sep 16, 2014
    3,597 views, English, uploaded by Reginaldo Francisco

    Duration: 120 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 35.00

    Lusso e traduzione: tra marketing, valorizzazione del brand e transcreation

    Lusso e traduzione: tra marketing, valorizzazione del brand e transcreation

    Sep 11, 2014
    2,099 views, Italian, uploaded by Manuela Cumbo

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Price: $ 20.00

    Translation for environmental organizations. Part Two: Terminology

    Translation for environmental organizations. Part Two: Terminology

    Sep 10, 2014
    2,288 views, English, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    110F - Terminologie juridique : Terminologie du droit de la vie privée et la confidentialité

    110F - Terminologie juridique : Terminologie du droit de la vie privée et la confidentialité

    Sep 3, 2014
    2,148 views, French, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 50 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    109F -Terminologie juridique : Terminologie du droit litige civil

    109F -Terminologie juridique : Terminologie du droit litige civil

    Aug 27, 2014
    1,940 views, French, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 56 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    108F - Terminologie juridique : Terminologie du droit public international

    108F - Terminologie juridique : Terminologie du droit public international

    Aug 19, 2014
    1,875 views, French, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 50 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    107F - Terminologie juridique – Terminologie du droit d'auteur

    107F - Terminologie juridique – Terminologie du droit d'auteur

    Aug 13, 2014
    2,002 views, French, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration:55 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    106F - Terminologie juridique – Terminologie des marques de commerce

    106F - Terminologie juridique – Terminologie des marques de commerce

    Aug 6, 2014
    2,267 views, French, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

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    Jul 25, 2014
    2,517 views, Chinese, uploaded by James_xia

    Duration: 40 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 17.00

    Translating food: tips and tricks

    Translating food: tips and tricks

    Jul 8, 2014
    1,884 views, English, uploaded by Valentina Palmieri

    Duration: 50 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 15.00

    Consejos prácticos para traducir los textos científicos y técnicos

    Consejos prácticos para traducir los textos científicos y técnicos

    Jul 4, 2014
    2,890 views, Spanish, uploaded by Gary Smith Lawson

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    Empresas de fabricación y su documentación técnica

    Empresas de fabricación y su documentación técnica

    Jul 1, 2014
    2,449 views, Spanish, uploaded by Diana Llorente

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 18.00

    Interpretazione e traduzione dallo spagnolo all'italiano, due lingue "cugine" a confronto

    Interpretazione e traduzione dallo spagnolo all'italiano, due lingue "cugine" a confronto

    Jun 27, 2014
    1,914 views, Italian, uploaded by Nicoletta Natoli

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 17.00

    Translation for environmental organizations

    Translation for environmental organizations

    May 29, 2014
    3,051 views, English, uploaded by Anneta Vysotskaya

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 30.00

    La traduzione legale tra Common Law e Civil Law

    La traduzione legale tra Common Law e Civil Law

    May 23, 2014
    3,807 views, English, uploaded by Angie Garbarino

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 18.00

    La traduzione nel settore turistico

    La traduzione nel settore turistico

    May 23, 2014
    2,539 views, Italian, uploaded by Sabrina Leone

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 17.00

    Consejos para la búsqueda de terminología técnica especializada

    Consejos para la búsqueda de terminología técnica especializada

    May 22, 2014
    2,589 views, Spanish, uploaded by Clarisa Moraña

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 17.00

    Le tappe della traduzione giurata: come presentare atto originale e traduzione per l'asseverazione?

    Le tappe della traduzione giurata: come presentare atto originale e traduzione per l'asseverazione?

    May 15, 2014
    3,308 views, Italian, uploaded by veronica drugas

    Duration: 100 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Effective Technical Writing for Translators

    Effective Technical Writing for Translators

    May 15, 2014
    2,422 views, English, uploaded by Karen Tkaczyk

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 30.00

    Terminologia de petróleo e gás: noções básicas

    Terminologia de petróleo e gás: noções básicas

    May 14, 2014
    2,876 views, Portuguese, uploaded by epianura

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Méthodologie de traduction spécialisée - Comment traduire un contenu spécialisé ?

    Méthodologie de traduction spécialisée - Comment traduire un contenu spécialisé ?

    May 14, 2014
    2,661 views, French, uploaded by Sylvie Mathis

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 17.00

    How to Become a Successful Financial Translator?

    How to Become a Successful Financial Translator?

    May 14, 2014
    2,751 views, English, uploaded by Francesca Airaghi

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Cómo comenzar una carrera como traductor profesional

    Cómo comenzar una carrera como traductor profesional

    May 8, 2014
    2,478 views, Spanish, uploaded by Clarisa Moraña

    Duration: 140 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 40.00

    Maîtriser l'outil Internet

    Maîtriser l'outil Internet

    May 6, 2014
    2,217 views, English, uploaded by Constance de Crayencour

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Timecoding with Aegisub: Boosting Productivity

    Timecoding with Aegisub: Boosting Productivity

    Apr 24, 2014
    2,973 views, English, uploaded by Max Deryagin

    Duration: 107 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 30.00

    Localization of video games

    Localization of video games

    Apr 17, 2014
    2,601 views, English, uploaded by Florin Ular

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 17.00

    Methodology for specialized translations - How to deal with specialized translations?

    Methodology for specialized translations - How to deal with specialized translations?

    Apr 16, 2014
    2,235 views, English, uploaded by Sylvie Mathis

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 17.00

    La traduzione finanziaria: una specializzazione vincente

    La traduzione finanziaria: una specializzazione vincente

    Apr 16, 2014
    2,704 views, Italian, uploaded by Francesca Airaghi

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    Master Your Habits

    Master Your Habits

    Apr 15, 2014
    2,196 views, English, uploaded by Vincent Staude

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Feedback is one of the most valuable tools to measure the quality of a training course and a trainer. Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 17.00

    Searching for resources for translation

    Searching for resources for translation

    Apr 15, 2014
    2,279 views, English, uploaded by Anna Fitak

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Software Localization Overview

    Software Localization Overview

    Apr 9, 2014
    4,058 views, English, uploaded by Florin Ular

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Especialización en traducción médica

    Especialización en traducción médica

    Apr 2, 2014
    2,643 views, Spanish, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    Increasing revenue and professional development by specializing in technical documents

    Increasing revenue and professional development by specializing in technical documents

    Mar 27, 2014
    2,563 views, English, uploaded by David Smith

    Duration:70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 17.00

    Il linguaggio tecnico-scientifico italiano

    Il linguaggio tecnico-scientifico italiano

    Mar 20, 2014
    2,581 views, Italian, uploaded by Angie Garbarino

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Website localization - one of the primary tools for business global expansion

    Website localization - one of the primary tools for business global expansion

    Mar 19, 2014
    2,189 views, English, uploaded by Florin Ular

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 17.00

    Specialization on medical translation

    Specialization on medical translation

    Mar 14, 2014
    2,561 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Microsoft Word Avançado para tradutores: explorando os recursos Localizar e Substituir

    Microsoft Word Avançado para tradutores: explorando os recursos Localizar e Substituir

    Mar 14, 2014
    2,346 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Reginaldo Francisco

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 27.00

    Literary translation and strategies for translating poetry

    Literary translation and strategies for translating poetry

    Mar 12, 2014
    2,889 views, English, uploaded by Emilia De Paola

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Localization – beyond translation

    Localization – beyond translation

    Mar 12, 2014
    2,332 views, English, uploaded by Florin Ular

    Duration: 40 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    La traduzione tecnica industriale, cosa comprende e cosa comporta

    La traduzione tecnica industriale, cosa comprende e cosa comporta

    Mar 6, 2014
    2,596 views, Italian, uploaded by Dora Rossetti

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 17.00

    Microsoft Word Avançado para tradutores: ganhando produtividade com uma ferramenta básica

    Microsoft Word Avançado para tradutores: ganhando produtividade com uma ferramenta básica

    Jan 30, 2014
    2,824 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Reginaldo Francisco

    Duration: 120 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 30.00

    Selbstdisziplin fuer Freiberufler

    Selbstdisziplin fuer Freiberufler

    Jan 14, 2014
    2,278 views, German, uploaded by Vincent Staude

    Duration: 120 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 30.00

    Traduire des scripts destinés au doublage

    Traduire des scripts destinés au doublage

    Jan 14, 2014
    2,510 views, French, uploaded by Constance de Crayencour

    Avant d’entreprendre la traduction d’un script destiné au doublage, il faut connaître cette technique pour savoir de quelle manière votre traduction sera utilisée. Puisque vous ne pouvez pas rendre une traduction de qualité en avançant dans le noir, ce cours vous emmène en voyage dans le monde du doublage et vous révèle les difficultés de la traduction de scripts destinés au doublage, mais aussi les opportunités que cet univers offre au traducteur.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Tehnike prevođenja francuske škole Stylistique comparée

    Tehnike prevođenja francuske škole Stylistique comparée

    Dec 17, 2013
    2,262 views, Croatian, uploaded by Marta Hajsok

    Duration: 50 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 14.00

    Übersetzungsprozeduren der Stylistique comparée

    Übersetzungsprozeduren der Stylistique comparée

    Dec 12, 2013
    2,463 views, German, uploaded by Marta Hajsok

    Duration: 50 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Il linguaggio giuridico italiano

    Il linguaggio giuridico italiano

    Dec 12, 2013
    2,914 views, Italian, uploaded by Angie Garbarino

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 25.00

    La localisation de jeux vidéo : décryptage

    La localisation de jeux vidéo : décryptage

    Dec 11, 2013
    2,341 views, French, uploaded by Constance de Crayencour

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 30.00

    Transcréation vs traduction

    Transcréation vs traduction

    Dec 4, 2013
    2,269 views, French, uploaded by Constance de Crayencour

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Cumuler plusieurs activités autour de la traduction : quelques pistes

    Cumuler plusieurs activités autour de la traduction : quelques pistes

    Nov 20, 2013
    2,711 views, French, uploaded by Constance de Crayencour

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 19.00

    Otras funciones del intérprete consecutivo: establecer turnos y mediar. Recursos y consejos

    Otras funciones del intérprete consecutivo: establecer turnos y mediar. Recursos y consejos

    Nov 16, 2013
    2,821 views, Spanish, uploaded by Sofia Bengoa

    Duration: 50 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Usare le tabelle

    Usare le tabelle

    Oct 17, 2013
    2,302 views, Italian, uploaded by Manuela Dal Castello

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 18.00

    Speed up your terminology search

    Speed up your terminology search

    Oct 15, 2013
    3,725 views, English, uploaded by Paolo Sebastiani

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 56.00

    La posedición como alternativa profesional

    La posedición como alternativa profesional

    Oct 15, 2013
    2,391 views, Spanish, uploaded by Clarisa Moraña

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Normes et traduction : ce qu'il faut savoir

    Normes et traduction : ce qu'il faut savoir

    Oct 10, 2013
    2,905 views, French, uploaded by Constance de Crayencour

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 17.00

    Using PubMed Effectively in Your Medical Scientific Translations

    Using PubMed Effectively in Your Medical Scientific Translations

    Oct 8, 2013
    2,612 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Ferramentas úteis para tradutores

    Ferramentas úteis para tradutores

    Oct 2, 2013
    2,313 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Luisa Matos

    Duration: 53 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Free time-saving tools and utilities for translators

    Free time-saving tools and utilities for translators

    Sep 17, 2013
    2,379 views, English, uploaded by Alessandra Martelli (X)

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Prevent the unexpected when translating medical content -- Get prepared for them!

    Prevent the unexpected when translating medical content -- Get prepared for them!

    Sep 12, 2013
    2,513 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Introduzione al marketing per traduttori freelance

    Introduzione al marketing per traduttori freelance

    Sep 10, 2013
    2,248 views, Italian, uploaded by Alessandra Martelli (X)

    Duration: 75 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Búsqueda inteligente de terminología en Internet

    Búsqueda inteligente de terminología en Internet

    Sep 10, 2013
    2,519 views, Spanish, uploaded by Clarisa Moraña

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Culture-specific elements in scientific, professional and official translation: tips & tricks

    Culture-specific elements in scientific, professional and official translation: tips & tricks

    Sep 6, 2013
    3,002 views, English, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Strategies and Resources to Improve Your Arabic to English Translations

    Strategies and Resources to Improve Your Arabic to English Translations

    Sep 3, 2013
    2,325 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Vers une communication mieux structurée

    Vers une communication mieux structurée

    Aug 27, 2013
    2,289 views, French, uploaded by Manuela Ribecai

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Soyez plus efficace, organisez vos projets

    Soyez plus efficace, organisez vos projets

    Aug 22, 2013
    2,326 views, French, uploaded by Manuela Ribecai

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Le Back-office de la Traduction: Regrouper vos factures et votre suivi dans 1 fichier (Partie 2)

    Le Back-office de la Traduction: Regrouper vos factures et votre suivi dans 1 fichier (Partie 2)

    Aug 20, 2013
    2,948 views, French, uploaded by Natalia Eklund

    Duration: 160 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Le Back-office de la Traduction: Regrouper vos factures et votre suivi dans 1 fichier (Partie 1)

    Le Back-office de la Traduction: Regrouper vos factures et votre suivi dans 1 fichier (Partie 1)

    Aug 13, 2013
    2,679 views, French, uploaded by Natalia Eklund

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Présentation gratuite des trois formations ciblant une meilleure organisation

    Présentation gratuite des trois formations ciblant une meilleure organisation

    Aug 13, 2013
    2,111 views, French, uploaded by Manuela Ribecai

    Duration: 30 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Post-graduate translation qualifications: DipTrans & MA

    Post-graduate translation qualifications: DipTrans & MA

    Jul 5, 2013
    2,644 views, English, uploaded by Gwenydd Jones

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Família e sucessões

    Família e sucessões

    Jun 28, 2013
    2,355 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Ana Luiza Iaria (X)

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded, but it can be viewed online as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Estrategias para maximizar la eficacia de MS Office para memorias de traducción

    Estrategias para maximizar la eficacia de MS Office para memorias de traducción

    Jun 28, 2013
    3,618 views, English, uploaded by Clarisa Moraña

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded, but it can be viewed online as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Getting your training right

    Getting your training right

    Jun 28, 2013
    2,974 views, English, uploaded by Gwenydd Jones

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded, but it can be viewed online as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Gestão de projetos para tradutores: abordagem geral

    Gestão de projetos para tradutores: abordagem geral

    May 17, 2013
    2,628 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Luisa Matos

    Duration: 45 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Clauses in Contracts between Agencies and Freelancers

    Clauses in Contracts between Agencies and Freelancers

    May 14, 2013
    2,657 views, English, uploaded by Jørgen A. Andersen

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Impariamo a tradurre i fumetti dal tedesco - PRATICA

    Impariamo a tradurre i fumetti dal tedesco - PRATICA

    May 7, 2013
    2,465 views, Italian, uploaded by Vittoria Barbieri

    Duration: 40 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Succeed at

    Succeed at

    May 7, 2013
    2,836 views, English, uploaded by Konstantin Kisin

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 20.00



    Apr 25, 2013
    2,456 views, German, uploaded by Vincent Staude

    Duration: 65 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Stili, indici e modelli: conoscerli meglio

    Stili, indici e modelli: conoscerli meglio

    Apr 17, 2013
    2,828 views, Italian, uploaded by Manuela Dal Castello

    Duration: 120 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 29.00

    El ciclo de vida de un proyecto de traducción - Mejora tu sistema ahora

    El ciclo de vida de un proyecto de traducción - Mejora tu sistema ahora

    Mar 6, 2013
    2,642 views, Spanish, uploaded by Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Research Techniques for Accurate Terminology

    Research Techniques for Accurate Terminology

    Mar 5, 2013
    6,042 views, English, uploaded by David Christian (X)

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Everything You Need to Improve your Quality System Now! (Part 2)

    Everything You Need to Improve your Quality System Now! (Part 2)

    Feb 21, 2013
    2,570 views, English, uploaded by Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Everything You Need to Improve your Quality System Now! (Part 1)

    Everything You Need to Improve your Quality System Now! (Part 1)

    Feb 19, 2013
    3,197 views, English, uploaded by Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    110 - Legal Terminology: Privacy and Confidential Information Terminology

    110 - Legal Terminology: Privacy and Confidential Information Terminology

    Feb 19, 2013
    2,941 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    109 - Legal Terminology: Civil Litigation Terminology

    109 - Legal Terminology: Civil Litigation Terminology

    Feb 15, 2013
    3,610 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    108 - Legal Terminology: Public International Law Terminology

    108 - Legal Terminology: Public International Law Terminology

    Feb 6, 2013
    3,172 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00



    Feb 1, 2013
    3,584 views, Chinese, uploaded by Joy Mo

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 30.00

    Clinical Trials and Medical Documentation: Resources and Translation Strategies for New Translators

    Clinical Trials and Medical Documentation: Resources and Translation Strategies for New Translators

    Jan 30, 2013
    4,922 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 20.00

    107 - Legal Terminology: Copyright Terminology

    107 - Legal Terminology: Copyright Terminology

    Jan 29, 2013
    3,226 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Introdução à Localização

    Introdução à Localização

    Jan 25, 2013
    3,058 views, English, uploaded by Michele Santiago

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    106 - Legal Terminology: Trademarks Terminology

    106 - Legal Terminology: Trademarks Terminology

    Jan 18, 2013
    3,139 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 67 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Corso sulla traduzione legale

    Corso sulla traduzione legale

    Jan 16, 2013
    3,069 views, Italian, uploaded by Sabrina Leone

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer but you can watch it as many times as needed once it is purchased.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Konsekutives Dolmetschen: professionell und methodisch gegliedert

    Konsekutives Dolmetschen: professionell und methodisch gegliedert

    Jan 15, 2013
    3,021 views, German, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

    Duration: 75 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Machine Translation: Myth or Reality?

    Machine Translation: Myth or Reality?

    Dec 18, 2012
    3,137 views, English, uploaded by Dimitra Anastasiou

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 18.00

    The difference between proofreading and editing

    The difference between proofreading and editing

    Dec 18, 2012
    4,454 views, English, uploaded by Thayenga

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 30.00

    A hierarquia dos tribunais e os recursos

    A hierarquia dos tribunais e os recursos

    Dec 13, 2012
    3,306 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Ana Luiza Iaria (X)

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Direito brasileiro e legislação

    Direito brasileiro e legislação

    Nov 21, 2012
    2,861 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Ana Luiza Iaria (X)

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Impariamo a tradurre i fumetti dal Tedesco

    Impariamo a tradurre i fumetti dal Tedesco

    Nov 2, 2012
    2,853 views, Italian, uploaded by Vittoria Barbieri

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Be Special III: Standing Out in the Language Services Industry

    Be Special III: Standing Out in the Language Services Industry

    Oct 25, 2012
    3,033 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: XX minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    IT Security For Translators – Mobile Security Track

    IT Security For Translators – Mobile Security Track

    Oct 24, 2012
    3,052 views, English, uploaded by Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Optimiser vos revenus en prenant le contrôle de votre stratégie de prix

    Optimiser vos revenus en prenant le contrôle de votre stratégie de prix

    Oct 17, 2012
    3,324 views, French, uploaded by Soyculto

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Boost Your Business With Email

    Boost Your Business With Email

    Oct 16, 2012
    3,321 views, English, uploaded by Joy Mo

    Duration: 85 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Génération de Demande en ligne: Trouver de nouveaux clients via le web

    Génération de Demande en ligne: Trouver de nouveaux clients via le web

    Oct 16, 2012
    2,870 views, French, uploaded by Alessandra Martelli (X)

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Πώς να χρησιμοποιήσετε το διαδίκτυο ως λεξικό/θησαυρό/γλωσσάριο

    Πώς να χρησιμοποιήσετε το διαδίκτυο ως λεξικό/θησαυρό/γλωσσάριο

    Oct 10, 2012
    4,399 views, Greek, uploaded by Irene Koukia

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    MT 103: The social aspect of healthcare – language difficulties related to disease prevention and education

    MT 103: The social aspect of healthcare – language difficulties related to disease prevention and education

    Sep 19, 2012
    3,229 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    MT 102: Medical Translation – Healthcare and Health Insurance

    MT 102: Medical Translation – Healthcare and Health Insurance

    Sep 12, 2012
    3,018 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    MT 101: Medical Translation – Multiple translation content and formats

    MT 101: Medical Translation – Multiple translation content and formats

    Sep 7, 2012
    3,410 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Introduction to Medical Terminology: Endocrine and urinary systems, male and female reproductive systems.

    Introduction to Medical Terminology: Endocrine and urinary systems, male and female reproductive systems.

    Aug 28, 2012
    3,450 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 210 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 99.00

    Anatomy for Pharmaceutical Translators: Integumentary and gastrointestinal systems

    Anatomy for Pharmaceutical Translators: Integumentary and gastrointestinal systems

    Aug 22, 2012
    3,041 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 99.00

    Free Webinar on Upcoming Series on Localization of Images and Graphics

    Free Webinar on Upcoming Series on Localization of Images and Graphics

    Aug 14, 2012
    2,835 views, English, uploaded by Mauricio Coitiño

    Duration: 40 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, skeletal and muscular systems.

    Cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, skeletal and muscular systems.

    Aug 11, 2012
    3,656 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 190 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 99.00

    Anatomy for Pharmaceutical Translators: Brain and nervous system, respiratory system, sensory system

    Anatomy for Pharmaceutical Translators: Brain and nervous system, respiratory system, sensory system

    Aug 7, 2012
    3,912 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 200 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 99.00

    Free Webinar on Upcoming 4 series Course on Introduction to Medical Terminology

    Free Webinar on Upcoming 4 series Course on Introduction to Medical Terminology

    Aug 1, 2012
    3,021 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 40 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Creating a Great First Impression

    Creating a Great First Impression

    Jul 24, 2012
    3,228 views, English, uploaded by Marcela Jenney-Reyes

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 35.00

    Подготовка файлов к переводу

    Подготовка файлов к переводу

    Jul 6, 2012
    3,455 views, Russian, uploaded by Iryna Lebedyeva

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 12.00

    Come tradurre acronimi e abbreviazioni nel settore medico

    Come tradurre acronimi e abbreviazioni nel settore medico

    Jul 4, 2012
    3,174 views, Italian, uploaded by Sabrina Leone

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Traducteurs débutants: 50 erreurs à ne pas commettre

    Traducteurs débutants: 50 erreurs à ne pas commettre

    Jul 4, 2012
    4,099 views, French, uploaded by Irène Guinez

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 23.00

    Machine Translation Post-Editing – Learning about it may turn this \

    Machine Translation Post-Editing – Learning about it may turn this \

    Jul 3, 2012
    2,857 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 18.00

    Базовый комплект ПО для начинающего переводчика

    Базовый комплект ПО для начинающего переводчика

    Jun 22, 2012
    3,031 views, Russian, uploaded by Iryna Lebedyeva

    Во время сессии участники тренинга познакомятся с базовым ПО, необходимым для профессиональной переводческой деятельности.

    Тренер сделает общий обзор следующего ПО:

    - стандартных приложений,
    - приложений, помогающих на этапе допереводной обработки файлов,
    - программ для ведения статистики и менеджмента,
    - приложений для автоматизации процесса перевода и пр.

    Внимание: Мы рекомендуем вам подождать, пока видео не загрузится полностью, прежде чем начать просмотр видеоролика, особенно если у вас медленное подключение к сети Интернет.

    Price: $ 12.00

    Corso approfondito sulla traduzione farmaceutica

    Corso approfondito sulla traduzione farmaceutica

    Jun 12, 2012
    3,208 views, Italian, uploaded by Sabrina Leone

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Corso approfondito sulla traduzione medica

    Corso approfondito sulla traduzione medica

    Jun 5, 2012
    3,589 views, Italian, uploaded by Sabrina Leone

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Amplíe y consolide los conocimientos sobre el correcto uso del español

    Amplíe y consolide los conocimientos sobre el correcto uso del español

    May 22, 2012
    3,790 views, Spanish, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    Price: $ 25.00

    PD 103: Can you learn to become a reviewer? Guidelines and practical steps to perform the job of a reviewer

    PD 103: Can you learn to become a reviewer? Guidelines and practical steps to perform the job of a reviewer

    May 14, 2012
    4,221 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    PD 102: Today’s Translation environment – Tools and procedures to take advantage of!

    PD 102: Today’s Translation environment – Tools and procedures to take advantage of!

    May 8, 2012
    4,188 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Official Document Translation: Creating an Important Translation Specialty II

    Official Document Translation: Creating an Important Translation Specialty II

    May 8, 2012
    3,324 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    PD 101: Scope of the translator’s role – purposes and expectations, tools, procedures and technologies for each step

    PD 101: Scope of the translator’s role – purposes and expectations, tools, procedures and technologies for each step

    May 8, 2012
    3,982 views, English, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    The Language of Legal Correspondence: Reading and Understanding Legal Communications

    The Language of Legal Correspondence: Reading and Understanding Legal Communications

    Apr 27, 2012
    3,899 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 120 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 99.00

    Primeros pasos como traductor profesional

    Primeros pasos como traductor profesional

    Apr 26, 2012
    3,442 views, Spanish, uploaded by Clarisa Moraña

    Duration: 165 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 45.00

    The Language of Contracts: Reading and Understanding Contracts

    The Language of Contracts: Reading and Understanding Contracts

    Apr 26, 2012
    2,904 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 115 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Recuento de palabras

    Recuento de palabras

    Apr 18, 2012
    3,297 views, Spanish, uploaded by Carolina Fryd (X)

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Starting your translator's career

    Starting your translator's career

    Apr 5, 2012
    3,378 views, English, uploaded by Irene Koukia

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Summary:A summary of initial steps that should be taken to enter translation industry successfully. You will learn what is needed to start your translation business; how to get customers without experience in translation; what requirements of the market are.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Grace and Charm for Linguists II - Dining Etiquette

    Grace and Charm for Linguists II - Dining Etiquette

    Apr 2, 2012
    3,093 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Summary: In this two-part presentation, learn how to use proper etiquette when networking with both direct clients, agencies and fellow linguists at seminars, conferences, dinner meetings and other networking events.

    Part II focuses on Dining Etiquette while the Part I focuses on Networking Etiquette.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Grace and Charm for Linguists I - Networking Etiquette

    Grace and Charm for Linguists I - Networking Etiquette

    Apr 2, 2012
    3,211 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Summary: In this two-part presentation, learn how to use proper etiquette when networking with both direct clients, agencies and fellow linguists at seminars, conferences, dinner meetings and other networking events.

    Part I focuses on Networking Etiquette while the Part II focuses on Dining Etiquette.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Online Lead Generation: Finding new clients in the web era

    Online Lead Generation: Finding new clients in the web era

    Apr 2, 2012
    3,793 views, English, uploaded by Soyculto

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Summary: Learn how to generate leads online and even more important how to convert them into clients. Understand the lead generation is a process which intends to capture a contact online; qualify (nurture) the new found lead and propose the best solution to convert to a client.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Corso sulla traduzione medica

    Corso sulla traduzione medica

    Apr 2, 2012
    3,677 views, Italian, uploaded by Sabrina Leone

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Corso sulla traduzione medica

    Corso sulla traduzione medica

    Apr 2, 2012
    2,836 views, Italian, uploaded by Sabrina Leone

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Summary: Il corso, realizzato per chi inizia a lavorare come traduttore, spiega come approcciarsi alla traduzione medica, scientifica e farmaceutica. Tutto questo è formulato per chi vuole iniziare a specializzarsi in questi settori specifici. Affronta i problemi della comparazione, interpretazione e traduzione di testi medici. Il Corso intende fornire ai partecipanti gli strumenti necessari per affrontare con competenza la mediazione linguistica in questo settore, attraverso l’approfondimento delle nozioni mediche fondamentali sia sotto il profilo concettuale che terminologico.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Arabic Diglossia and Its Practical Implications for Translation

    Arabic Diglossia and Its Practical Implications for Translation

    Mar 20, 2012
    4,066 views, English, uploaded by Carmen Cross

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Herramientas de Google para traductores. Google Apps y Google Sites: Construya su Web en un momento

    Herramientas de Google para traductores. Google Apps y Google Sites: Construya su Web en un momento

    Mar 20, 2012
    3,687 views, Spanish, uploaded by Moisés Jomarrón de la Cerda (X)

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Easy & Fun Project Management for the Freelancer in the 21st Century

    Easy & Fun Project Management for the Freelancer in the 21st Century

    Mar 14, 2012
    4,710 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Freelancer's Futuristics Series :  Managing Reputation for better income and more fulfilled professional and social life

    Freelancer's Futuristics Series : Managing Reputation for better income and more fulfilled professional and social life

    Mar 9, 2012
    3,032 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Online Reputation Management: Preserve & grow your most valuable asset

    Online Reputation Management: Preserve & grow your most valuable asset

    Mar 3, 2012
    3,512 views, English, uploaded by Soyculto

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Freelancer's Futuristics Series - Asset Building for Future : How to plan and work for your pension

    Freelancer's Futuristics Series - Asset Building for Future : How to plan and work for your pension

    Feb 24, 2012
    3,100 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Freelancer Futuristics Series - Leadership : From a worker to a Life-Designer or Li-Der - How to

    Freelancer Futuristics Series - Leadership : From a worker to a Life-Designer or Li-Der - How to

    Feb 21, 2012
    3,423 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    205 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Wills and Estates Law Terminology

    205 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Wills and Estates Law Terminology

    Feb 21, 2012
    3,553 views, English

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Freelancer Futuristics Series - Geopolitics: Future economies and their needs: How to use this for one\'s advantage?

    Freelancer Futuristics Series - Geopolitics: Future economies and their needs: How to use this for one\'s advantage?

    Feb 16, 2012
    2,936 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Freelancer Futuristics Series - Stress : Neuro-economic analysis and tips for self-discipline

    Freelancer Futuristics Series - Stress : Neuro-economic analysis and tips for self-discipline

    Feb 10, 2012
    3,045 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Summary: Do you want to analyse the workplace stress so that you can avoid productivity loss or complete burn-out ? Do you want stress to become a positive driver of your work and social life ?

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    204 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Real Estate Law Terminology

    204 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Real Estate Law Terminology

    Feb 10, 2012
    3,246 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Summary: Are you interested in working in the legal translation specialty area? Does your language pair(s) include English? If so, learn the meaning of English language legal terminology in order to better understand legal documents.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Price fixing strategies to optimize your revenues

    Price fixing strategies to optimize your revenues

    Feb 10, 2012
    3,148 views, English, uploaded by Soyculto

    Summary: Get your prices right to out-stand international and offshore competition! Understand how to control your revenues by developing and integrating a pricing strategy.

    Duration: 67 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Sesión 4: Control de calidad en localización de videojuegos (testing)

    Sesión 4: Control de calidad en localización de videojuegos (testing)

    Feb 10, 2012
    3,328 views, English, uploaded by Pablo Muñoz Sánchez

    Summary: En esta sesión estudiaremos los tipos de fallos (“bugs”) que podemos encontrar durante el control de calidad de la localización de videojuego, así como la forma en que deberíamos informar de los fallos al resto del equipo. El control de calidad es una fase clave de cualquier proyecto de localización de videojuegos, por lo que saber cómo hacerlo de forma efectiva será vital para asegurar la calidad final del producto.

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    203 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Family Law Terminology

    203 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Family Law Terminology

    Feb 7, 2012
    3,336 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Freelancer's Futuristics Series - Temptation: Unhealthy growth, Debt, Big idea, Leverage etc. Self - immunization

    Freelancer's Futuristics Series - Temptation: Unhealthy growth, Debt, Big idea, Leverage etc. Self - immunization

    Feb 3, 2012
    2,746 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Sesión 3: La creatividad en la localización de videojuegos

    Sesión 3: La creatividad en la localización de videojuegos

    Feb 2, 2012
    3,146 views, Spanish, uploaded by Pablo Muñoz Sánchez

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    202 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Commercial Law Terminology

    202 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Commercial Law Terminology

    Feb 1, 2012
    3,350 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Summary: Are you interested in working in the legal translation specialty area? Does your language pair(s) include English? If so, learn the meaning of English language legal terminology in order to better understand legal documents.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Sesión 2: Primeros pasos para localizar un videojuego

    Sesión 2: Primeros pasos para localizar un videojuego

    Jan 27, 2012
    3,259 views, English, uploaded by Pablo Muñoz Sánchez

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Finding Growth with Social Media... 30 minutes a day!

    Finding Growth with Social Media... 30 minutes a day!

    Jan 26, 2012
    3,460 views, English, uploaded by Soyculto

    Summary: Blogs, Proz, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, are just amazing tools to generate growth opportunities. Understand how to set them up and maintain them properly to serve your activity growth. It has no cost, just a 30 minutes a day effort!

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    201 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Patent Terminology

    201 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Patent Terminology

    Jan 24, 2012
    3,321 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Duration: 50 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Sesión 1: El proceso de localización de un videojuego

    Sesión 1: El proceso de localización de un videojuego

    Jan 18, 2012
    3,781 views, Spanish, uploaded by Pablo Muñoz Sánchez

    Duration: 60 minutes. Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Free Webinar on Upcoming 7 series Course : Preparing for the Future

    Free Webinar on Upcoming 7 series Course : Preparing for the Future

    Jan 13, 2012
    3,051 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Summary: This Free video is an official trailer of a seven series webinar course, spread of over almost two months and providing tips and actionable intelligence and do-able action plan on themes that affect freelancer's professional and personal lives.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Protocolos clínicos: práctica guiada de traducción médica del inglés al español, parte II

    Protocolos clínicos: práctica guiada de traducción médica del inglés al español, parte II

    Jan 12, 2012
    4,233 views, Spanish, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    C05: Understanding our innate TRIBAL MENTALITY (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    C05: Understanding our innate TRIBAL MENTALITY (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Dec 23, 2011
    3,877 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Summary: This workshop explores the evolution of the human brain and how humans have advanced complex system of communication, including the development of linguistic systems that can express an infinite variety of separate and distinct thoughts. It explores how different facets of our brain have evolved in time, and how many still coexist today inside our heads, being essential components of the mainframe of our being. They are the hardware by which we are wired to our perception of the world, and culture is all about how we humans perceive the world.

    Duration: 167 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    C04: Understanding the impact of HISPANICS in the current markets of North America

    C04: Understanding the impact of HISPANICS in the current markets of North America

    Dec 23, 2011
    3,234 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Duration: 85 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 40.00

    Interpreting: Consecutive Interpreting Level 1 (#In02V-180)

    Interpreting: Consecutive Interpreting Level 1 (#In02V-180)

    Dec 22, 2011
    3,299 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Summary: This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    T05: TIME MANAGEMENT for busy interpreters and other freelancers (in the Global Village of the 21 Century)

    T05: TIME MANAGEMENT for busy interpreters and other freelancers (in the Global Village of the 21 Century)

    Dec 16, 2011
    3,158 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Summary: This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    LinkedIn good practices for translators

    LinkedIn good practices for translators

    Dec 9, 2011
    3,400 views, English, uploaded by Anne Diamantidis

    Summary: LinkedIn is the number one business social network out there. In 2011, they passed the 100 millions users bar. As freelancers, it has become clear now that you need to be in there as well. But how? Get some keys in this webinar to take your career and your business to the next level!

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Measuring translation quality

    Measuring translation quality

    Dec 9, 2011
    3,914 views, English, uploaded by Allcorrect Group

    This training covers:
    - Approaches to translation quality.
    - What's the difference between assessing translation quality, assessing vendor competences, customer and end-user satisfaction, and observing workflow requirements.
    - How to use structured specifications for quality assessment.
    - How to select samples.
    - In-workflow vs. post-delivery assessment: best practices.
    - 1st-party, 2nd-party and 3rd-party assessment: best practices.
    - TQI (translation quality index): pro's and con's.
    - Use and limitations of existing translation quality metrics: SAE J2450, LISA QA Model 3.1, ATA Framework for Standard Error Marking.
    - Vendor competence assessment: marking errors and giving feedback.
    - How to motivate your project managers and vendors using translation quality as a KPI.

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Boost your use of Twitter

    Boost your use of Twitter

    Dec 9, 2011
    3,207 views, English, uploaded by Anne Diamantidis

    Summary: New to Twitter or already using it? Wondering how you can use it to enhance your business and your work? Twitter is probably the most underestimated social networking site out there, yet it is considered by many as the most powerful one in terms of networking and online reputation building/management.
    What exactly can Twitter do for you and for your freelance business? How can you harness this power to make the best use of it? What are the fine and tricky nuances of the Twitter (n)etiquette?
    Those are the main topics we'll cover during the webinar. Register now... and tweet about it! ;)

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Video games localization 103

    Video games localization 103

    Dec 8, 2011
    3,154 views, English, uploaded by Pablo Muñoz Sánchez

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Why you should seriously consider Google+ and Facebook marketing

    Why you should seriously consider Google+ and Facebook marketing

    Dec 6, 2011
    2,937 views, English, uploaded by Anne Diamantidis

    Summary: Learn about Facebook and Google+' features, capabilities and étiquette - learn about what they can do for you (and what they can't!) and see whether your translator marketing can benefit from them.

    Duration: 54 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Video games localization 104

    Video games localization 104

    Oct 28, 2011
    3,385 views, English, uploaded by Pablo Muñoz Sánchez

    Description: In this session, we will see what kind of bugs (errors) we can find when testing the localization of a video game, as well as how to report them effectively. Testing is a very important step in any localization project, so knowing what to report and how to do it is very important to ensure quality in any localization project.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    T02: Basic HEALTHCARE TERMINOLOGY (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    T02: Basic HEALTHCARE TERMINOLOGY (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Oct 28, 2011
    3,979 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Description: This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.
    The courses may be taken individually or as a progressive series of bundles, in real time online on scheduled dates, on dates scheduled at your request, or on-demand at your own pace in video format. Additionally, each participant who purchases a bundle will receive a free bonus lesson in project management plus a free one-on-one career-planning 1/2 hr session with Claudia (via Skype) to help you design your personalized roadmap to your professional future in the industry, or to discuss in detail any topic of particular interest to you.

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    Protocolos clínicos: práctica guiada de traducción médica del inglés al español, parte I

    Protocolos clínicos: práctica guiada de traducción médica del inglés al español, parte I

    Oct 27, 2011
    4,081 views, Spanish, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    T03: Basic LEGAL TERMINOLOGY (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    T03: Basic LEGAL TERMINOLOGY (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Oct 27, 2011
    3,557 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.

    The courses may be taken individually or as a progressive series of bundles, in real time online on scheduled dates, on dates scheduled at your request, or on-demand at your own pace in video format. Additionally, each participant who purchases a bundle will receive a free bonus lesson in project management plus a free one-on-one career-planning 1/2 hr session with Claudia (via Skype) to help you design your personalized roadmap to your professional future in the industry, or to discuss in detail any topic of particular interest to you.

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    Interpreting: Remote Interpreting Level 1 (#In03V-180)

    Interpreting: Remote Interpreting Level 1 (#In03V-180)

    Oct 27, 2011
    3,216 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Description: In 3 hours, open your world to a new profession as a telephone interpreter or/and videointerpreter. The market is estimated at 600 million in the US plus 400 million in the rest of the world, and growing by the day. If you speak two (or more) languages FLUENTLY, you may become a teleinterpreter or videointerpreter.

    Attendees will understand what over-the-phone-interpreting (OPI) entails, what remote video interpreting (RVI) is, and the skills and tools needed to develop an edge in these new professions. OPI and RVI are quickly replacing on-site interpreting to assist communication between doctors and patients, courtroom procedures, call centers and consumers, credit card companies and their users, insurance companies and claimants, investors and foreign partners, individuals in global social networks, and many others, including the public and government agencies.

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    SEO and PPC for translators: making yourself visible on the web with search engine marketing - First part (SEO)

    SEO and PPC for translators: making yourself visible on the web with search engine marketing - First part (SEO)

    Oct 27, 2011
    4,377 views, English, uploaded by Andrea Spila

    Description: * Introduction to Search Engine Optimisation: on page and off page SEO
    * Keyword research and choice
    * Online free tools and resources
    * On page SEO: writing optimized copy
    * Off page SEO: writing pages for link building
    * Workshop: analysis and optimization of attendees’ web pages

    Duration: 35 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    i04: Introduction to  HEALTHCARE INTERPRETING (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    i04: Introduction to HEALTHCARE INTERPRETING (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Oct 27, 2011
    3,235 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Description: This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.
    The courses may be taken individually or as a progressive series of bundles, in real time online on scheduled dates, on dates scheduled at your request, or on-demand at your own pace in video format. Additionally, each participant who purchases a bundle will receive a free bonus lesson in project management plus a free one-on-one career-planning 1/2 hr session with Claudia (via Skype) to help you design your personalized roadmap to your professional future in the industry, or to discuss in detail any topic of particular interest to you.

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    T01: Building your - non CAT - GLOSSARIES (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    T01: Building your - non CAT - GLOSSARIES (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Oct 21, 2011
    3,189 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Description: This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.

    Duration: 340 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Informed consents: práctica de traducción y corrección

    Informed consents: práctica de traducción y corrección

    Oct 20, 2011
    3,729 views, Spanish, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Description: Presentación de las partes que componen a esta documentación; explicación de los fines; análisis de las distintas dificultades que presenta cada parte (distintas jergas). Enfoque en la terminología más cuestionada y ejemplos prácticos. Guía de materiales de consulta.

    Duration: 65 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Fresh Freelancer Series 06: The art of bidding for fresh freelancers

    Fresh Freelancer Series 06: The art of bidding for fresh freelancers

    Oct 18, 2011
    3,405 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Description: How to become a winner in bidding sites and looking beyond the immediate project in the bidding market to build lasting relationship assets. Skills for short term liquidity to long term high-value asset building.

    Duration: 74 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Fresh Freelancer Series 05: CAT Tools, Machine Translation and Crowd Sourcing – How to navigate the complexity?

    Fresh Freelancer Series 05: CAT Tools, Machine Translation and Crowd Sourcing – How to navigate the complexity?

    Oct 18, 2011
    3,354 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Description: The Course is a navigator for freelancers in the domain of CAT Tools, Machine Translation and Crowdsourcing. The core objective is to achieve business success without being lost in the maze of terms, jargons and debate. A Freelancer would get a non-technical, non-intimidating and customer-centric perspective and exposure to these terms and processes. You would also have a perspective on how these developments can have impact on your career as the developments tend to become dominat trends.

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Fresh freelancer series 04: The art, science and commerce of pricing for a new freelancer

    Fresh freelancer series 04: The art, science and commerce of pricing for a new freelancer

    Oct 18, 2011
    3,312 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Description: Learn the art, science and commerce of designing your pricing and communicating this artfully and protecting your short and long term interest.

    Duration: 64 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Менеджмент, статистика, бухгалтерия переводчика-фрилансера

    Менеджмент, статистика, бухгалтерия переводчика-фрилансера

    Oct 6, 2011
    2,648 views, Russian, uploaded by Iryna Lebedyeva

    Price: $ 12.00

    Personal Branding 105: Genere más oportunidades de trabajo con estrategias de Networking avanzadas

    Personal Branding 105: Genere más oportunidades de trabajo con estrategias de Networking avanzadas

    Sep 29, 2011
    3,017 views, Spanish, uploaded by Soyculto

    Summary: Destáquese y sea recordado y llamado por clientes potenciales al usar estrategias avanzadas de networking. Encuentre más y mejores oportunidades al incorporar la actividad de networking en su día a día. Consolide, articule y potencie su presencia en línea como fuera de línea al conducir iniciativas de networking innovadoras.

    Duration: 66 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Fresh freelancer series 03: De-mystifying Quality using common sense and sense of the market

    Fresh freelancer series 03: De-mystifying Quality using common sense and sense of the market

    Sep 22, 2011
    3,261 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Summary: A no-nonsense and market-orientation of translation quality for new freelancers. The webinar stresses why linguistic quality is necessary but not sufficient for work and earning satisfaction. It introduces a home brewed, tested and simple quality model.

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Optimize your translation business management

    Optimize your translation business management

    Sep 21, 2011
    3,069 views, English, uploaded by Cedomir Pusica

    Summary: Learn how to easily optimize and customize your normal workflow to become more productive and effective.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Time management for freelancers

    Time management for freelancers

    Sep 21, 2011
    3,208 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Summary: Manage time (and deadlines) to have a present career with sufficient money and leisure.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 0.99

    Interpreting: Basics (#In01V-180)

    Interpreting: Basics (#In01V-180)

    Sep 20, 2011
    4,005 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Summary: Are you thinking of entering the language industry as a translator or interpreter? Are you a translator or interpreter needing to update the way you work in the 21st Century? Do you think you could benefit from stopping for a little while to think where you are going and where you could potentially be going? Would you like to have a relatively simple template to map your professional future? Then don’t miss this mind-boggling wake-up call to your future in the industry.

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    Social media marketing for translators: Do's and (mostly) Dont's

    Social media marketing for translators: Do's and (mostly) Dont's

    Sep 20, 2011
    4,389 views, English, uploaded by Anne Diamantidis

    Summary: Using social networks as a marketing tool and somewhat disappointed by the results? Or considering integrating social media as part of your branding strategy? Learn about some basic Do's and Don'ts when it comes to social media marketing on the main networks - Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook - but also Google +, the newbie in the social media playground.

    Duration: 65 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Personal Branding 105: Générez plus d’opportunités de travail en utilisant des stratégies de Networking avancées

    Personal Branding 105: Générez plus d’opportunités de travail en utilisant des stratégies de Networking avancées

    Sep 20, 2011
    3,327 views, French, uploaded by Soyculto

    Summary: Construisez et implémentez un plan de communication et de gestion de réseau avancé. Défendez votre message dans tous les contextes de networking. Synchronisez vos activités de networking.

    Duration: 66 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Be Special II: Standing Out in the Language Services Industry

    Be Special II: Standing Out in the Language Services Industry

    Sep 15, 2011
    3,603 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Summary: Become known! Brand yourself as the go-to person. Like any other industry, there is a lot of competition but there is still a lot of work, enough to go around. We are all unique, show who you are and let your clients love you!

    Duration: 55 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 25.00

    Video games localization 102

    Video games localization 102

    Sep 14, 2011
    3,862 views, English, uploaded by Pablo Muñoz Sánchez

    Duration: 73 minutes.

    For best results, please wait for the entire (or most) of the video to download before playing the video, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    This video cannot be downloaded to your computer, but you may watch it via stream from as often as you wish once purchased.

    Please leave feedback about this training course and help the community know about it. Provide feedback about this course and trainer »

    To work with training materials please come back to the webinar video page and follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Online Workshop C03: "CLAS" - PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Online Workshop C03: "CLAS" - PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Sep 13, 2011
    3,168 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Summary: This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.

    Duration: 180 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Personal Branding 103: Développez votre activité en tant qu’indépendant (ou agence) en optimisant votre profil sur LinkedIn

    Personal Branding 103: Développez votre activité en tant qu’indépendant (ou agence) en optimisant votre profil sur LinkedIn

    Sep 13, 2011
    3,577 views, French, uploaded by Soyculto

    Summary: Tirez le meilleur profit de LinkedIn pour que votre marque et votre profil d'expert soit trouvé et attire des opportunités (d'emploi). Découvrez la plateforme et a communauté LinkedIn. Développez et ajustez votre profil afin de le rendre plus attractif et "trouvable". Gérez et étendez votre réseau comme un professionnel afin de trouver les meilleures opportunités.

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Personal Branding 104: Mettez Twitter et Facebook de votre côté pour assurer votre succès professionnel

    Personal Branding 104: Mettez Twitter et Facebook de votre côté pour assurer votre succès professionnel

    Sep 13, 2011
    3,314 views, French, uploaded by Soyculto

    Summary: Optimisez votre profil de Facebook et votre activité sur ce réseau pour votre usage professionnel. Créez et maintenez des stratégies avancées dans les réseaux sociaux. Utilisez toutes les possibilités de networking offertes pour trouver de nouvelles opportunités.

    Duration: 65 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Video games localization 101

    Video games localization 101

    Sep 13, 2011
    4,533 views, English

    Summary: In this session, we will see all the phases that take place in a typical video game localization project. The first one is the so-called “internationalization”, which is actually part of the video game development requirements, as it is when potential localization issues are solved ahead of time, such as having fonts with characters of all languages or different date formats according to the locale. The next phases — familiarization, translation, reviewing, testing — will depend on whether we work as in-house or freelance translators, so we will analyze the differences between each model.

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Πως θα ξεκινήσω την καριέρα μου ως νέα μεταφράστρια/νέος μεταφραστής - Ενότητα 1

    Πως θα ξεκινήσω την καριέρα μου ως νέα μεταφράστρια/νέος μεταφραστής - Ενότητα 1

    Sep 13, 2011
    5,876 views, Greek, uploaded by Irene Koukia

    Summary: Μια συνοπτική παρουσίαση των αρχικών βημάτων που θα πρέπει να γίνουν για την επιτυχή ένταξη στην αγορά εργασίας. Τι χρειάζομαι, που θα το βρω, τι θα μου κοστίσει. Πως θα αποκτήσω πελατεία ως νέα ελεύθερη/νέος ελεύθερος επαγγελματίας με τον μικρότερο δυνατό προϋπολογισμό. Ποιες είναι οι απαιτήσεις της αγοράς και πως μπορώ να αντεπεξέλθω με τα μικρότερα δυνατά έξοδα, τουλάχιστον στην αρχή.

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    C02: "CLAS" HEALTHCARE STANDARDS (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    C02: "CLAS" HEALTHCARE STANDARDS (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Aug 26, 2011
    3,195 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Summary: This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.

    These effervescent CLAS Workshops are brief and intensive, emphasizing problem-solving. They are packed with ready-to-use tips and resources to start or expand your skills and productivity in our culturally diverse global village of the 21st century. Novel information is provided, along with useful tools to render culturally and linguistically appropriate services, specially in the healthcare industry, but generally in any other field, such as legal, financial, technical and business settings.

    Duration: 170 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    Personal Branding 102: Faites en sorte que le travail vous trouve en vous créant une réputation d’expert

    Personal Branding 102: Faites en sorte que le travail vous trouve en vous créant une réputation d’expert

    Aug 25, 2011
    3,868 views, French, uploaded by Soyculto

    Summary: Passez en mode "Proactif" en vous construisant une réputation d'expert et faites en sorte que les emplois vous trouvent.
    Identifiez ce qui fait de vous un professionnel unique et comprenez ce que vous devez développer pour être reconnu comme l'expert que vous êtes.
    Créez et activez un plan de communication pour que votre marque personnelle soit connue et considérée par les décideurs qui ont les emplois que vous visez

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Fresh Freelancer Series 01: How does a Language Service Provider Agency (LSPA) Work ?

    Fresh Freelancer Series 01: How does a Language Service Provider Agency (LSPA) Work ?

    Aug 23, 2011
    3,020 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    Summary: or a start-up or fresh freelancer, understanding the inner workings of an agency amounts to tremendous return on investment. Here investment implies time, effort, money and engagement. You will learn from someone who started essentially as a freelancer translator / writer a decade back and has been running an agency for last six years.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Online Workshop C01: CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Online Workshop C01: CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

    Aug 23, 2011
    3,732 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Summary: Do you want to maximize your skills and perspectives in a world dominated by globalization? Do you want to increase your cultural knowledge to improve the quality of your communication? Do you want to prevent costly or unproductive miscommunications caused by cultural barriers? If so, don’t miss this event!

    This 3 hour workshop on cultural diversity explores the way communication is affected by race, ethnicity, age, gender, customs, social class, physical and mental ability, religious or spiritual background, and even geography, climate, history, social class and family occupation.

    Duration: 160 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 40.00

    Official Document Translation: Creating an Important Translation Specialty

    Official Document Translation: Creating an Important Translation Specialty

    Aug 19, 2011
    3,498 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Summary: In highly multicultural countries such as Canada and many others, thousands of immigrants arrive in the country each year, bringing foreign qualifications and other documents for accreditation in their adopted home. For translators, the translation of these foreign language documents can comprise a unique niche for translators seeking a new specialty area. This course is 60 minutes.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Personal Branding 101: Construisez-vous un profil d’expert en ligne pour trouver plus de travail

    Personal Branding 101: Construisez-vous un profil d’expert en ligne pour trouver plus de travail

    Aug 18, 2011
    3,540 views, French

    Summary: Obtenez plus et de meilleurs jobs en apparaissant et en contrôlant ce qui est dit à votre sujet dans Google et les autres moteurs de recherche.
    Construisez votre réputation en ligne et soyez considérer comme un expert dans votre domaine en utilisant les techniques de Personal Branding (développement de marque personnelle). Optimiser vos profils dans les réseaux sociaux tels que LinkedIn, Proz (et autres) afin de voir les job vous trouvez (et non l'inverse).

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Administração do Tempo

    Administração do Tempo

    Jul 27, 2011
    3,300 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Angela Rocha

    Summary: Conteúdo Programático

    - Conheça o seu tempo
    - Administração do Tempo = Produtividade = Qualidade de Vida
    - Metas Pessoais e Profissionais
    - Principais causas de desperdício do tempo
    - Ladrões do tempo
    - Importante X Urgente
    - Como poupar tempo

    Duration: approx. 80 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Marketing Pessoal

    Marketing Pessoal

    Jul 15, 2011
    5,096 views, Portuguese, uploaded by Angela Rocha

    Summary: Conhecer um conjunto de ações planejadas para identificar, desenvolver e sustentar uma melhor imagem de si mesmo e conseguir o sucesso. São ações que visam melhorar desde pensamentos e atitudes, até a apresentação e a comunicação, além da ética e da capacidade de se auto motivar e de motivar pessoas a sua volta.

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Localization online course - part 1: theory

    Localization online course - part 1: theory

    Jul 12, 2011
    3,782 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Alvis


    • Introduction to localization
    • Internacinalization
    • Website localization
    • Quality assessment
    • Tools for localization
    • Languages and cultures
    • Documentation
    • Translation memories and machine translation
    • Short review of a case of study
    • Q&A session

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 45.00

    MET Police Test Revision Advice. Part 2

    MET Police Test Revision Advice. Part 2

    Jul 8, 2011
    3,311 views, English, uploaded by Ania Heasley

    * Simultaneous interpreting practice, sample text read simulating exam conditions
    * Sight translation overview, practice and sample texts
    * Written Assessment
    * Technical Translation - types of text, how to prepare, resources and advice
    * Translation of the Stament
    * Retakes

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    MET Police Test Revision Advice. Part 1

    MET Police Test Revision Advice. Part 1

    Jul 7, 2011
    3,352 views, English, uploaded by Ania Heasley


  • Format of the Assessment
  • What happens during the assessment
  • Oral assessment step by step overview
  • Consecutive Interpreting role play practice phrases
  • Statement taking overview
  • Statement taking practice advice
  • Note taking
  • Simultaneous interpreting overview
  • Glossaries; why and how to build your own glossary

    Duration: 80 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

  • Localization online course - part 2: practice

    Localization online course - part 2: practice

    Jul 7, 2011
    3,376 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Alvis

    Course program:

    • General introduction: Localization aplied to translation and quality control after translation
    • Presentation and translation of a practical case - translation.
    • Introduction to the process of localization for translators.
    • Reception of content from the client. Issues to discuss with the client before starting.
    • Preparatin before translation (terminology guides, files formats, word count, fussy matches to translators advantage, time management, QA during translation, etc) and much more.

    Duration: 160 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 45.00

    Методы обработки и перевода чертежей и схем, созданных в Visio и AutoCAD

    Методы обработки и перевода чертежей и схем, созданных в Visio и AutoCAD

    Jul 6, 2011
    4,391 views, Russian, uploaded by Iryna Lebedyeva

    В ходе тренинга будут рассмотрены основные принципы работы с графическими приложениями Visio и AutoCAD, а также способы автоматизации перевода.

    Краткий план тренинга:

    1) программные области, интересующие переводчика
    2) группировка/разгруппировка объектов для работы с текстом
    3) возможность обработки однотипных чертежей при помощи CAT-приложений
    4) обработка графических объектов, встроенных в Word

    Внимание: Мы рекомендуем вам подождать, пока видео не загрузится полностью, прежде чем начать просмотр видеоролика, особенно если у вас медленное подключение к сети Интернет.

    Price: $ 12.00

    Working for the police and courts in the UK

    Working for the police and courts in the UK

    Jun 21, 2011
    3,290 views, English, uploaded by Ania Heasley

    Summary: Learn about the legal background of working for the police and courts in the UK, rather than any other Public Service Provider, as well as about typical assignments, MPS recruitment process, interpreting at court, remote (telephone and video link) interpreting in the legal sector and more.

    Duration: 75 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    What Every Medical Interpreter Needs To Know To Get Certified

    What Every Medical Interpreter Needs To Know To Get Certified

    Jun 21, 2011
    3,282 views, English, uploaded by Eric Candle

    Summary: Do you want to distinguish yourself from your colleagues, raise the standards of the medical interpreting profession and contribute to reducing the risks of working with non-qualified interpreters? The Solution is here! Find out what you need to become a Certified Medical Interpreter (CMI) in the U.S. Learn how to start professional Job/Task Analysis of medical interpreters in your own country to bring the Certification home.

    Duration: 51 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Personal Branding 104: Use Twitter & Facebook para su éxito profesional

    Personal Branding 104: Use Twitter & Facebook para su éxito profesional

    Jun 13, 2011
    3,382 views, Spanish, uploaded by Soyculto

    Use las redes sociales más famosas (Facebook y Twitter) para impulsar su carrera profesional. Optimize sus perfiles Facebook y twitter para promocionar su actividad ante sus amigos y contactos para que lo recomienden. Encuentre y conéctentese con clientes y colegas al utilizar Twitter como un profesional.

    Temas a tratar en la presentación:

    • Optimice su perfil de Facebook y su actividad en la red para un uso profesional
    • Cree una cuenta de Twitter de alto impacto.
    • Haga que su red de contactos lo promocione
    • Desarrolle estrategias de manejo de redes sociales avanzadas

    Duration: 65 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Working as Public Services Interpreter in the UK. Part 2

    Working as Public Services Interpreter in the UK. Part 2

    Jun 8, 2011
    3,305 views, English, uploaded by Ania Heasley

    This video will give guidance on how to progress your career as a public service interpreter in the UK:
    # Professional development and building your own client base
    # Progression to bilingual advocacy as an option
    # NRPSI and how to get on it
    # How government cuts might be good for your workload
    # Who to approach and how
    # Education
    # Ethnic Minority Achievement Teams
    # Managers
    # NHS
    # Local Government (Housing)
    # DWP (Jobcentre Plus)
    # Social Services, including Child Protection
    # Customs and Excise
    # Probation Service
    # Prisons Service

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Software translation and localization for translators

    Software translation and localization for translators

    May 31, 2011
    3,434 views, English, uploaded by Tess Whitty

    This video will explain software localization and the translator's role in the process, the difference between translation and localization, present some of the most popular software localization tools, including pro's and con's with each of them and what mistakes you should avoid when localizing software.

    Duration: 43 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Hispanics in the 21st Century - The New Face of America

    Hispanics in the 21st Century - The New Face of America

    May 11, 2011
    3,626 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Learn the statistics and important cultural information about the Hispanic market, to use this information as your competitive edge. Use this knowledge to help your current (or future clients) understand the importance of reaching millions of Spanish-speakers in the US and Latin America who are potential users of their products and services (for example translating their web sites and corporate brochures a crucial part of reaching audiences in markets where the target reader may be using search engines in Spanish). This 45-minute course is full of statistical and cultural information about the Hispanic market, and provides important reference materials.

    Duration: 65 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Start Creating Your Glossaries - Easy and ready-to-use tools

    Start Creating Your Glossaries - Easy and ready-to-use tools

    May 10, 2011
    3,865 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    In 90 minutes, you will learn a basic methodology to search for terms, create a glossary, gradually accumulate, increase and perfect it; you will also acquire simple tools to enter and retrieve information, change and update it; you will gain information on what, when, and how to do it.

    You will understand the concepts of unidirectional and bidirectional glossaries and their vital role in the world of translation and interpretation; and you will practice creating your personalized template of an electronic and visual bilingual glossary that you may later use online or in print for your own translations and interpretation, or to share with your client’s personnel.

    Duration: 90 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Seamos imprescindibles para el cliente: de la calidad a la fidelización

    Seamos imprescindibles para el cliente: de la calidad a la fidelización

    May 4, 2011
    3,754 views, Spanish, uploaded by Clarisa Moraña

    En una traducción, un excelente trabajo lingüístico y de investigación terminológica puede perder en calidad si se obvían unos pequeños y simples pasos que, de hacerlos, consumen poco tiempo y dan como resultado un producto impecable. En esta presentación se abordarán diversos aspectos que se deben tener en cuenta antes, durante y después del proceso de traducción para entregar un trabajo de excelente calidad que satisfaga de tal manera al cliente que éste quiera volver a contratarnos y, con el tiempo, le resultemos imprescindibles. Además de incluir algunos aspectos de sentido común y otros que pueden pasar desapercibidos, se hará referencia a las herramientas informáticas que pueden ayudarnos en esta tarea.

    Duration: 76 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    HTML per traduttori

    HTML per traduttori

    Apr 22, 2011
    3,422 views, Italian, uploaded by Andrea Spila

    Il video corso ha l'obiettivo di presentare le nozioni di base relative all'HTML ai traduttori interessati a conoscere il funzionamento di questo linguaggio di marcatura per migliorare le proprie competenze nella traduzione di pagine web e nel web writing.

    • Breve storia del web
    • Che cos'è l'HTML?
    • Caratteristiche dell'HTML
    • Elementi dell'HTML
    • Tag e attributi dell'HTML
    • La mia prima pagina HTML
    • Heading: i metatag
    • Heading: altri tag
    • Tag di formattazione
    • Paragrafi
    • Elenchi
    • Immagini
    • Tabelle
    • Link ipertestuali

    Duration: 70 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Web writing per traduttori

    Web writing per traduttori

    Apr 19, 2011
    3,438 views, Italian, uploaded by Andrea Spila

  • Leggere e scrivere sul web
    o Ricerche sulla lettura online
    o Ricerche sull'usabilità
    o Motori di ricerca e lettori umani

  • Lo stile del web
    o Scrivere per essere trovati: parole chiave, formattazione e codice HTML
    o Scrivere interfacce facili da usare: menu, pulsanti, link
    o Scrivere un ambiente confortevole: gergo, formalità, identità

    Duration: 82 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

  • 105 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Wills and Estates Law Terminology

    105 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Wills and Estates Law Terminology

    Apr 7, 2011
    3,770 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    This 5-part course is taught by a Canadian lawyer-linguist as the first step in understanding English legal terminology. It is designed for freelancers who are beginning to work in the legal translation. At the end of this course attendees will have increased knowledge with regard to English language legal structures and specific terminology found in various legal documents.

    Duration: 54 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Audio (and Video) Translation Basics

    Audio (and Video) Translation Basics

    Mar 31, 2011
    3,907 views, English, uploaded by José Henrique Lamensdorf

    This training program is an improved spinoff from his presentation (originally in Portuguese) at the "Segunda Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do" in São Paulo, Brazil. 2010.

    Duration: 50 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Privacy and Confidentiality in the Translation Industry of the 21st Century

    Privacy and Confidentiality in the Translation Industry of the 21st Century

    Mar 30, 2011
    3,488 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    Privacy and Confidentiality are cornerstone concepts in the translation and interpreting industry. In a world of electronic communication, individual translators and interpreters, as well as agencies, must be able to assure their clients that they are taking every action in their power to protect the privacy and confidentiality of their information and materials, especially in healthcare settings. This 45-minute course presents a quick overview of the fundamentals of confidentiality in business and government, and provides easy and ready-to-use tools to ensure compliance with the basic requirements for online, financial and - especially - medical privacy.

    104 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Real Estate Law Terminology

    104 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Real Estate Law Terminology

    Mar 25, 2011
    4,649 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    This is the 5th final webinar in the webinar series taught by a Canadian lawyer-linguist. It is designed for freelancers who are beginning to work in the legal translation. At the end of this course attendees will have increased knowledge with regard to English language legal structures and specific terminology found in various legal documents.

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    103 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Family Law Terminology

    103 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Family Law Terminology

    Mar 18, 2011
    4,064 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    This is the third video out of 5-part course is taught by a Canadian lawyer-linguist as the first step in understanding English legal terminology. It is designed for freelancers who are beginning to work in the legal translation. At the end of this course attendees will have increased knowledge with regard to English language legal structures and specific terminology found in various legal documents.

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Personal Branding 104: Get Twitter and Facebook Up And Running For Your Professional Success

    Personal Branding 104: Get Twitter and Facebook Up And Running For Your Professional Success

    Mar 18, 2011
    3,588 views, English, uploaded by Soyculto

    Use the most famous social networks (Facebook and Twitter) to boost your professional career. Optimize your Facebook and twitter profiles to promote your activity among your friends and have them referring you. Find and connect with prospects, clients, colleagues using twitter as a pro.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Personal Branding 105: Generate More Jobs Opportunities with Advanced Networking Strategies

    Personal Branding 105: Generate More Jobs Opportunities with Advanced Networking Strategies

    Mar 17, 2011
    3,561 views, English, uploaded by Soyculto

    Get noticed, remembered and called by potential employers using Advanced Networking strategies. Find more and better opportunities as you integrate the networking activity in your everyday life. Consolidate, Articulate and potentiate your online and offline presence conducing innovative networking initiatives.

    Topics to be covered during the presentation:

    • Organizing your communication to Get noticed, remembered and called by potential employers
    • Extending your network by conducing innovative actions
    • Promoting your message efficiently in each networking context
    • Synchronizing your Online and Offline networking activities
    • Going beyond the personal fears to Act on Advanced Networking Strategies

    Price: $ 15.00

    Healthcare Translation & Interpretation in the USA

    Healthcare Translation & Interpretation in the USA

    Mar 16, 2011
    3,241 views, English, uploaded by Claudia Brauer

    This 90-minute session will explain the profession of medical translators and interpreters in the USA. Healthcare interpreters and translators provide language services to healthcare patients with limited English proficiency, helping them to communicate with doctors, nurses, and other emergency room, medical and hospital staff, and convert into the target language the needed forms, brochures and other patient materials issued by hospitals, doctors’ offices and medical facilities.

    This introduction will explain the basic elements to enter the growing field of medical interpreting and translation, understand the roles, responsibilities and boundaries, explore the challenges and ethical dilemmas, study specific techniques needed to ensure accuracy, and the concepts, skills and knowledge needed to pursue certification. It will also review the importance of medical terminology, as well as the legal environment created by HIPAA and Executive Order 13166 “Improving access to services for persons with Limited English Proficiency”.

    Duration: 92 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    102 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Commercial Law Terminology

    102 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Commercial Law Terminology

    Mar 15, 2011
    4,400 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    This 5-part course is taught by a Canadian lawyer-linguist as the first step in understanding English legal terminology. It is designed for freelancers who are beginning to work in the legal translation. At the end of this course attendees will have increased knowledge with regard to English language legal structures and specific terminology found in various legal documents.

    Duration: 60 minutes.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    101 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Patent Terminology

    101 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Patent Terminology

    Mar 4, 2011
    5,269 views, English, uploaded by Suzanne Deliscar

    Are you interested in working in the legal translation specialty area? Does your language pair(s) include English? If so, learn the meaning of English language legal terminology in order to better understand legal documents.

    This is the first video out of 5 courses series is taught by a Canadian lawyer-linguist as the first step in understanding English legal terminology. It is designed for freelancers who are beginning to work in the legal translation. At the end of this course attendees will have increased knowledge with regard to English language legal structures and specific terminology found in various legal documents.

    Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Traducción médica: abordaje terminológico para la iniciación del traductor especializado

    Traducción médica: abordaje terminológico para la iniciación del traductor especializado

    Feb 16, 2011
    4,456 views, Spanish, uploaded by Luciana Ramos

    Esta presentación se enfoca en el reconocimiento de los vocablos y sus componentes en el campo de la medicina; la formación de palabras; advertencias sobre errores frecuentes; las diferencias entre sufijos y prefijos de confusa similitud; la morfología de las palabras y su significado. Exposición y explicación de terminología frecuente en diagnóstico; cirugía; sintomatología; etc. Se espera que el traductor desarrolle una capacidad de comprensión más profunda de la terminología mediante el análisis de sus componentes.

    Duración: 60 minutos

    Price: $ 15.00

    Boost your productivity now

    Boost your productivity now

    Feb 15, 2011
    3,520 views, English, uploaded by Konstantin Kisin

    Summary: In this presentation, Konstantin Kisin will show you how to get more done in less time and shares his experience of learning to do twice the work in half the time.

    Duration:60 minutes

    The on-demand course is no longer available for purchase.

    You can still purchase the courses below:

    Succeed at
    Making More Money: Present Yourself Professionally to Attract Clients
    Making More Money: Negotiation & Communication Skills
    Making More Money: Translate More, More Easily
    Making More Money: Build Win-Win Relationships with Clients
    Starting Out as a Freelance Translator
    Train the Trainer
    Advanced Train the Trainer

    Boosting your productivity: tips and tools for translators

    Boosting your productivity: tips and tools for translators

    Feb 1, 2011
    3,799 views, English, uploaded by Fabio Salsi

    The course will look at the factors that impact productivity, identify areas having a bigger impact, provide tips and show tools that can dramatically increase translators productivity.

    Topics to be covered in the presentation:

    • Advantages of increased productivity
    • Improvement areas: specialization, tools, working habits, automatization
    • How to measure productivity
    • Tips: mail management
    • Practical examples: automatizing backups, file handling and file delivery

    Duration: 72 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Free and inexpensive productivity tools - part 2

    Free and inexpensive productivity tools - part 2

    Jan 27, 2011
    3,970 views, English, uploaded by Hynek Palatin

    Learn how to increase your productivity with several free or very inexpensive software tools for Windows.

    Based on his own experience, freelance translator Hynek Palatin will introduce 5 extremely useful tools that you can start using immediately to:

    * Access Google Translate directly from most Windows applications
    * Organize frequently used text snippets and save keystrokes by expanding text abbreviations
    * Find a better way to manage your passwords than those yellow sticky notes around your monitor
    * Redefine shortcut keys and automate frequent tasks in your translation environment
    * Search your bilingual translation files, glossaries and translation memories instantly

    Price: $ 15.00

    Free and inexpensive productivity tools - part 1

    Free and inexpensive productivity tools - part 1

    Jan 19, 2011
    4,516 views, English, uploaded by Hynek Palatin

    The on-demand course is no longer available for purchase.

    You can still purchase the courses below:

    Succeed at
    Making More Money: Present Yourself Professionally to Attract Clients
    Making More Money: Negotiation & Communication Skills
    Making More Money: Translate More, More Easily
    Making More Money: Build Win-Win Relationships with Clients
    Starting Out as a Freelance Translator
    Train the Trainer
    Advanced Train the Trainer

    Price: $ 15.00

    Course for buyers of translation or localization.

    Course for buyers of translation or localization.

    Jan 17, 2011
    5,021 views, English, uploaded by Santiago Cuartas

    This video course will examine various topics to keep in mind when buying services from language services providers. The benefits of localizing your company's website/products/marketing collateral can be huge to your company's bottom line. This video aims to maximize these benefits by helping you be aware of different areas that can impact the success and cost of a translation and localization initiative.

    Duration: 40 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Iniciación a la traducción médica con Luciana Ramos

    Iniciación a la traducción médica con Luciana Ramos

    Dec 15, 2010
    5,366 views, Spanish, uploaded by Sales Admin

    Iniciación práctica a la traducción médica con generalidades aplicables a cualquier rama de la medicina, pero con un enfoque y conceptos directamente relacionados con la cardiología.
    Esta presentación de 1 hora, es una iniciación práctica a la traducción médica, con generalidades aplicables a cualquier rama de la medicina, pero con un enfoque y conceptos directamente relacionados con la cardiología. Se describen y explican componentes y procesos básicos del aparato cardiovascular, y se presentan algunas dificultades terminológicas frecuentes..
    La sesión se dictará en español, con ejemplos en el par inglés-español..
    Temas a tratar:.
    • Anatomía del corazón;.
    • funcionamiento básico del aparato cardiovascular;.
    • vasos sanguíneos;.
    • trastornos relacionados con este aparato;.
    • registro terminológico;.
    • acrónimos;.
    • recursos para el traductor.
    Duración: 60 mintos.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Localisation Project Management - Project execution

    Localisation Project Management - Project execution

    Sep 16, 2010
    3,631 views, English, uploaded by Soledad Azcona

    This is the sixth presentation in a series of six 75 minute instructor-led modules to give localisation professionals an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The series is designed for people whose job it is to manage localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance as soon as they return to the workplace.

    What is it about?

    The content of the sixth module is outlined below. The instructor will present each module in 45 – 60 minutes, illustrating the points with examples from his experience.

    Module 6. Project execution

    The final module in this series deals with the reality that all projects face – despite the detailed planning that needs to go into a successful project, there are always unforeseen issues. We will discuss how to deal with this reality, right throughout the project, so that we can still have successful outcomes. The key topics covered are:

    • The best laid plans
    • Re-planning. Responding to new requests
    • Adding new projects
    • Re-budgeting. Project reviews
    • Lessons Learned*

    *A feature of the workshop is the “Lesson Learned” section which summarises the key points and learnings at the end of each module.

    What will I get out of it?

    Participants will get an outline of a simple effective framework to help them manage projects more successfully.

    Duration: 75 minutes

    Price: $ 15.00

    Diversification for Freelancers : More Money and New Skills

    Diversification for Freelancers : More Money and New Skills

    Sep 6, 2010
    4,105 views, English, uploaded by Pritam Bhattacharyya

    The course enables established and upcoming freelancers experiment and practice new diversifications strategies. Once artfully deployed, these strategies generate :

    1. More money
    2. More flexible work schedules
    3. Variation in work
    4. Learning new skills and making new connections

    Target audience
    1. Established freelancers
    2. Exploring the freelance arena from the periphery
    3. Agency owners of small agencies who have already established supply chains for translation services but are unaware of the hidden value in the supply chains for other diversified products and services
    4. Trainers
    5. Writers on freelancing, translation and translation industry

    Learning objectives
    The trainer takea cue from his own and other's actual experience in thinking out and implementing the strategies: 1. The need and opportunities of diversification for target audience
    2. Transforming diversification into increased financial gain, flexible working schedule, honing one's unknown and unknowable (untill you practice) skills and inner potential.
    3. Variety and multi-skilled work-life with balance
    4. Few areas of diversification : content, cultural consulting, writing, language training, teaching, authoring and others, like cultural detective work.
    5. Practical, do-able and already experimented strategies for diversification in the above areas and more.
    1. Moderate to high level of exposure to freelancing, online business
    2. Ownership of an intangible called curiosity, to do other things, to learn new skills
    3. Interest to practice something outside one's existing workzones and desire to transform this into income and further augmentation of skills
    4. Wish to learn new skills and be out of one's comfort zone

    1. Why diversification?
    2. How do I do this?
    3. In which area?
    4. Area specific examples and skills
    5. Benefits, challenges and art of balance

    Duration: 70 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Localisation Project Management - Communication

    Localisation Project Management - Communication

    Sep 6, 2010
    3,516 views, English, uploaded by Tom Connolly

    This is the fifth presentation in a series of six 75 minute instructor-led modules to give localisation professionals an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The series is designed for people whose job it is to manage localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance as soon as they return to the workplace.

    What is it about? The content of the first module is outlined below. The instructor will present each module in 45 – 60 minutes, illustrating the points with examples from his experience.

    Module 5. Communication In this module we deal with the basic principles of communication between project participants, and the role the project manager needs to play to ensure that good communication happens. The key topics covered are:

    • The basics of communication
    • Tools used today – when to use tools, which ones work?
    • Communication within team
    • Communication outside team
    • Lessons Learned*

    What will I get out of it?

    Participants will get an outline of a simple effective framework to help them manage projects more successfully.

    What’s included?

    • Participants will have free unlimited access to the session video recording.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Localisation Project Management - Team

    Localisation Project Management - Team

    Aug 27, 2010
    3,879 views, English, uploaded by Tom Connolly

    This is the fourth presentation in a series of six 75 minute instructor-led modules to give Localisation professionals an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The series is designed for people whose job it is to manage localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance as soon as they return to the workplace.

    What is it about?
    The content of the fourth module is outlined below. The instructor presents each module in 45 – 60 minutes, illustrating the points with examples from his experience.

    Module 4 - Team

    This module deals with the second most important item – putting in the time to get to know the key participants in the project. We will discuss how to do this in an efficient way, and the importance of ensuring that everyone is aware of their own roles, and the roles of the people they directly affect. The key topics covered are:

    • Knowing your team – how to do this.
    • Getting them to do things – techniques to use.
    • How work gets done.
    • Multiple projects and shared resources.
    • Lessons Learned*.

    *A feature of the workshop is the “Lesson Learned” section which summarises the key points and learnings at the end of each module.

    What will I get out of it?
    Participants will get an outline of a simple effective framework to help them manage projects more successfully.

    What’s included?
    • Unlimited access to the session video recording.

    Duration: 75 minutes.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Localisation Project Management - Planning

    Localisation Project Management - Planning

    Aug 23, 2010
    4,125 views, English, uploaded by Tom Connolly

    This is the third presentation in a series of six 75 minute instructor-led modules to give Localisation professionals an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The series is designed for people whose job it is to manage localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance as soon as they return to the workplace.

    What is it about?
    The content of the third module is outlined below. The instructor will present each module in 45 – 60 minutes, illustrating the points with examples from his experience.

    Module 3. Planning
    This module deals with the methods to use so that a complete project schedule can be agreed and documented. As with Module 1, we will discuss how to do this in an efficient way, and the importance of ensuring that all participants in the project, including stakeholders, are aware of the plan, and agree with it. The key topics covered are:

    • Scheduling techniques
    • Examples of project plans and schedule documents
    • Contingency – how can you build it into your plans?
    • Risk analysis - The theory/The reality
    • Budgeting
    • Lessons Learned*

    *A feature of the workshop is the “Lesson Learned” section which summarises the key points and learnings at the end of each module.

    What will I get out of it?
    Participants will get an outline of a simple effective framework to help them manage projects more successfully.

    What’s included?
    Participants will have free unlimited access to the session video recording.

    Duration: 75 minutes

    Price: $ 15.00

    Localisation Project Management - Process and Tools

    Localisation Project Management - Process and Tools

    Aug 16, 2010
    4,343 views, English, uploaded by Tom Connolly

    This is the second presentation in a series of six 75 minute instructor-led modules to give Localisation professionals an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The series is designed for people whose job it is to manage localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance as soon as they return to the workplace.

    What is it about?
    In this video, the instructor will present each module in 45 – 60 minutes, illustrating the points with examples from his experience.
    Process and Tools This module deals with the use of tools, and the importance of understanding the process by which the project will be carried out. We will discuss how participants currently manage tools and processes, and we will briefly look at some tools and processes used today. However, this is not a technical discussion about tools. It is a guide to the best way to incorporate tools and processes in successful projects. The key topics covered are:

    • What process does your company use?
    • What tools can you use?
    • What tools “should” you use?
    • Examples of typical tools used, advantages and issues.
    • Lessons Learned*

    What will I get out of it?

    Participants will get an outline of a simple effective framework to help them manage projects more successfully.

    Duration: 75 minutes

    Price: $ 15.00

    Localisation Project Management - “Make it clear, keep it simple, make it happen.”

    Localisation Project Management - “Make it clear, keep it simple, make it happen.”

    Aug 9, 2010
    4,868 views, English, uploaded by Tom Connolly

    This is the first presentation in a series of six 75 minute instructor-led modules to give Localisation professionals an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The series is designed for people whose job it is to manage localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance as soon as they return to the workplace.

    What is it about?
    The content of the first module is outlined below. The instructor will present each module in 45 – 60 minutes, illustrating the points with examples from his experience. Questions can be addressed during the module. At the end of each module a general Q&A will be held, lasting for 15 to 30 minutes.

    Module 1. Mission
    This module deals with the most important item – making a good start to a project by putting in the time to understand exactly what must be done. We will discuss how to do this in an efficient way, and the importance of ensuring that all participants in the project, including stakeholders, are aware of the project goals, and agree with them. The key topics covered are:

    • What is to be done? When will it be finished?
    • Who cares?
    • How do they ask you? Examples of requests, good and bad
    • How do you commit?
    • Do you commit? What is “Best practice”?
    • Examples of goal statements, and good and bad practices.
    • Lessons Learned*

    *A feature of the workshop is the “Lesson Learned” section which summarises the key points and learnings at the end of each module.

    What will I get out of it?
    Participants will get an outline of a simple effective framework to help them manage projects more successfully.

    Duration: 75 minutes

    Price: $ 15.00

    Concise writing for subtitling

    Concise writing for subtitling

    Aug 3, 2010
    4,618 views, English, uploaded by Paul Memmi

    For subtitling, semiolinguistic Concision Tools are used to spare the subtitle from what is already conveyed by the audio/visual movie environment. How to focus on the essential message, simplify, shorten it, and make it more dense, yet, give it a more persuasive, vivid and striking form is the challenge. This course will go deeper into the discovery of the proven Ph-D Paul Memmi's Linguistic Concision Toolbox © for concise writing.

    Target audience: Translators and content writers working in subtitling, advertising, journalism, radio, localization and many other types of specialized writing and translation.

    Topics to be covered during the presentation:

    • Graphic Changes
    • Construction Changes
    • Style Changes
    • Intensification
    • Meaning Transfers
    Duration: 70 mins

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Technical aspects of subtitling

    Technical aspects of subtitling

    Jul 12, 2010
    5,675 views, English, uploaded by Paul Memmi

    A presentation aimed at translators who are serious about breaking into movie translation and want to know more about the technical aspects of how it works and avoid making beginners mistakes. The webinar covers the basic technical aspects, techniques and standard formats used in the industry.

    • Short presentation of subtitling, its history, development and future.
    • How does a movie translator work.
    • Technical basics of subtitling.
    • Principles for editing text.
    • Timing.
    • Lines and breaks.
    • Choices in fonts and formats.
    • Differences between amateur and professional subtitling.
    • Standard file formats.
    • Introduction to the constraints of concision.
    • Main tools for concise writing.

    Duration: 60 mins.

    Price: $ 15.00

    An introduction to translating for film and television

    An introduction to translating for film and television

    Jul 6, 2010
    5,408 views, English, uploaded by Paul Memmi

    A webinar aimed at established and aspiring translators who would like to move into subtitling.

    • Short presenter's introduction and story of establishing himself as a film translator
    • Main differences between translation for print and translation for moving images
    • Main principles of subtitling
    • Problem solving and creative translation
    • What kind of work is available
    • Source and target languages
    • Required language ability
    • Equipment and software
    • Markets and rates

    Click here to see feedback on this session.

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    HTML for translators

    HTML for translators

    Jun 29, 2010
    4,606 views, English, uploaded by Andrea Spila

    This presentation aims to introduce basic notions of HTML to translators who are willing to understand how this markup language works in order to improve both their web translation and web writing skills. The participants will be involved in a practical exercise.
    Topics to be covered during the video:

    • Brief history of the web
    • What is HTML?
    • Features of HTML
    • Elements of HTML
    • HTML tags and attributes
    • My first HTML page
    • Heading: Metatags
    • Heading: other tags
    • Formatting tags
    • Paragraphs
    • Lists
    • Images
    • Tables
    • Hyperlinks

    Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Web writing for translators

    Web writing for translators

    Jun 9, 2010
    4,368 views, English, uploaded by Andrea Spila

    The webinar is aimed at introducing basic web writing skills useful for translators who intend to translate or write web content that is both easily usable by human beings and findable by search engines. The participants will be involved in a practical exercise.

    • Reading and writing on the web
    o Online reading research
    o Usability research
    o Search engines and human beings
    • Web style
    o Writing findable information: keywords, formatting and layout
    o Writing usable interfaces: menus, buttons, links
    o Writing a comfortable environment: jargon, formality, identity

    Duration: 1:30 hour

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Improving Effectiveness of Multi-Location Teams - “How do you know they’re working?”

    Improving Effectiveness of Multi-Location Teams - “How do you know they’re working?”

    May 28, 2010
    4,099 views, English, uploaded by Tom Connolly

    This 2 hour instructor-led webinar overviews a workshop designed for people who work in or who manage teams located in multiple locations throughout their country, their continent, or the world. The content was developed by the instructor over many years working in and managing international teams. The structure of the workshop evolved from the Localisation Project Management workshop that has been delivered internationally for 10 years. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their performance as soon as they return to the workplace.

    What is it about?
    Today, many teams are distributed throughout the world. Sharing a common place of work with all one’s co-workers and managers seems to be the exception rather than the rule. New management processes and practices have evolved to deal with this new reality. New technologies have enabled distributed resources to collaborate much more easily. However, how is team effectiveness maintained in this environment? If you’re a manager, how do you know your team is working well? If you have a manager, how do you know if you’re delivering exactly what he or she wants? If you depend on peers, how can you ensure that you get and give deliverables at the right time in the right way? Maybe “the system” will take care of it all (once the bugs have been cleared up)? If you have a system that works, are you using it as effectively as possible? The workshop is divided into 4 modules as outlined below. The instructor will present each module in 20 – 25 minutes, illustrating the points with examples from his experience. Questions can be addressed during the modules, and/or at the end when a general Q&A can be held.

    1. Starting
    • Introduction and background
    • Goal(s) setting
    • Communicating the goal(s)
    • Lessons Learned*

    2. Doing
    • Activating the team
    • Monitoring activities
    • Course correcting
    • Lessons Learned*

    3. Finishing
    • Maintaining understanding of the goal(s)
    • Data vs information
    • Context of team members
    • Multiple activities
    • Multiple “masters”
    • Achieving the goal(s)
    • How do you know?
    • Who to tell, how to tell?
    • Lessons Learned*

    4. Improving
    • Reviewing
    • What is the point?
    • Making the time
    • How and What to review
    • Improving
    • How can we improve
    • Actions not excuses
    • “Fool me once…”
    • Root cause analysis
    • Structure vs Behaviour
    • Infrastructure vs Performance
    • Monitored vs unfettered
    • Metrics
    • Lessons Learned*

    What will I get out of it?
    Participants will get an outline of a simple effective framework to help them manage and work in multi-location teams more successfully. The workshop is best suited to people who have between 1 and 5 years experience working in multi-location teams. The sessions are run in a highly interactive manner. Participants are encouraged to ask questions during the workshop. However not all questions can be dealt with fully in the time permitted, and sometimes participants only think of questions and issues after the event is over. Therefore, participants can email the instructor up to 12 months after the webinar date with questions and requests.

    Price: $ 10.00

    Glossaries without borders - translate better and faster

    Glossaries without borders - translate better and faster

    May 28, 2010
    4,114 views, English, uploaded by Silvio Picinini

    What is it about?

    It is about using glossaries to:
    - make your work as a translator more efficient, saving time and making more money
    - improve the quality of your translations and get more customers and better pay because of that.

    What will I get out of it?
    1. Reasons why you should use glossaries in your daily translations
    2. Practical tips on what kind of terms you should have in your glossary


    1. Why create glossaries?
    2. What to have in a glossary? Types of terms that you should add
    3. How glossaries save time and money? Using CAT tools
    4. What to have in a glossary? Twenty categories of terms that you should add

    Duration: 135 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 15.00

    Localisation Project Management

    Localisation Project Management

    Apr 16, 2010
    4,253 views, English, uploaded by Tom Connolly

    This is a 2 hour instructor-led workshop to give Localisation professionals an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The workshop is designed for people whose job it is to manage localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance as soon as they return to the workplace.

    What will I get out of it?
    Participants will get an outline of a simple effective framework to help them manage projects more successfully.

    What is it about?
    The workshop is divided into 6 modules as outlined below:

    1. Mission
    • What is to be done? When will it be finished?
    • Who cares?
    • How do they ask you?
    • How do you commit?
    • Do you commit?
    • Lessons Learned*

    2.Process and Tools
    • What process does your company use?
    • What tools can you use?
    • What tools should you use?
    • Lessons Learned*

    • Scheduling techniques
    • Contingency
    • Risk analysis - The theory/The reality
    • Budgetting
    • Lessons Learned*

    • Knowing your team
    • Getting them to do things
    • How work gets done
    • Multiple projects and shared resources
    • Lessons Learned*

    • Basics of communication
    • Tools used today
    • Communication within team
    • Communication outside team
    • Lessons Learned*

    6.Project execution
    • The best laid plans
    • Re-planning. Responding to new requests
    • Adding new projects
    • Re-budgeting. Project reviews
    • Lessons Learned*

    1 hour 45 minutes

    Price: $ 12.00

    DTP for translators

    DTP for translators

    May 20, 2009
    5,221 views, English, uploaded by Soledad Azcona

    This video introduces translators to the basics of Desktop Publishing, its place in the process of translating a document and the main tools we use for this task.

    Topics to be addressed include:

    • What is DTP and where it is in the process of publishing / printing?
    • Scope of the translator's work on projects with DTP
    • Requirements for working with DTP software
    • Approaching a project with DTP

    In the video, the trainer makes a presentation to attendees covering the above issues, using a PowerPoint presentation and sharing his desktop, to show the main tools that are used.

    Duration: 62 minutes

    Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

    Price: $ 20.00

    Traducción de archivos PDF - 2da parte

    Traducción de archivos PDF - 2da parte

    May 19, 2009
    5,257 views, Spanish, uploaded by Soledad Azcona

    Duración: 1.5 horas

    Esta es la segunda parte de un curso-video de 3 horas que aborda de manera integral la tarea de la traducción de archivos PDF. Comienza con la definición de la naturaleza original del formato y llega hasta el manejo de archivos de alto contenido gráfico. Se verán las principales herramientas para el procesamiento de los distintos tipos de archivos.

  • ¿Qué es PDF y para qué sirve?

  • Conteo de palabras en PDF

  • Recursos para el manejo de archivos PDF

  • Ir de PDF a Word y de Word a PDF: editores, conversores y programas OCR

  • Funciones básicas de un editor de PDF

  • Traducción de PDF de alta complejidad gráfica

  • Price: $ 15.00

    Traducción de archivos PDF - 1ra parte

    Traducción de archivos PDF - 1ra parte

    May 19, 2009
    5,645 views, Spanish, uploaded by Soledad Azcona

    Duración: 1.5 horas

    Esta es la primera parte de un curso-video de 3 horas que aborda de manera integral la tarea de la traducción de archivos PDF. Comienza con la definición de la naturaleza original del formato y llega hasta el manejo de archivos de alto contenido gráfico. Se verán las principales herramientas para el procesamiento de los distintos tipos de archivos.

  • ¿Qué es PDF y para qué sirve?

  • Conteo de palabras en PDF

  • Recursos para el manejo de archivos PDF

  • Ir de PDF a Word y de Word a PDF: editores, conversores y programas OCR

  • Funciones básicas de un editor de PDF

  • Traducción de PDF de alta complejidad gráfica

  • Price: $ 15.00

    Traducción en ingeniería mecánica

    Traducción en ingeniería mecánica

    May 14, 2009
    4,611 views, English, uploaded by Drew MacFadyen